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Threads (1):
File[artpieceasavideogame.swf] - (421 KB) [_] [G] Art piece as a video game Xenon !TK/UA49EzE 1568364 Is it an art piece or is it a video game? This is another one of my attempts to push the 'video games as art' movement forward. I had the idea to use a painting, in this case a digital drawing and turn it into a video game. It's short but it should be mildly amusing! Enjoy! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1568374 I'm the shit, dude I had fun playing it cool graphics=/= art >> [_] Anon 1568376 Needs Sound >> [_] Anon 1568381 how do I play??? >> [_] Anon 1568439 >'video games as art' Uhh.... Being art has nothing to do with looking like a painting. >> [_] Anon 1568451 this is art: nk_unicorns.swf >> [_] Anon 1568452 this is so deep >> [_] Anon 1568453 you're 10 years too late mate >> [_] Anon 1568454 Video games are not art, they are a medium of their own. >> [_] Anon 1568479 1) What is a video game? Art is subjective, but is a video game also subjective? 2) Video games can be art in the traditional sense, but this is dismissive of the interactive/immersive capability they offer. What makes a video game hold the distinction they do as art? >> [_] Anon 1568482 >># are you quite serious? >> [_] Anon 1568485 Damn, that's a lot of pizza. I'm going to be a fat What in the hell am I exactly? Not very nice calling the player shit when they win. >> [_] Anon 1568488 Hard mode: win by collecting as few pizzas as you can. >> [_] Anon 1568490 Found a bug. The character has infinite inertia and keeps sliding after pressing left. >> [_] Anon 1568566 Braid was art >> [_] Anon 1568568 >># Oh shut the hell up >> [_] Anon 1568573 You're the shit dude! >> [_] Anon 1568578 All this Gangar. >> [_] Anon 1568592 no xenon YOU are the shit, dude >> [_] Anon 1568596 I'M GONNA EAT ALL YOUR FUCKING PIZZA XENON WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT |