File: Window Girl_hacked.swf-(6.55 MB, 800x600, Hentai)
[_] help me remember a song please Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)20:50 No.2365840
the song is short, around 2 minutes long or so
the tone is wierdly emotional, maybe sad, in such a way that it becomes humorous
around 200,000-2,000,000 hits on youtube
the only lyrics are the title and the title is around 8-9 words of jumbled incoherent nonsense
the melody is played by a keyboard and it is the predominant instrument
the lyricist is basically covered in red shoe polish or something (think mid 1900s blackface) and
he sings both the title and long "oooooooh hoooo" sorts of things
the setting of the music video is abstract, brightly colored, and might be in the sky. lots of
face close-ups and the keyboarder is in the background
i'll try to do anything you want me to do for at least 20 minutes if you hook me up with this
song name
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)20:53 No.2365845
this flash is hacked, click the button in the upper left to reset the blue bar and raise the red
bar. if you want to get her panties off you still have to use the egg vibrator to get her wet
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)20:55 No.2365849
>this flash is hacked,
>Window Girl_hacked.swf
no shit.
it's still a terrible game. I sure do love fucking pixels.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)20:57 No.2365852
what do you consider a better game
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)20:59 No.2365853
Because that's how overrated this is.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)21:01 No.2365854 perhaps?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)21:01 No.2365855
i'm not arguing with you, im just curious. i'm not going to go into some kind of autistic rage
just because you don't like something that i like. i don't find that there are that many h-games
that are high quality except for shit that companies like alicesoft make in japan
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)21:04 No.2365860
Nah the words are long and they aren't the same
think something like "sky my polo swim knife take" or some other incoherent nonsense
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)21:50 No.2365957
how do you put the dick in?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/27/14(Sun)21:57 No.2365968
well if you get her panties off im pretty sure you just click on it