File: Dark Souls 2 PC.swf-(4.73 MB, 480x360, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)13:39 No.2362064
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)13:47 No.2362070
You just fell for the trap
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)13:48 No.2362072
what is source pls
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)13:53 No.2362075
Look at those graphics.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)13:57 No.2362078
what the fuck is this shit?
seriously, weebs have really shit taste
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)14:00 No.2362081
torrenting now OP
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)14:11 No.2362095
What are you even doing on this website?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)14:13 No.2362098
Idolm@ster, nigs.
But beware, once it has been seen it can't be unseen.
>> [_] Jake from Statefarm 04/24/14(Thu)15:18 No.2362164
>received it as gift
>waiting for over a week for Master platform to unlock
>2 hours left
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)15:19 No.2362166
The game is good, but Dark Souls and Demon Souls are superior in every way.
>> [_] Jake from Statefarm 04/24/14(Thu)15:26 No.2362172
can't deny but don't mean a man can't ask for more, unless it's from a darker individual in a
shower room and your butt is hurting more than just slightly
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)15:26 No.2362173
wtf is this retarded shit
>> [_] Jake from Statefarm 04/24/14(Thu)15:31 No.2362177
ITT: Newfags learn about haaaan~ for the first time
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)15:31 No.2362178
Nah, DeS is shit
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)15:36 No.2362184
Shit in term of gameplay or what?
Dark Souls 2 has a fucking gimmick for every boss that makes it 150% easier. Plus, you have to
circle strafe every. single. one.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)15:40 No.2362187
The bosses are better in DeS, I agree, but I feel like DeS is probably the worst overall game of
the series. It's not even that it's hard, it's how obvious they set it up to artificially
lengthen the game (like checkpoints only after every boss). DaS and DaS2 did it too mind you, but
it didn't seem as deliberate as DeS.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/14(Thu)15:44 No.2362190
That's pretty much the same for DeS, though.
Every boss has a way to cheese it.
Not that it matters though, you can easily get a skilled summon to force through it for you.
>> [_] Jake from Statefarm 04/24/14(Thu)15:48 No.2362191
so basically, original dark souls, the second on the series, is best?