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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Minecraft_is_Cool.swf-(4.16 MB, 480x272, Game) [_] you mofo's still play this? (ಠ_ಠ) 04/11/14(Fri)03:30 No.2347163 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)03:40 No.2347173 I seriously hope no one says yes, this shits been dead for years >> [_] (ಠ_ಠ) 04/11/14(Fri)03:44 No.2347178 >>2347173 exactly...everyone is suggesting it to me...but im avoiding it like the cancer it is >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)03:50 No.2347180 Am I a faggot if I play minecraft with like, 30 mods? >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)03:59 No.2347185 >>2347180 that makes you a double faggot >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)04:55 No.2347211 >>2347173 >>2347178 >>2347185 >Cancer It's literally just a sandbox-type game. How can you be so butthurt about it? Then again, I'm on 4chan, so nearly everyone is a self-entitled prick who thinks their opinion holds ground. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)05:05 No.2347215 >>2347185 He's a 50x faggot for wasting time even adding one mod to this boring ass virtual not-lego game >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)05:22 No.2347223 >>2347211 >everyone is a self-entitled prick who thinks their opinion holds ground. That counts for you as well, prick. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)05:29 No.2347228 Minecraft doesn't have much more time in the gaming entertainment spotlight but after that it will still have a while to go before it dies But at what point can we say it is deaed? >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)05:58 No.2347234 >not playing 2b2t get with the program, fuck >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)06:05 No.2347237 >>2347223 You seem to be suffering from a case of "Derp I can't read". I stated a fact about what the game was, then asked how people could be so butthurt over a game like that. Get mad, shithead. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)06:05 No.2347238 >They aren't supporting /f/ in 4Craft 2014 I don't blame you. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)06:54 No.2347250 >>2347163 >Mofo's still play this? >Implying I have ever touched this made for retards game Fuck that shit My shit flinging brother plays this crap >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)07:14 No.2347257 ITT ahem I DON'T PLAY MINECRAFT! WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE?! A KID?! I DON'T NEED YOUR PIXELATED GAME! YOU MUST THINK I'M A JOKE! I'M AN ADULT! I'M NOT A PART OF YOUR SYSTEM! YOU CAN'T BUY ME, MINECRAFT MAN! >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)07:16 No.2347258 >>2347257 But personally, I play Minecraft. FTB modpack, over 140 mods. Build all kinds of shit. So much fun. But if raging at people for having fun and raging at their fun game.... is fun for you.... Who am I to stop you? Rage on /f/riends! Rage on! >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)07:37 No.2347263 Yeah. And I really enjoy it. And play online with friends via hamachi is even better. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)07:47 No.2347267 >>2347234 2b2t is terrible and is just filled with griefers who just do it because it's just fun to be an assclown xD and retarded chat spammers who you could not do anything about at least it was when I played it >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)08:05 No.2347274 Minecraft a shit. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)08:19 No.2347280 Minecraft is currently the biggest, most popular sandbox type game out there. It probably won't lose popularity until someone else makes a good sandbox game that people don't immediately label as a "cheap rip off". Hopefully the next sandbox craze will be better coded and not as glitchy. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)09:24 No.2347306 >>2347280 People with a brain play Gmod, everyone else - muhhhncreffft >> [_] Scratchpad !lvVU9tuu5A 04/11/14(Fri)09:29 No.2347308 Oh look! >its this shit again Glad to see /f/ is still as classy as ever >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)09:29 No.2347309 >not getting sick of minecraft while it was still in alpha I wasted a whole summer on infdev I also have an account I can't access because i signed up for it when email wasn't required my hipster cred account is floating in the mojang database somewhere ;_; >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)09:44 No.2347321 >>2347250 how goes building those castles craftfag? eat shit dogfucker >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)09:58 No.2347328 >>2347211 As far as I understand, it's because Notch left a lot of unfulfilled promises and basically stopped working on the game because there's no point in finishing a game after it's made you millions. Not like any of the fans know this. But for this video? I don't know, someone just got really sick of Minecraft videos, I reckon. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)10:17 No.2347334 Never really liked it. Got it to play with some broad who had nice big titties. She cut herself, though, so I cut it out. Not really fun, lots of fags play it which makes it harder to enjoy it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)11:10 No.2347361 >>2347306 >People with a brain play Gmod 12 year old admins please go >> [_] you guys are dicks MoonDogg 04/11/14(Fri)11:12 No.2347362 minecraft never gets old. It's the most ez moded game out there. Any kind of game play can be moded in. so fuck yal. And yes i have aspburgers. but that tends to come with an I.Q. of 163 >> [_] Anonymous 04/11/14(Fri)11:20 No.2347365 What goku does in his spare time |