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This is resource W7SWT8M, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/2337780 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29. Discovered flash files: 1
There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files). File: Somebody's gonna get fiddled.swf-(8.15 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Kaz 04/02/14(Wed)15:46 No.2337780 <3 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] AMA !AMM.FiWTOc 04/02/14(Wed)15:54 No.2337787 I see what you're doing, and I like it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:01 No.2337804 Not even upset, I fucking love this swf. >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:28 No.2337835 what song is that? >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:30 No.2337838 madeon finale >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:30 No.2337839 oh my fucking god 10/10 >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:38 No.2337844 >>2337835 you know there were times when you resized the windows and you saw the sauce under the flash, but those times are over Here Kaz made it much more easier for you faggots so you only have to right click that motherfucker and voila you have the fucking sauce right on a fucking silver plate I salute you, Kaz, you are true human being, a true hero /f/ has been looking for so long >> [_] HAHA !AMM.FiWTOc 04/02/14(Wed)16:42 No.2337848 >>2337844 Oh you're fucking with me, arent'cha. On a related note, if I were to update this flash, would you people want other songs (or images?) too, or just keep it to the single Finale? >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:45 No.2337854 >Somebody's gonna get fiddled >Kaz >no vagina bomb son im disapoint >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:49 No.2337857 >>2337848 yes that's what we need another half-made flash that's gonna be updated for decades until it won't be completed perfectly /f/ has became a personal tumblr for everyone I guess >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:53 No.2337864 I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS <3 >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)16:59 No.2337873 Pretty good. >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)18:21 No.2337974 Aw shit nigger this is it, the pinnacle of hues >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)18:30 No.2337980 origional scause? >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)18:40 No.2337989 was expecting fiddlesticks to gank her. >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)18:44 No.2337994 was expecting Skull Face >> [_] Kaz 04/02/14(Wed)18:50 No.2338005 >>2337844 I never made it nor did I change it, I just renamed the file. I cannot take credit for this flash at all. But thank you, have nice day :) >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)19:11 No.2338022 FUCKING. /F/ IS SAVED. That was great. >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)19:18 No.2338025 Did that guy stop rape in a hentai? I-I'm so overjoyed it kills me. >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)19:26 No.2338026 >>2338025 He stopped rape. Because he wants to be the only one to rape her. I shit you not. In fact he already raped her a number of times prior to this scene. >> [_] WAHAHA 04/02/14(Wed)19:42 No.2338035 >>2337857 Hey now, the flash has many problems, since I made it by request in a few hours. The video is bad, the intro and loop are different volume, the white fade-in is too small when fullscreened, the loop is not seamless, the texts are not properly aligned and some elements are blurry. I'm going to fix this one too, but fear not; my flashes get to v2 and then they are completed. >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)19:54 No.2338048 HAHAHAHAHAA THIS IS GOLD >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)20:04 No.2338054 >>2338026 Source? >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)20:06 No.2338057 what are the names of the other .swf files that have this similar song, and style(after the anime part)? >> [_] Kaz 04/02/14(Wed)20:10 No.2338062 >>2338057 http://swfchan.com/28/137560/?0x40+hues+of+megumi.swf >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)20:15 No.2338067 >>2338062 Thanks for the help but that wasn't quite what I was looking for. Probably because I didn't specify and i apologize, but I remember another gif similar but it had multiple girls and multiple songs which changed as I pressed the left and right arrow keys. does that ring a bell? >> [_] Kaz 04/02/14(Wed)20:21 No.2338069 >>2338067 I do know the one you want but I have no clue as to where it originated. Some helpful anon will probably spill the beans soon enough, it's posted quite often. :) >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)20:24 No.2338070 >>2338054 Right-click the flash. I dare you. >>2338067 Are you confused or something? The flashes you're talking about *are* the 0x40 hues; the original name of this flash before Kaz renamed it was "The Origins of 0x40 Megumi Hues.swf". Try a bit of googling. >> [_] Anonymous 04/02/14(Wed)20:30 No.2338074 >>2338070 I didn't know "0x40 hues" was a thing. |