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Threads (9):
File: How scandinavians pass the time.swf-(5.44 MB, 400x300, Porn) [_] Anon 2762290 >> [_] Anon 2762294 What? Did he dangle the camera onto a floor below, and then she pulled him down? >> [_] Anon 2762295 >># Apparently >> [_] Anon 2762312 >># I'm going to assume that was a dummy >> [_] Anon 2762314 >># doesn't need to be a genius to notice it was a dummy... >> [_] Anon 2762336 >># >># hahahaha no it was him lmao rekt >> [_] Anon 2762366 >># Bait'n hard bro, bait'n hard. >> [_] Anon 2762411 tits for the win
File: How scandinavians pass the time.swf-(5.44 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1761720 >> [_] Lux Lighshield !cUvVHYa3YU 1761737 "I have found a string, for my camera" "Let's see what the neighbour is doing" >> [_] Anon 1761739 Daaaamn >> [_] Anon 1761810 So fake. You can see it's a dummy when it falls. >> [_] Anon 1761814 I'd fuck that girl hard, man. >> [_] Anon 1761817 >># That´s because it´s a prank, youtube it,
File: How scandinavians pass the time.swf-(5.44 MB, Porn) [_] One for the lulz Anon 1753438 >> [_] Anon 1753450 that got me. 9/10 >> [_] Anon 1753458 Would be better if he screamed on the way down. 8/10 >> [_] Anon 1753459 That was fantastic. probably one of the best trolls I've seen in a while >> [_] Hank Hill 1753468 "y mather? y u kiell tht boi?" "4 teh lulz lattle wun." >> [_] Anon 1753473 >># it was a doll... >> [_] Anon 1753527 i dont understand can someone explain wtf is supposed to be happening here? >> [_] Anon 1753574 >># OH my god, that got me >> [_] Anon 1753575 >># he tied a camera to a string and a stick and lowered it to check out the ladies tits, when she pulled on the camera he thew a dummy off the balcony so she would think she pulled him off by accident
File[How scandinavians pass the time.swf] - (5.44 MB) [_] [L] oh those wacky danes... Anon 1684658 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1684714 I laughed harder than I should've >> [_] Anon 1684729 >># you should of. >> [_] Anon 1684734 >># reverse troll? >> [_] Anon 1684740 >># Wat. Since the video made it online, I assume that wasn't the guy filming, but a dummy of some sort? >> [_] Anon 1684747 >># it's a dummy. you can tell by how stiff it is when it falls. >> [_] Anon 1684848 Danes aren't Scandinavians! How come only us Swedes and Norwegians know this!? >> [_] Anon 1684914 She talks in russian btw
File[How scandinavians pass the time.swf] - (5.44 MB) [_] [L] Oh those Danes... Anon 1657344 >> [_] Anon 1657349 Dont know why, but it screams "FAKE". >> [_] Anon 1657361 Boobs: Real Death: Fake >> [_] Anon 1657365 "Hey let's see what the downstairs neighbour is doing" LOL >> [_] Anon 1657470 >># "Hey let's see what the upstairs neighbor is doing down" >> [_] Anon 1657495 if you pay attention. just a little after she gets a hold of the camera, you can see a hand pull a string there for pulling on the dummy making it fall. the scream might have been real.
File[How scandinavians pass the time.swf] - (5.44 MB) [_] [L] "Hey let's see what the downstairs neighbour is doing!" Anon 1631022 (in Danish!) >> [_] Anon 1631033 Okay, that was a laugh. >> [_] Anon 1631092 not really. how much of an arm must she have on her. also, was he attatched to the rope or something? >> [_] Anon 1631098 it's a mannequin going over the edge >> [_] Anon 1631161 before the moment he falls down, the camera movie changes between shots >> [_] Anon 1631185 Scared my shit, but it couldn't have been real. >> [_] Anon 1631235 It's not. Just a mannequin like stated before. >> [_] Anon 1631246 is it wrong to fap to this?
File[How scandinavians pass the time.swf] - (5.44 MB) [_] [L] Let's see what the neighbour downstairs is doing Anon 1619462 (Danish) from a since removed youtube video :( >> [_] Anon 1619466 floppy tits going floppity flop flop large dark nipple people. >> [_] Anon 1619471 BEST PRANK EVER holy shit I lol'd but it's pretty obvious >> [_] Anon 1619495 >># Hey I'd fuck her! >> [_] Anon 1619506 >># I call vagina! >> [_] Anon 1619512 >># I call ass!! >> [_] Anon 1619513 >># Meh I'll take mouth >> [_] Anon 1619514 >># Fuck... I guess I call dem titties >> [_] Anon 1619515 >># *sigh* This is what I get for sleeping in... I'll take left hand... >> [_] Anon 1619516 >># well I'm left-handed so I'll take her right hand >> [_] Anon 1619517 >># I'll wait my turn. I'll take the ass when that other guy is done. >> [_] Anon 1619521 >># She's got 2 feet left you picky bastard >> [_] Anon 1619523 >># Someone else can get the feet! I'd rather get sloppy seconds in an ass than have her rub me down with her feet. Is that really so much to ask? >> [_] Anon 1619529 I want to gut her and chew on her spleen. And then, of course, I'll have a wank. >> [_] Anon 1619533 >># I want to date her for a year or two, get to know her, get engaged, get married then AFTER the wedding, make sweet sweet love in the missionary position unf unf unf >> [_] Anon 1619543 >># Reported, you sick bastard. >> [_] Anon 1619547 >># thanks a lot asshole now I can't even fap to this any more >> [_] Anon 1619549 woah! Is he ok? >> [_] Anon 1619550 >># he landed in the pool I'm sure he's fine >> [_] Anon 1619554 >># >># Well... he ended up in a wheelchair for life and shows this video to kids in schools telling them not to do stupid things like this... The important message you can take from all of this is that I am kidding and the thing you saw fall is actually a mannequin. >> [_] Anon 1619555 You are now breathing manually >> [_] Anon 1619558 >># Why does nobody ever worry about the safety of those poor poor mannequins? They can't swim, you know! >># No I'm not. I... *gurk* >> [_] Anon 1619559 you now have to pee >> [_] Anon 1619602 I call her feet. >> [_] Anon 1619639 I call her left nostril. >> [_] Anon 1619644 Does she have a fake tan? Her skin is not natural.
File[How scandinavians pass the time.swf] - (5.44 MB) [_] [L] Yes it's in Danish Anon 1614027 Sauce was a youtube video that was since removed due to TOS violation :( Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1614029 hehe... "Let's see what the downstairs neighbour is doing!" >> [_] Anon 1614066 oh god, did he fell into the pool? >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 1614069 whooOOOOOOPS! >> [_] Anon 1614071 JAJAJAJAAAAAAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA HE FALLED IN POOL. JAJAJA. I LIKE SCAMDIAN WOMAN. I WANT FUCK HER. >> [_] Anon 1614114 Not the first time I've seen this prank; still pretty funny, though. >> [_] Anon 1614155 dohohohoho dat was awesome in so many ways >> [_] Anon 1614181 hey, she's russian >> [_] FOE 1614292 I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HAPPENED >> [_] Anon 1614330 >># she pulled the string... pulling "him" over the rail and into the pool /looked like a mannequin to me
File[How scandinavians pass the time.swf] - (5.44 MB) [_] [L] How Scandinavians Pass The Time Anon 1608230 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1608231 i have never loled so hard in my life >> [_] Anon 1608239 AHAHAHA The important question is... would you hit that woman? (I mean in an unf unf unf way not physically smack her) >> [_] Anon 1608247 it's been a time i didn't lol at the internets ,thanks op >> [_] Anon 1608258 obviously russian, not a scandinavian language. gets your facts straight >> [_] Anon 1608277 Hope the pool had enough depth ... And I would hit her with the gravitational force of 9001 black holes. >> [_] Anon 1608281 at first I didn't, but then I did. >> [_] Anon 1608296 >># I am from Denmark, he is speaking danish. >> [_] Anon 1608309 >># Obviously danish >> [_] Anon 1608325 I wonder if this was staged? Everything seemed a little set up. >> [_] Anon 1608360 If it wasn't staged, I wonder how he got the tape back... >> [_] Anon 1608376 looks fake >> [_] Anon 1608403 I'm not sure exactly what happened... >> [_] Anon 1608421 wow u fucking morans its obvious theres a manican that falls not him good job >> [_] Anon 1608426 >># Not sure you're allowed to call people "morans" when you don't know how to spell mannequin. >> [_] Anon 1608432 >># "Moran" is an old meme spelling for "moron". It's not commonly used anymore, but I'd assume he was pointing out it was fake (which is obvious), but doing it in a sarcastic way. >> [_] Anon 1608443 >># Actually, I was incorporating the old meme, but also was just trolling for a response from someone intelligent. >># did so beautifully. >> [_] Anon 1608446 >># a certain Jpg comes to mind of someone making a post, being called retarded, and then trying to cover their ass by saying they were trolling. >> [_] Anon 1608492 >># >># >># >># I don't even know who's trying to troll whom anymore, whether they're legitimate or just trolls trying to look like trolls, but failing. >> [_] Anon 1608501 Moar of that girl op. Preferably her spreading her lips wide for a cock insertion. >> [_] Anon 1608502 Anyways, not him, what ever comes over the edge keep much too straight a posture while air borne. >> [_] Anon 1608507 Sauce. |