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Threads (1):
File[degds.swf] - (938 KB) [_] [?] Will flash realy die? Anon 1638315 I don`t believe it! Java is more difficult than AS, why should I study another language? What do you think about? >> [_] undefined 1638321 Apples and oranges. >> [_] Anon 1638349 Harmonicas >> [_] Anon 1638360 Apple wants to kill Flash despite it being the closest thing the internet has to a standard language for what it does fucking monopolists, Microsoft never did this sort of shit >> [_] Anon 1638361 Come on, can they actually kill it? >> [_] Anon 1638367 Flash is a Web presentation platform that is good for displaying media, uses intuitive graphical development tools, and is well suited for animation. Many users who have the Flash plugin installed do not have the Java plugin installed. Flash files can stream and launch instantly when loaded from the local system. Java is a platform independent programming language. It can run on the system or from a browser plugin. Historically the browser plugin had graphical and stability issues. Java programs tend to be slow in starting and hungry for resources. On the other hand, any program written in Java can run on any device that supports Java, such as smartphones. Development for Java requires programming skill, which many visually inclined Web designers are not geared toward. Yet it provides better access to resources such as a file system, making it better suited for application programs. Apples and oranges. >> [_] Anon 1638371 Well /f/ is certainly dead, only 35 replies and it is Saturday. >> [_] Anon 1638373 WHAT ABOT HTML5 GUIS???????? >> [_] Anon 1638382 >># Thank for explaining. When I see this: http://en.enter-media.org/_ld/1/143_skul lheader.swf , I think god bless Adobe, java will never do such things. >> [_] Anon 1638384 >># holy shit you can draw lines with just htmloneoneone >> [_] Anon 1638387 >># Html5 is made to work with java. If you want to be familiar with html5, you need to learn Java. >> [_] Anon 1638401 wow guiz, html5 has a video tag! since that's all flash is used for anyway it will definately replace flash. |