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Threads (1):
File[Sakyubasu.swf] - (1.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1642653 >> [_] Anon 1642655 No link to source? For shame. http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtop ic.php?f=7&t=1241 Also, this game is still a WIP. No where near finished. >> [_] Anon 1642683 Can't heal. Can't progress in chap 1 either. >> [_] Anon 1642705 lost the boss battle, went through long sex scene to get to it >> [_] Anon 1642745 I see the controls are still just as delayed and unresponsive as usual. >> [_] Evan 1642753 what was the first game >> [_] Anon 1642755 >suave mustache pubic hair 10/10 >> [_] Anon 1642759 >># I noticed that if you reset the key bindings, you get a much better response time. >> [_] Anon 1642771 remap the keys and it needs some damn healing and maybe some sound >> [_] Anon 1642774 >># You can remap the keys yourself. What did you do, leech your way straight into gameplay? >> [_] Godwyn 1642781 So, I couldn't level up which would have healed me. Kind of a vital thing, regardless of whether or not it's a demo. The no sound thing didn't really bother me. No canned moaning or asian rape-screeching is fine with me. Something that kinda pissed me off, was how the enemies couldn't be hit again right after being hit, except for the boss who was immune a second or so before he jumped back on the platform. Off to a good start, so far. Keep it up. >> [_] Anon 1642785 >># Implying they ever actually finish anything >> [_] Anon 1642792 WHOEVER MADE THIS GAME SHOULD BURN IN HELL FOR DAMAGE MODIFIERS!!!! >> [_] chevaliere !!qP5b0b2uNGf 1642820 Guys, this game is a WIP - Fortunately for those interested, this person (gorepete) is the -ONLY- author on the LoK forums to actually FINISH a game. The only other finished project is a slideshow. Seriously, if you're interested, bookmark the thread and check back - he updates frequently. >> [_] Anon 1642842 >># He did Dusty's Castle too >> [_] Anon 1642850 >># So, we have a lot of sex scenes involving floating grey lumpy things to look forward to, then. >> [_] Anon 1642857 This game is way to slow, do I really need 45 minutes to read: NEW SKILL AQUIRED. >> [_] Anon 1642860 this game is to slow and i have to click to skip every scene and smash the keyboard to hurry up the sex scenes >> [_] Anon 1642861 Ha ha look, another pretentious, shitty, broken flash game that aught to just have a gallery of sex scenes >> [_] Anon 1642902 A hack n slash where I learn new skills by fucking a giant horse dick? I WANT MORE! |