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Threads (1):
File[AlphaWalkwMusic.swf] - (6.03 MB) [_] [L] Walk Anon 1654698 >> [_] Anon 1654701 Very nice. How long have you been working on this particular project? >> [_] Anon 1654702 How's community college going, bro? >> [_] Anon 1654710 >># Thank you. Since Oct 2011 for 3D as a whole, This are my first steps. If you seen the others >># Actually I'm not learning from a community college (Though I should, there's no doubt I need to learn and get better) If you think that these are the results of a community college student, then maybe I should take it as a compliment,so,Thank You. ( Of couse, I hope you don't mean to use College as an insult) >> [_] Anon 1654714 Dat uncanny valley. >> [_] Anon 1654715 Sauce on the music d4 >> [_] Anon 1654721 her face is terrifying. Like some empty, mocking joke of humanity. >> [_] Anon 1654754 Those eyes will give me nightmares, and why she gotta be a nignog >> [_] Anon 1654760 >># >># I have to admit, the eyes are horrifying. >> [_] Anon 1654779 Do you have a profile or something? Where can I view more of this? The eyes! THE EYES!!! If you want to make them less creepy, try to add in eyelids. >> [_] Anon 1654825 Throw out the face and start over, it's pretty shit. Try using a reference if you're having that much trouble. >> [_] Anon 1654826 everything is great except the face >> [_] Anon 1654836 It's Nicki Minaj! >> [_] Anon 1654925 I'm glad you kept on adding music, your loops are sweet! Continue! >> [_] Anon 1654930 The face I think is what makes this special. It defines your style. I do think you should make her white though. White just looks better. A suggestion on looping technique: You only have to loop the visuals once and you can detach the audio from the visuals in flash. Instead set the music to begin on frame 1 in the flash time line (sync should be set to "start"). This way the file size is reduced and there will be no visual OR audio delay (gap of silence/brief animation stop) when the visuals or audio repeats. >> [_] Guide 1/2 Anon 1654932 Export the movie to a silent mp4 and the music to a wav. Import them into Flash CS5: First set the flash FPS to that of the mp4 movie and the width/height of the stage to that of the movie. Set the background color to black. Then import the movie onto stage, adding frames if required (it'll ask you). Position it in the top left corner so it fills the whole stage. Now import the audio to the library. Click on frame 1 in the time line. Under the frame's properties for audio, set the music you imported to the library to play, set sync to start, set it to repeat the music forever. >> [_] Guide 2/2 Anon 1654933 Find the project export settings and adjust the audio quality. Select MP3 128kbps STEREO. Save. Export Movie to SWF file. Open the SWF file in your browser to make 100% sure the animation loops forever without any visual glitches (caused by extra frames you may have added by mistake for example) and that the audio loops forever. After you've confirmed everything loops forever you are done and will finally upload your grade A loop to /f/! >> [_] Anon 1654941 >># Her face looks like she's been raped over and over to the point she doesn't even try to think any more, just does what she's ordered to... being ordered to walk in a circle forever is probably like the world's greatest vacation for her >> [_] Anon 1654944 Don't know why everyone else in this thread is whining about the face, I love the hopeless broken look. FUKKEN SAVED >> [_] Anon 1654945 >># The thing is he wasn't going for that look, he was going for a static, normal look while she was walking around, but it turned out that she looked destitute of emotion. Those wide eyes that have seen everything tell no lies. >> [_] Anon 1654947 Hey Sorry for not replying.... >># >># >># The eyes have a glow, they're big and wide.. They do come off very creepy. I've gotten used to them.... and she has eyelids, they are just all the way open, which give her crazy eyes (she kinda always has them. there was no light on her. You would just see the Iris glow , with a small tint of the whites. >> [_] Anon 1654951 OP here I figured the face is not ideal. I have grown fond to her uniqueness ( also known as "ugliness" to others) but that is partly Creator Bias as well. >># Thank You. She was Originally Black. She was lighter when I started Modeling so I can see what I was doing. Then she was dark skin when I finished but I settled for a medium tone. But I plan on shifting her skin tone, when I do multiples. >> [_] Anon 1654952 >># >># Thanks for the step by step. Unfortunately I didn't use Flash CS5 to make the loop. So I Don't have that control. Time to learn CS5 :) >> [_] Anon 1654957 >># No Profile or Blog. I don't have anything worthwhile IMO. Just slightly tweeked non-sense. But since it been asked about three times. I feel more confident about doing it. >> [_] Anon 1654959 >># Hey, you should totally give yourself a name. Just saying, this anon stuff is confusing a lot of people. Do you have a screen name or alias or something? Also, I'm curious, how old are you? >> [_] Anon 1654965 >> I was thinking of Auri8. It's been standing out in my mind. >> [_] Anon 1654966 >>oh, and 23 >> [_] Anon 1654967 Sure that sounds cool. pronounced Auriate ((Aurieight)/(Auri8)) I assume? >> [_] Anon 1654968 >> Yep >> [_] Anon 1654969 Ya man, just start putting that in the name field and you're good to go. Just remember to watch out for people imitating you, might be good if you get a tripcode too. >> [_] Auri8 !!4zZeIsp9mDX 1654978 I hope it works >> [_] Anon 1654979 Bam, you're a natural. >> [_] Auri8 !!j37UnIyONHd 1654981 I guess now I'm a jerk :D >> [_] Auri8 !!4zZeIsp9mDX 1654982 oops, I failed :P so much for being a natural >> [_] Anon 1654983 Nah, for people who make content and post it on /f/, I prefer them to have tripcodes. makes distinguishing them easier for us and makes you more visible without having to >> all the time. As for your official inauguration: Welcome to /f/. >> [_] Anon 1654987 Thank You. :) >> [_] Auri8 !!4zZeIsp9mDX 1654989 oh jeez.. :P Thank You! >> [_] Anon 1654995 So, when can we expect you to post again? I'm liking this content a lot, and I'd prefer for this little gem to not disappear. >> [_] Auri8 !!4zZeIsp9mDX 1655004 >> I'm converting something now. They are Stills of the Girl, when she was White. Now that I look at it, you guys might be right!! lol Hopefully I can make it small enough to post , without it looking too bad. >> [_] Anon 1655005 >># If you can't make it small enough, just render a bunch of pictures and post the links here. >> [_] Anon 1655006 Just pointing this out. Even the pros have problems with eyes and work on bowls of milk to try to get eyes down right. It's just a weird tidbit you probably never knew. >> [_] Auri8 !!4zZeIsp9mDX 1655011 >># It's up. |