/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5191 |
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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 24. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 5505 Age: 28.18d Health: 0% Posters: 16 Posts: 24 Replies: 15 Files: 1+2 >> Soldier_Of_Fap 19apr2014(sa)21:01 No.12504 OP P1 TIFA HANDJOB CUMSHOT HOT [IMG] TIFAHJC.swf (2.85 MiB) 480x360, Uncompressed. 486 frames, 25 fps (00:19). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No. Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)00:15 No.12508 A P2R1 DIE ALREADY SERIOUSLY >> Soldier_Of_Fap 20apr2014(su)00:27 No.12509 OP P3R2 >>12508 Well, if you're lucky, this just might be my last series of uploads. >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)00:27 No.12510 B P4 wow can you not >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)00:29 No.12511 C P5 >>12509 I hope it was. All you do is wasting server space and that's it. >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)01:26 No.12512 D P6R3 Don't listen to them OP, it's not bad. Thanks BUT! Please name your flashes a little better, for example this could have been named "final fantasy 7 - tifa.swf". Just make it so that the flash appears when you search for stuff. For example, if someone searches for "final fantasy" now looking for porn from that series he will miss this flash. Naming it descriptive like "final fantasy 7 - tifa - handjob.swf" would be even better, then people searching for handjobs would find it too. >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)01:55 No.12513 C P7 >>12512 Are you stupid? All he does is ripping flashes apart and then uploading the parts. It's no great work and it has no benefits whatsoever. All it's good for is clogging up the server with crap and making it harder to actually find what you are looking for in the archive. It is bad! Stop encouraging him! >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)01:59 No.12514 E P8R4 Seriously this guy again? Can you not for fucks sake, if you really must upload something just upload the original flash stop flooding the board with your shit. >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)04:16 No.12515 F P9R5 Soldier_Of_Failure posts again. Fuck off and leave the bandwidth to people who actually try. >> PaintPirate 20apr2014(su)07:09 No.12518 G P10R6 And here we are, arguing about something like this, instead of fapping. Good job humanity, good job... >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)09:35 No.12519 H P11 >>12518 Arguing to get better fapping material is somehow worse than shitty fapping material? So we should just be happy with the shit we get, and not even try to improve the situation? You'd make a great politician... >> Soldier_Of_Fap 20apr2014(su)17:48 No.12527 OP P12R7 >>12511 yes well, while converting one of my flashes to a gif. It came out to 6.66 megabytes. So I think it just might be a sign from the holy ghost that I need to stop. But we will see. >> Soldier_Of_Fap 20apr2014(su)17:51 No.12528 OP P13 >>12527 I will also try to name these correctly from now on. And To those of you haters that are complaining about my choice of upload, think of it this way. i'm not the one uploading IRL Horse porn to the server like some other anons. >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)19:25 No.12530 I P14R8 >>12528 That might be true, yet you are uploading horse shit. That's not much better. >> PaintPirate 20apr2014(su)19:54 No.12531 G P15R9 >>12519 To be honest, everyone has seen this clip already... So if you see SOF upload something why not just skip it? Of course you can go and complain to admins, because looks like that SOF isn't going to change his habits of reuploading. What I mean is; why to make so big thing out of this, when there are far better fap material? And when did I say I become politician? Truth: Never. Have fun day anon, and try to stay calm. You know that there is more porn in internet than you ever have time to fap to. >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)20:24 No.12532 J P16 >>12531 *Whoosh* If I become calmer, I'd shit myself. I never wrote, that YOU claimed to be a politician. I did write however, that you'd make a good one with that skewed way of thinking. It's a matter of principle, OP uploads worthless shit and wastes server space and bandwith, that decent files could've used. >> Anonymous 20apr2014(su)22:07 No.12533 K P17 I can't even believe this shit. Stop posting. >> Anonymous 21apr2014(mo)04:23 No.12544 E P18R10 >>12528 No your uploading shit quality rips of already existing flashes for no fucking reason, seriously though I want to know why do you spend time uploading this shit when you could either, A post the original flash, or B not post anything and stop spamming the board. and the horsefucking flashes are disgusting yeah and I wish they weren't here but, that doesn't have anything to do with this shitposting >> Anonymous 21apr2014(mo)13:36 No.12547 K P19 Everyone please remember to sage scar threads to kill them faster. Regular replying only prolongs their time on this board. >> Anonymous 22apr2014(tu)02:28 No.12557 L P20R11 yeesh,'s first noteworthy namefag >> Anonymous 22apr2014(tu)03:51 No.12561 E P21R12 >>12557 Nah there was a guy called scar doing the exact same thing a while back, think he got banned, this is the same guy with a new name I think >> Anonymous 25apr2014(fr)22:23 No.12687 M P22R13 sause >> Anonymous 26apr2014(sa)10:12 No.12701 N P23R14 for the love of good please stop scar >> Anonymous 26apr2014(sa)10:20 No.12702 O P24R15 >>12701 slowpoke, is that you? |