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Happy New Year!

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This is resource K28FFIC, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/4 -2014 02:26:03

Ended:2/4 -2014 05:26:12

Checked:2/4 -2014 05:42:01

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: MosesSupposes.swf-(9.33 MB, 960x540, Japanese)
[_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)19:24 No.2336957


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)19:29 No.2336962


>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)19:36 No.2336976


  This is like a week old and its still the best new thing on /f/ so sad, more oc plz

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)19:43 No.2336986

  Not playing properly for me. It's like I'm watching it with VLC.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)19:45 No.2336989

  This has no right to be so damned cute.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)19:47 No.2336993

  >6 month old video from Vimeo crammed into a 10mb swf

  You're funny.

>> [_] AMM !AMM.FiWTOc 04/01/14(Tue)20:01 No.2337004

  Hey, I consider it an art to squeeze every drop of quality out of h264 in an FLV.
  But if you people want the original, it *is* on Vimeo, free to download without any extensions or

  You're not the only one (there are two of you, unless you're the same guy again). I'm almost
  perfectly sure that you're on a laptop, no?
  Frankly I can't fix that, blame your flash/chipset for shitting it's pants on the sight of MPEG-4
  You don't miss out on anything, though; feel free to watch the video on Youtube or Vimeo - the
  rightclicks should work.

  Also, the age of the flash is ~15 days, >>2336976

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)20:10 No.2337012


  How is it original content when it's just a converted video from another site?

  /f/ is so full of youtube shit, we should just get rid of /f/ and have a /yt/ board.

>> [_] SHAMM !AMM.FiWTOc 04/01/14(Tue)20:33 No.2337040

  Oh don't you dare call it "just converting a video".
  I'm not claiming rights of the video, but the flash is the result of my work. Have you ever
  visited 4chan's board called /f/? The non-pure-flash flashes aka flash videos - VP6 FLVs embedded
  on the timeline, jesus christ. Videos longer than a minute look horrible! Even low resolutions
  don't help against the artifacting, and majority of the videos reach the limit.
  The old Moses was 320x240, even with 8.82 MiB.

  Now, that doesn't sit well with me. I've already touched upon this subject; before I've said that
  If /f/ is going to have flashes with just video in them, why not have *well made* flashes with
  video in them?
  A pretty preloader, properly encoded video, heck, sources in each flash!
  I'm certain you, too, agree that this looks better than the QVGA.

  This is why I choose the best (aka my favourite) videos and give them a proper Flash.
  If you're going to ware through the shit, why not find a few nuggets in it?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)20:41 No.2337047

  Because you're just perpetuating the idiotic practice of posting videos that were never made in
  flash to begin with, on the flash board.

  I don't care that your feelings are hurt because I'm not giving you ass-pats for putting a vimeo
  video in a swf container and giving it a play button.

  Stop cluttering this board with converted videos and post some fucking flash.

>> [_] RAMM !AMM.FiWTOc 04/01/14(Tue)21:04 No.2337067

  Oh boohoohoo my feelings got hurt by you not liking the flash. Did you really

  I'm sorry, but you will never get your dream /f/ with pure flash content; just look at the board.
  I have wished for it too, but: really; have seen the board? Now it's just a matter of trying and
  making the best of it - oh, just like it has always been!
  I'm doing my part by, if not creating, at least delivering quality content. Liked it or not.

  I hope I could automagically help your situation, but frankly, why the hell do you care?
  You can't stop the videos. Me not posting videos does not stop the videos. Crying to me does not
  stop the videos.

  Siispä toisin sanoen: Suck it up and wade through the fucking shit like everyone else.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)21:12 No.2337075

  There'd be less shit if you stopped posting shit with everyone else. Throwing your arms in the
  air and saying "I might as well do it too" doesn't help things.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)21:23 No.2337085

  1v1me fgt

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)21:24 No.2337086

  cute video... too much bullshit in the reviews

>> [_] Totally AMM 04/01/14(Tue)21:28 No.2337090

  Oh come the fuck on already. I'm flattered you still keep on going, but you honestly can't expect
  talking to me will fix things. There are thousands of other /f/aggots, and you know what?
  /f/ isn't even the only flash-related site - people will absofuckinlutely create and fucking
  absolutely post flashes with video.
  I respect your mission, but you can't hope to actually change the minds of anonymous posters thay
  rotate on an hourly rate. Most of which woll do exactly the opposite, just to fuck with you.
  What if I like making well-made flashes, be they video or not?

  My advice to you is: ignore the videos, really. It makes things simpler.

  But if it eases your suffering at all, I can guarantee a (real) update to Hues during this week.
  Pure flash, no videos. How'bout that?
  (Inb4 0x40 is shit, in which case; just forget it. Meikä menee nukkumaan.)

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)22:04 No.2337119


  kill yourself tripnigger

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)22:15 No.2337125

  pls die kthx

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/14(Tue)22:21 No.2337131


  kill yourself tripnigger

>> [_] 04/01/14(Tue)22:25 No.2337134

  The autism flared up strong tonight.
  I am someone who would like to learn how to do things like this... to remake a shitty flash into
  something much higher in quality. I don't know much about coding and shit like that but I'd be
  willing to learn.
  It's not really an art, but it's a nice hobby.
Created: 2/4 -2014 02:26:03 Last modified: 2/4 -2014 05:43:21 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:20:16