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Threads (7):
File: tumblr.swf-(7.93 MB, 600x800, Other) [_] Ruh-roh Anon 2470523 >> [_] Anon 2470524 Filthy Frank needs to be deported for the good of all Japan >> [_] Anon 2470551 >># This... is... great. Sauce? >> [_] Anon 2470571 >># artists name is at begining of the flash crookedtrees >> [_] Anon 2470574 Nough god ..... >> [_] Anon 2470575 >># my tounge hurts you don't madly lick the knife on the edge thats crazy murder 101 >> [_] Anon 2470583 SO GAY >> [_] WKZworks 2470591 >># We've all made that mistake before. = / I'm guessing this was made by a woman....it certainly feels like it was. >> [_] Anon 2470596 edge la edge
File: tumblr.swf-(7.93 MB, 600x800, Other) [_] Anon 2115509 >> [_] sage 2115518 Take your tumblr shit and get the fuck out of our /f/ >> [_] Anon 2115523 >># get our tumblr shit and put it all on /f/? OK saganon! >> [_] Anon 2115535 Tumblr, before it went to shit with femnazi's and lgbt faggots. >> [_] Anon 2115541 Highest achievable form of autism. >> [_] Anon 2115556 i liked the ending >> [_] Anon 2115565 >saw tumblr, expected shit, got Cupcakes Everything went better than expected. >> [_] why 2115571 This fandom. >> [_] Anon 2115579 the fuck did i just read...
File: tumblr.swf-(7.93 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1965826 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1965839 ahh so i'm not the only one who enjoys sharing this with F >> [_] Anon 1965844 >># guess not, it's pretty funny >> [_] Anon 1965850 >># it doesn't include the last two saddist scoots posts. its just as well though, it has no ending >> [_] Anon 1965855 >># i have only ever seen this flash, never actually went to the tumblr i figured it was still going on i take it that it ended >> [_] Anon 1965858 >># Crookedtrees, the creator of the pinkamina tumblr took down the tumblr, gave up the domain name and took on a new pseudo, attempting to cut himself off entirly from his former identity. he was becoming dogged by people demanding more and more updates that were darker and darker, so he "disappeared" scoots tumblr was run by someone else piggybacking off of pinkamina, they developed a short lived symbiotic relationship as you can tell. when Crookedtrees quit Shroobs abandon scootaloo the sadist. some time later an anonymous person resurrected the pinkamina domain and reposted all of the original work as a "tribute" to CT, who to this day still tries to hide P.S. I found him >> [_] Anon 1965862 >># wow, that's pretty heavy why did you try to find him? P.S. I always assumed the author was a her not a him, not sure why. >> [_] Anon 1965864 >># well i'm assuming its a him and i found him/her because i enjoy all the art produced and seek to emulate the unique style CT's new pseudo is no secret but everyone understands why things are they way they are and leaves him alone out of respect if your interested he goes by cassetterecorder now with a deviant art and tumblr >> [_] Anon 1965869 >># cool, thanks >> [_] Anon 1965873 >># You just posted information about them on 4chan. I hope you know what you've done. >> [_] Anon 1965876 >># the information has been posted on 4chan many times before as i said, its not a secret >> [_] Anon 1965880 this is the only pony related thing i like >> [_] Anon 1965885 >># if you like this you should check out lil miss rarity http://lilmissrarity.com/ one of the longest running pony tumblrs, it started shortly before pinkamina was abandon and is direct spin off of pinkamina with a similar art style and lots more sick and sadistic sex >> [_] Anon 1965893 >># Looks like garbage. >> [_] Anon 1965909 a lot of good pinkie going on today >>>/mlp/10393823 >> [_] Anon 1965915 >># ditto It's like a complete subversion of all I've seen of pony stuff, like all the darkness of a real person that's missing from the characters was dumped into one sad pony. Reminds me of the grim adventures with Mandy's mirror twin. >> [_] Anon 1965972 This flash and these posts should serve as a reminder that humanity is inherently evil and must be destroyed. >> [_] Anon 1965992 2edgy4me >> [_] Anon 1965997 >># well all of the characters have their dark sides, the two best examples are: party of one: pinke feels abandon by her friends, suddenly bags of flour and buckits of tunips start talking to her telling her 'things' lesson zero: twilight has sent off a letter in a week about something she has learned, she freaks out and starts stalking half the town, when she still can't get what she wants she starts casting spells. in the end she almost kills the entire town by forceing them to fight each other. >> [_] Anon 1966013 Why do we have bad people in the fandom? Oh wait, humanity. Retards everywhere, even the haters. >> [_] Anon 1966026 Oh, hating humanity is easy once you realize all of them are shitbags >> [_] Anon 1966032 >># wow thats some dark shit man >> [_] Anon 1966055 >># >real person That was a joke, right? >> [_] Anon 1966064 why did i read through that entire fucking thing what utter 'I'M SO EDGY' garbage holy fuck my brain >> [_] Anon 1966082 >># if you know bout the history of the story you would realize it's not "I'M SO EDGY" garbage... >> [_] Anon 1966084 could have done without the cloppish shit, but that was pretty cool. also, fucking homestuck reference. >> [_] Anon 1966094 >># no dude it's my little pony played up like johnny the maniac. it's uninspired, uninspiring shit. every teen girl and their epileptic dog has done this or the equivalent of this. >> [_] Anon 1966099 >># again there is more to it than you realize http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cupcakes-m y-little-pony-fanfiction http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Cupcak es >> [_] Anon 1966107 3edge5myself >> [_] Huge Faggot 1966110 >># Cupcakes is the epitome of edgy what the fuck are you talking about, autismlord? >> [_] Anon 1966115 >># >what the fuck are you talking about, autismlord? now who's trying to be edgy?
File: tumblr.swf-(7.93 MB, Other) [_] Zenon 1809473 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1809526 I can't believe someone took the time to make this >> [_] Anon 1809556 I would like to thank whoever took the time and effort to make this, as this was the blog that got me into Tumblrpon. It feels like forever ago when crookedtrees gave up the blog and deleted it, but know it shall live forever in my files! thank you >> [_] Anon 1809615 I enjoyed browsing this. And I'm not even a brony. I just..really, REALLY like the blood and killing. >> [_] Anon 1809617 heartwarming >> [_] Anon 1809641 Well, buck... I liked that so much I don't think I'm going to get to sleep soon. >> [_] Anon 1809654 >># Yeah, I was like, "what the fuck pony shit is this?" and I just kept reading. Murder is delightful! >> [_] Anon 1809661 Link to the page? >> [_] Zenon 1809667 >># It no longer exists. What you've just seen is all that is left >> [_] Anon 1809668 >># It is indeed. >> [_] Anon 1809669 WHY OH GOD WHY NO NEVER THE TEARS WONT STOP. THAT CAN'T BE IT. >> [_] Anon-sama 1809672 >># That's a damn shame. I enjoyed this... >> [_] Anon 1809721 That was disturbingly.... Heart warming....
File[tumblr.swf] - (7.93 MB) [_] [?] >># more cupcakes Anon 1589070 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1589100 nigger >> [_] Anon 1589103 >># Which makes me wonder, why didn't they kill the nigger pony? >> [_] Anon 1589116 nigger ponies dont taste good >> [_] Anon 1589126 >># has aids >> [_] Anon 1589139 >># >># Killing isn't the only answer. There's always torture. >> [_] Anon 1589146 so eedgi and deep and sexiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ponies r so cool lol! >> [_] Anon 1589168 so instead of making a good story with humans you made it with ponies. i bet a lot of people read the text in the pony voices too. im glad ive never watched that show >> [_] Anon 1589197 >># You're a sad person. :) >> [_] Anon 1589202 STILL more cupcakes D: >> [_] Anon 1589219 >>more pony retardation At least I can take comfort knowing this will upset some ponyfags. >> [_] Anon 1589251 Hmm... I actually clicked through it this time... There are some good expressions in the artwork, and a bit of a story too. Nice. >> [_] Anon 1589270 Epicsauce. In my mouth.
File[tumblr.swf] - (7.93 MB) [_] [?] /f/ sucks today Anon 1583293 Everything is shit or years old. Even ponies would be an improvement. >> [_] Anon 1583317 what the actual fuck? >> [_] Anon 1583336 >Even ponies would be an improvement I hope you get b& for that sentence >> [_] Anon 1583337 and you have done nothing to improve the quality. i would claim that you have made it even worse. and not because of ponies, but because of this tumblr slideshow bullshit. the art isn't good, the artist isn't funny or witty, and it's not even decent porn. a yandere, sadistic, dominatrix pony answering questions over tumblr? thank you no, i'd rather /f/ be nothing but old meme flashes.
File[8d36ef19ef61c5f053f5bb86cb100833.sw f] - (7.93 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1580297 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1580320 well. that was awesome. >> [_] Anon 1580334 Reminds me of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Not bad. >> [_] Anon 1580362 "Love for me is like, you meet somepony, but you don't want to murder them." >> [_] Anon 1580367 ponyfaggots >> [_] Anon 1580378 this was awesome >> [_] Anon 1580384 Any more of these? >> [_] TheOpinionatedOne 1580387 I don't know what's worse: the AWRIJOONALL character, the fact that it's about ponies, the attention craving shit about cannibalism and lesbian showing off or just the combination. I feel a little dead inside. Blame the ponies. >> [_] Anon 1580397 I found it enjoyable but the fact that it was ponies detracted from it, in my opinion. Meh, fetishes. >> [_] Anon 1580398 >># original character? what? it's the depressed/evil side of pinkie pie. >> [_] Anon 1580399 more stupid ponyfag shit this is just as bad as that saria flash, or as one user once said , "I have achieved anti-erection". >> [_] Anon 1580400 >># please, with the way the fanbase has taken this Pinkamena thing, she might as well be >> [_] Anon 1580402 >># basically like cosplaying over the internet like furries >name themselves something retarded, usually with tripcode >always respond with a stupid picture in tow and after clicking just a few times through this stupid ass flash, they literally are trying to become that same stupid character. I would say it's sad, but I don't really give a fuck about a ponyfag's wellbeing. >> [_] Anon 1580403 >click on flash >ponyfaggotry >rapidfire clicking, majority of it is something some goth chick would think about in 8th grade. >homestuck bluh reference >exit thatsrealfuckinneato.avi >> [_] TheOpinionatedOne 1580412 >># I couldn't say this any better. Also >emo behind the tumbler account gets turned down for being fat, goth and a lesbian >ranting and raving, extended to more lousy snuff porn >more criticism from viewers >eventual trolling >depression and angst >quits the fandom andnothingofvaluewaslost.jpeg >> [_] Anon 1580416 Well I thought it was good... But anyhow, this thing still alive or dead? >> [_] Anon 1580419 >># Well, it was seen as more canon after an episode where she did go insane. But not homocidal(Yet) Otherwise cupcakes made insane pinkie 60% more popular with the combo of that episode |