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This is resource XD0ZDE1, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/3 -2014 02:00:04

Ended:25/3 -2014 04:00:58

Checked:25/3 -2014 04:48:34

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 27.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Bill Nye - Creationism is Inappropriate for Children.swf-(8.63 MB, 640x360, Loop)
[_] TIME FOR INTERNET FIGHT Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)19:54 No.2327676


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)20:05 No.2327690

  So I have no problem with evolution, but I think if I did this video would do little to convince
  me I was wrong. It sounds more like he's in love with his own worldview more than he's got
  reasons definitely proving his opposition is wrong. Granted, he's only got so much time in this
  short video, but I'm not sure if it's designed for creationists who hate evolution or fans of
  evolution so they have something to help them feel more right than they already do.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)20:08 No.2327695

  Bill Nye has done a disservice to the Evolution V. Creationism debate. He's gone from being
  fairly well liked to simply attentionwhoring for the cameras and if people bitch about it, he
  namedrops Carl Sagan and disregards all criticism.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)20:40 No.2327729

  Well to be fair to bill Nye who I actually had the awesome privilege to meet when I was like 6
  hes a mechanical engineer evolution and biology is not his specialty. If I recall he did a debate
  against creationist anyone got the link.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)20:46 No.2327738


>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)20:46 No.2327740

  You can't convince someone who believes in creationism that evolution is the correct theory. Nye
  is pointing out that if you indoctrinate kids with creationism at an early age you stunt their
  mental development.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)20:49 No.2327747

  i know it's so annoying these people with the worldview that 2^2 is 4. Annoying.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:08 No.2327773

  Which is entirely true. People are taught at their best in early childhood, and most knowledge
  will become ingrained into their minds.

  If you tell a kid every day that the clouds are made of the souls of the damned that then ran
  down their tears of sorrow, they will probably think it true for a good portion of their life.
  Depending on their own personal intellect.

  The way I see religious people is just people whom don't have the intellect to look past what
  they believe in, and see it for what it truly is.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:12 No.2327777

  Can you entirely blame that on intellect alone? Some people simply lack the courage or self
  confidence to stand up against old beliefs. Don't forget how in older times people would be
  ostracized or excommunicated because of debates like these.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:15 No.2327782

  Nice quads

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:17 No.2327784

  What? Gross.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:20 No.2327790

  True. But then again, would you rather live amongst people you know are wrong, or seek to show
  them they are wrong so they may take the right path?

  I suppose it isn't about intellect, rather the individual's own moral.

  If they truly don't care, they will not speak out. Only those with a passion for what they
  believe will, which is why there is a debate on this subject in the first place.

  In the end, it matters not who is wrong or right in these situations, but rather whom has the
  most passion and understanding in what -they- think is right.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:24 No.2327800

  "science is a religion and you can only have one faith"

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:27 No.2327811

  >In the end, it matters not who is wrong or right in these situations, but rather whom has the
  most passion and understanding in what -they- think is right.

  Or who gets murdered for speaking out against the orthodoxy. You do know that happened for most
  of history, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:29 No.2327817

  That's not actually what's being argued about, but sure, whatever floats your boat. You can be a
  Christian and still know that evolution is true. Unless you're a fundamentalist christian that
  believes everything in your translated-to-English-and-written-by-committee Bible is true, in
  which case you have bigger problems.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:36 No.2327829

  Garbage. Religion, by it's definition is based on belief without proof. That's why they call if
  faith. The Christians have the parable of Doubting Thomas. He who doubts is less in the eyes of
  God. All religions have something similar.
  Science is about belief only after objective, repeatable experiments. In other words, fact.
  Or as a politician once put it: "Your are entitled to your own opinion (religion) , you are not
  entitled to your own facts"

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:36 No.2327830

  that's crazy! I'm going to teach my kids that!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:37 No.2327831

  I was speaking for modern day debates where it is much harder to do that.

  Of course in the past you would be killed, which is why this day and age is wonderful.

  I thank the people of the past who did speak out against those who held power above them in the
  seek of knowledge. Truly they not only had a burning passion for what they did, but also the mind
  to preserve or hide it.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:40 No.2327835

  Tell them that Thunder is Satan claiming the souls for his Domain. It will make thunderstorms
  400% more scary for them.

  >They think it is raining sorrow of souls
  >They will think that the wind is the cry and agony of these damned souls themselves
  >They will think that Satan himself is among them as lightning strikes and supposedly claims the
  souls to the ground of his domain

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:41 No.2327839

  Muricans, how does it feel to be one of the countries that are submerge in the obscurantism of
  our era?

  Your average burger citizen doesn't know the mean of science of theory and immediately start
  shouting "muh semantics".



>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:44 No.2327843

  As long as they aren't burning information we can't get back it will be fine.

  This is what Nye here is trying to say. These adults who you say are you 'average burger citizen'
  will die, but their children and THEIR children will yet live. While the mind of the current may
  be tainted, if you allow the mind of the new to learn, knowledge will progress. (More so then a
  bloody rampage)

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:50 No.2327853

  What? You fucking piece of shit! I'll kill of you fucking.. oh wait...nah... Your just a 12 year
  old troll. Never mind. Later, when you grow up and get therapy, you'll know why. Spoiler alert:
  Mommy was a bad girl for fucking you.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:51 No.2327854



  Try harder faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:55 No.2327861


  Best post on 4chan
  Voted to archive
  Screenshotting so my children and all future generations may see this posts glory.
  Requesting for sticky

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:57 No.2327865

  Actually I feel your first attempt was just terrible, still feel the effects of the cold war? I
  thought the Russians were dumb for being faked out by the US and had their economy destroyed
  because of it? Either way - if ur not a troll - I like PUTIN but fuck Russia in general their
  citizens are idiots in a whole new ballpark compares to Mericuh, go throw some empty vodka
  bottles around in your backyard and stick to youtube 4chan is too high brow for u. If u are
  trolling then wow - ur just plain dumb.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)21:58 No.2327867


  Gr8 m8 l8 m8 r8 8/8.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/24/14(Mon)22:00 No.2327869

  you must drive a Yugo
Created: 25/3 -2014 02:00:04 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:13:23 Server time: 07/03 -2025 02:15:32