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This is resource KUXLSOY, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/4 -2014 01:22:44

Ended:11/4 -2014 04:35:07

Checked:11/4 -2014 05:32:22

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Cat on Acid.swf-(7.58 MB, 450x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)18:18 No.2346737

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)18:29 No.2346747

  >"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no...Oh, no, no, no no, no..."

  TIL that Lysergic acid diethylamide makes felines speak in humanly understandable terms.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)18:37 No.2346758

  Is that actually the cat making those noises? I've never heard anything like that out of a cat.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)18:50 No.2346766

  playing this freaked out my cats, they had to investigate my speakers for cat intruders

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)19:08 No.2346789

  Audio seems to sync up, but given the grainy quality of the video, it's hard to tell. At any
  rate, in all fairness, have you ever given LSD to a cat?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)19:30 No.2346801


  then the cat threw up everywhere, I'm not even kidding this is the sound they do before throwing
  up everywhere, i should know i have three of the little shit bags

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)19:31 No.2346802


  Yes it is, this video's old as fuck. They just did something it hates (I forget what) just off

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)19:32 No.2346805


  the cat wants to throw up but cant, look at the stance, the posture, the constent licking of
  lips, every had the feeling of throwing up and you have that taste in your mouth just before hand
  that you cant get it out your mouth,

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)19:33 No.2346807

  The sound that cat is making falls in line with either the cat being tickled/rubbed in a place it
  doesnt like, or a similar noise can be made when they are incredibly frightened/angry.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)19:42 No.2346819

  pretty sure they put a piece of tape on it's head, it's ears are down like that.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)20:00 No.2346833

  Its the tickling of the bum bum. Literally look it up, if you scratch a cat in a certain place on
  its ass it will literally try to start licking the closest thing near it. It works on most cats.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)21:16 No.2346886


>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)21:23 No.2346891

  It's a very frightened cat. You can tell by the fact that it's standing sideways, tail puffed
  out, and eyes wide.

  Cats make similar sounds before fighting:

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)21:28 No.2346898

  >Oh melon, melon, melon, melon, melon, melon!
  Every time. I love this video.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/10/14(Thu)21:34 No.2346900

  I think he's saying "I like lasagna"
Created: 11/4 -2014 01:22:44 Last modified: 11/4 -2014 05:32:30 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:53:58