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This is resource HUOBYG4, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/5 -2014 05:18:20

Ended:5/5 -2014 08:50:57

Checked:5/5 -2014 09:08:01

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: lion_dancer.swf-(9.91 MB, 300x180, Other)
[_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)22:14 No.2373693

  Young Cougar in short shorts having a blast

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)22:21 No.2373699

  sauce that song?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)22:30 No.2373706

  > Cancer.
  > Yiff in hell.

>> [_] Kitty 05/04/14(Sun)22:38 No.2373717

  I wish to join. They look like they know how to have fun

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)22:44 No.2373726

  Inquiry: Why the fuck would you have a tire iron in hand while looking over an engine?

  Inquiry: How much room really exists under one of those fursuits?

  Inquiry: What permits are required for possession of 15 kilograms of Trinitrotoluene?

  Inquiry: When is the next FurFest?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)22:45 No.2373727

  >being this mad over fun

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)22:51 No.2373732

  This is a Euro-con, and there's a shit load of space in the horrible carpet suits that the guys
  are wearing, but it doesn't breath so you choke on your own smell of doritos and BO. I like hers
  because It just consistss of Arm and leg warmers that go into her normal clothes.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)23:30 No.2373769


  I'm a pedo, but you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. There nothing more autistic than fur.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)23:31 No.2373773

  Little do you know, that's actually a trap

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)23:33 No.2373777


>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)23:37 No.2373779

  if you say so, of course, cuz is normal fun to have autism. I mean how many normal people will
  act "sensually"in a fur suit? furfags culture is worse than fags.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)23:38 No.2373782

  if Anon is still lurking, here is the closest thing to the original i could find, soz. The vocals
  are pretty trash.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)23:43 No.2373783

  >"cuz is normal fun to have autism."

  Disregarding that part, How would you classify normal, in addition, why does being normal equate
  to being anything at all, it's so ridiculously subjective.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/14(Sun)23:48 No.2373791

  wow, you really believe on that........what.... of course dude is a free thinking world, you can
  think what you want. But you must do what society is expecting from you, if you cant do that,
  then you are not normal.
  >subjective points
  every point is made by a subjection. thats so dumb to talk about, but its ok when you are talkin
  to special needs people.
  >"cuz is normal fun to have autism."
  >sarcasm I think

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)00:25 No.2373832

  Must be nice to have the money to spend on one of these suits and a Mercedes.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)00:34 No.2373837

  Retards don't know how cars work.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)00:36 No.2373839

  >being different = autism

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)00:47 No.2373846

  I would say this almost made me into a furry, then I realized that all I was doing was looking at
  the bitch from the neck down which looks normal other than the tail.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)01:11 No.2373863

  You know, disregarding everything else, she's a damn good skipper.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)01:19 No.2373870

  We have yet to have seen any proof that that thing is female.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)01:39 No.2373881

  You know, good point. The figure and motions imply it's a female, but that doesn't mean squat.
  It's a damn good skipper though.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)01:47 No.2373885

  I went ahead and checked, and it's a she.
  So yeah, she's a damn good russian skipper.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/14(Mon)01:49 No.2373886

  This is some real abstract fucking cancer going on in here. I am both horrified and ashamed at
  the weirdness of the human race.
Created: 5/5 -2014 05:18:20 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:33:08 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:43:10