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Quong 1.1.swf
8,34 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 21/3 -2012 00:39:40 Ended: 14/6 -2013 22:54:16Flashes: ~2 Posts: 4
/ > /gg/ > Thread 1013 Age: 443.96d Health: 0% Posters: 2 Posts: 4 Replies: 1 Files: 2+3
>> TkdTom 3356 Quong A game I made for an assignment and trying to get it to run on my tablet for a portfolio interview, feedback welcome, made all the assets and music myself :) [IMG] Quong 1.1.swf (8.34 MiB) 800x600, Compressed. 1 frame, 60 fps (00:00). Ver10, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA>
>> TkdTom 3357 [IMG]QUONGpic.jpg
>> Anon 3365 Nice idea, a good way to make the old boring pong game better! At game start you should make so that the ball can't launch in a way so that the computer can't catch it. Just make the ball always go directly towards the AI paddles. It felt weird when I started a game and the ball just went directly past the AI and I scored without even touching the ball once myself.
>> Anon 3366 Found a bug: if you have won and then select main menu and then start a new game you'll get the "you win" screen again without actually playing again. Also, shouldn't it say "play again" instead of "retry" if you win? Another bug is that if you start game and then go to the menu and start a new game the music will play twice and overlap each other. It's a lot harder to play using keyboard than mouse. You just have to follow the ball with your mouse. You should implement a maximum movement speed for the pads so that they will still move as slow as they do with keyboard even when you are using a mouse. Also I would make it so that the pads move at half speed if you move them both at the same time. That way it's not as easy to position them in the last minute and you'd actually have to plan ahead. Another issue is with the directional change of the pad. Take the top pad: if the ball hits to the right it will go to the right, if it hits to the left it will go to the left. It gets very easy to shoot the ball away to the AI this way, you don't have to use both your paddles. What you should do is make the ball preserve its direction to some degree, although the paddles will change the direction a bit. This way you can affect its direction but not directly control it. I'd also make the ball move a little tiny bit faster with each hit. That way it doesn't get boring as fast and you feel that something happens. Btw how did you make the music?
Created: 21/3 -2012 00:52:16 Last modified: 19/3 -2019 03:27:40 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:27:48