File: KO_boxing.swf-(185 KB, 800x456, Game)
[_] TMZ-19 03/30/14(Sun)17:55 No.2334346
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/14(Sun)18:35 No.2334396
literally kill yourself in real life
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/14(Sun)18:44 No.2334405
I'm pretty sure I saw it here and you're the only know I can think to ask, but I remember seeing
a gif that was full frontal Blaziken who was being fucked by Lucario who was behind her. You know
where I could find that?
>> [_] TMZ-19 03/30/14(Sun)18:50 No.2334417
Perhaps on swfchan, but I haven't seen it before.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/14(Sun)18:58 No.2334434
Alright, thanks anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/14(Sun)19:16 No.2334449
In case you need it I found it after a while of searching.
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 03/30/14(Sun)19:23 No.2334456
Hey hey, I know it's a classic we all fapped to at least once, but this is not the place to post
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/14(Sun)19:27 No.2334462
Dude, this is bullshit, you don't get your health back after you beat her, and have to keep going
after she gets her fucking health back.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/14(Sun)19:30 No.2334463
There's a sweet spot in the middle-left where you can keep blocking and holding the mouse still,
and it will block everything except her lower-right tail attack which she still won't use often
enough to knock you out entirely.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/14(Sun)19:32 No.2334466
And by middle-left I actually mean slightly to the left of the center of the screen. Just try to
find a spot where the animation of the left and right punches as well as the left tail attack all
overlap with your blocked gloves, you'll find it.
>> [_] TMZ-19 03/30/14(Sun)19:41 No.2334470
It usually takes a few tries.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/14(Sun)19:42 No.2334471
Actually, you only need to beat her once, then when it's at the screen where you're holding her
pants, just right click and click play.