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Threads (12):
/ > /swf/ > Thread 21181 Age: 50.01d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 82369 [IMG] Scale of the Universe 2.swf (2.8 MiB) 960x540, Compressed (Deflate). 3 frames, 60 fps (00:00). Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, 960x540, Game) [_] Anon 3351432 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3351440 >># I'm at 10 to the minus 4.7... and what the hell is "thou" and "twip"? >> [_] Anon 3351441 >># disregard that, i suck cocks and i don't use Symbian >> [_] Anon 3351442 >># length measurement, you could just look it up, if it interests you >> [_] Anon 3351447 >># You could've just clicked them ya dingus >> [_] Anon 3351451 I occasionly like opening this flash just to read the descriptions again and realize how small we really are. Perhaps in our lifetimes we'll get to learn a little more about the space around us. >> [_] Anon 3351458 you're a gay faggot, this isn't a game this is someone's recording of parts of games. >> [_] Anon 3351478 >># I like zooming way in and continuously being surprised at how small some things are. Also, viruses are nanomachines prove me wrong. >> [_] Anon 3351486 I can't comprehend the hugeness of the universe if Hatsune Miku isn't the standard contrast to everything. >> [_] Anon 3351499 someone should edit in gurren lagaan into this >> [_] Anon 3351508 >># Someone should make a collaboration of the two. >> [_] Sammy 3351512 >># Apparently the theory that the Y-chromosome is shrinking is bullshit, it was shrinking, but has been stable for 25Million years But if it was shrinking, wouldn't that eliminate the male sex? Thus eliminating mankind unless we were able to artificially synthesise sperm cells? >> [_] Anon 3351538 >># nanomachines are capable of self-replication, or they would be if they existed. viruses can't do shit by themselves - they need a working, living cell to make copies. :colbert: >> [_] Anon 3351601 >># feminist conspiracy theory about the lack of necessity for males. >> [_] Anon 3351613 >zoom into smallest >no "your dick" >zoom out to largest >no "your mom" fucking disappointed if i'm being honest with you
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, 960x540, Other) [_] Anon 2884170 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2884181 dang >> [_] Anon 2884218 >># Ah I remember being the first to post this, man it's been a while. >> [_] Anon 2884267 zoomed all the way out and didn't see your mom. very disappointed. >> [_] Anon 2884304 zoomed all the way in and didn't see your dick. very disappointed. >> [_] Anon 2884312 zoomed around and around and only got dizzy. btw, found his dick in your mom, but it's off to the side where it's hard to see at any resolution.
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, 960x540, Other) [_] Enlighten yourself Anon 2758337 >> [_] Anon 2758349 Thanks OP >> [_] Anon 2758359 >># That Kerbal Space Program music... >> [_] Anon 2758360 Top quark The new kek >> [_] Chollux 2758435 The kek is the fundamental building block of the 4chanverse, which exists entirely within imagination's boundaries... so it contains like all universes, even the ones containing the other universes with alternate versions of you imagining that you also exist in them. Watch the futurama episode for more on simultaneous parallel existence. >> [_] Anon 2758438 you're such a purposless faggot >> [_] Anon 2758449 At the end of the left side of the scroll bar: /b/'s brain >> [_] Anon 2758462 >no Gurren Lagann at the end A bit disappointed.
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, 960x540, Other) [_] Anon 2704287 >> [_] fedex5 2704330 ni me importa ponerlo en ingles, es de las mejores cosas que he visto en 4chan thanks op! >> [_] Anon 2704341 Top Quark. >> [_] Anon 2704439 This is so beautiful and the music makes it so much better
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, Other) [_] Humans are insignificant OPisafaggot !!Kboh7IjUNj3 1966959 Taken straight from the NASA website Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1966988 >minecraft world wat >> [_] Anon 1966995 That's so swag. >> [_] Anon 1967067 Very nice OP thank you! >> [_] Anon 1967094 >humans are insignificant says the atheist >> [_] Anon 1967105 >># Says the spec >> [_] Anon 1967117 Very nice, OP. Many thanks It astonishes me how can the human be so "insignificant", yet so complex to the point of observing and taking notes on things as big as the entire galaxy itself. >> [_] Anon 1967137 I really wish someone would put an xbox as the biggest thing. I look for it every time ;_;
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, Other) [_] Scales Anon 1874335 Universe Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1874337 >zoom all the way in >not OP's dick I wish Linux could into flash ;_; >> [_] Anon 1874344 >># Joke's on you I named my dick Planck Also I may not be remembering correctly but I think it worked for me in Ubuntu unless some functionality was borked >> [_] Anon 1874415 >># No, I mean an editor. If there was any decent editor for Linux I'd be able to slap that bitch in. Hence a bloobloblooblobloo >> [_] Anon 1874549 Canis Majoris < your mom
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, Other) [_] Voyager left the Solar System Today! Anon 1836147 Stop, Sagan time.
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, Other) [_] fagetz NoamChromskysAnus !9wwUWiz0RU 1826237 m0ar science! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1826304 Speaking of science, the bit about the Y Chromosome is incorrect. Research has shown it hasn't shrunk at all in roughly 6 million years from when humans diverged from Chimpanzees, and has only lost 1 gene in roughly 25 million when we diverged from Rhesus Macaques. The Linear extrapolation model is incorrect. >> [_] Anon 1826307 Also Viruses aren't life-forms. It can be argued they aren't since they aren't. Makes it easy, really. >> [_] Anon 1826338 It's beautiful... >> [_] Anon 1826446 Minecraft world at 7.8. >> [_] Anon 1826453 Wonderful. Thanks. I think I'm going to use this as a college project. Much appreciated anon >> [_] Anon 1826456 beautiful >> [_] Anon 1826457 how do i download it? >> [_] Anon 1826530 Whoever made this should have made it scrollable using the mouse wheel.
File: scaleofuniverse_huang.swf-(2.79 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1819525 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1819531 Damn... that was truly one of the most beautiful things I've seen. >> [_] Anon 1819534 i was expecting an XBOX at the end of the thing >> [_] Anon 1819540 so the minecraft world is roughly the size of neptune....interesting fact >> [_] Anon 1819541 >># I expected Gaben or the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, especially when for some strange reason the Minecraft World appeared at the size of neptune. If we can bring in fictional shit like the Minecraft world, then we might as well throw in other shit. >> [_] Anon 1819579 Source: >> [_] Anon 1819615 >># Same here, no Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan, no good flash :( >> [_] Anon 1819670 >Keep zooming out >Everything become circles revolving around other circles (to an extent) >Keep zooming in >Everything becomes circles revolving around other circles (to an extent) >> [_] Anon 1819693 >># Welcome to the universe >> [_] Anon 1819696 That was so fucking amazing. >> [_] Anon 1819701 >minecraft size that made me queezy. I cant believe we can rendor a 3d world that big. our planet is so fucking tiny. >> [_] Anon 1819732 I was expecting it to say "your dick" at the very small end I was disappointed >> [_] Anon 1819748 >># It would of been better if you zoom in all the way and you get the hood.
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File[scaleofuniverse_huang.swf] - (2.79 MB) [_] [?] From /sci/ with love Carl Sagan 1640327 Makes you feel small/big doesn't it? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1640358 It's nice. I appreciate your work~ >> [_] Anon 1640386 heh, minecraft world >> [_] Anon 1640402 At the far end of the tiny scale it should have "your penis". >> [_] Anon 1640414 >># So edgy >> [_] Anon 1640420 Man, this is so cool. >> [_] Anon 1640472 this is freaking awesome thanks for sharing >> [_] Anon 1640473 Ooh...nifty |