File: Madoka Magicka ~.swf-(1.11 MB, 800x700, Other)
[_] [Spoilers] Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)04:27 No.2366399
>> [_] Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)04:34 No.2366406
>> [_] Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)04:34 No.2366407
Pretty accurately sums up anything when 4chan gets their lovely, soft, delicate hands on it.
>nothing is sacred
>> [_] Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)04:35 No.2366408
Hey i got that banner too!
>> [_] Lemur-kun !o5tbkzPCnA 04/28/14(Mon)04:50 No.2366419
I'm assuming it's a song from Madoka Magika, but even using all my xXx420noScopeQuiKCScoPexXxxX I
still couldn't find a source.
I did bring this back, though.
>> [_] Lemur-kun !o5tbkzPCnA 04/28/14(Mon)04:56 No.2366422
Background picture used:
More weird shit:
I honestly do not think there's a source. I heard this flash was from 2chan, feel free to go ask
>> [_] Lemur-kun !o5tbkzPCnA 04/28/14(Mon)04:59 No.2366425
Same fagging so hard over here.
I forgot to mention, hold down space, move mouse around, click center of galaxy, hit tab.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)05:02 No.2366427
also try clicking Madoka's head, and click-dragging her body
>> [_] Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)05:53 No.2366444
xD I hate this show, and the start of the music sounds a bit like Primus
>> [_] Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)06:42 No.2366465
press tab
>> [_] Dr. Feelgood !BotnVwOQbo 04/28/14(Mon)08:09 No.2366490
This is EXACTLY how I remember the show, too.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/28/14(Mon)09:23 No.2366526
Click-drag the thingies at the bottom.