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This is resource Z888ABA, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/2287734 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14. Discovered flash files: 1
File: Counter_Strike_Crybaby.swf-(2.68 MB, 550x400, Other) [_] Tar Baby 02/12/14(Wed)22:17 No.2287734 >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)22:21 No.2287739 nostalgic... >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)22:24 No.2287741 >>2287739 but still not funny >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)22:26 No.2287742 >>2287741 Only to you >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)22:28 No.2287746 >>2287741 You sound like one of the crying fag boys. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)22:29 No.2287747 >>2287741 i always laugh when his computer gets fucked up >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)22:30 No.2287748 >>2287741 Aww, did this happen to you? >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)23:47 No.2287800 this is bad >> [_] Anonymous 02/13/14(Thu)00:07 No.2287814 >IE6 >in game sprays God how old is Steam anyway? I remember this flash but I had no idea what was going on before I had any real exposure to Valve in '07. >> [_] Anonymous 02/13/14(Thu)00:36 No.2287842 >>2287814 older then u fag get rekt. >> [_] Anonymous 02/13/14(Thu)00:50 No.2287861 >>2287741 I dunno, the team killing guy was pretty accurately funny. >> [_] Anonymous 02/13/14(Thu)00:59 No.2287870 >>2287861 >>2287748 >>2287747 >>2287746 >>2287742 >endorsing a shitty video It wasn't funny. Get the fuck out of /f/ you cancer shits >>>/v/ >> [_] Anonymous 02/13/14(Thu)01:02 No.2287876 >>2287748 >did this happen to you? How would he be posting if he shot up a school and then committed suicide? >> [_] Anonymous 02/13/14(Thu)02:29 No.2287943 >>2287876 Restart from checkpoint? |