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Threads (2):
File[e3974ba46b5ebc86a5a3b4cda0241ab9.sw f] - (153 KB) [_] [?] Forkheads ad for the great lands A Fucking Advertiser 1685118 An advertisers job is to make sure as amny people see the ad as possible, this is the second time posting this.. last time was 1 week ago, if i remember correctly, anyways, i'm bored, so im advertising the ole forgotten land, fun fact: forkheads has been around 2 years longer then 4 chan >> [_] Forkheads ad AnimeFuckHead 1685126 I cant let this die THAT fast.. damn >> [_] Anon 1685136 fun fact: forkheads age doesn't stop it from being shit >> [_] Anon 1685139 11.Adverising is also not welcome. >> [_] s A Fuck Head 1685159 im fully aware that advertising isnt welcome, im not new here, as for age, while true, that doesnt stop it from being an interesting fact >> [_] Anon 1685162 While I think the Sex Kitten series is complete fucking shit, you gain some points with okkusenman >> [_] A FuckHead 1685171 Well, we also made Love Hina Sim Date ... and galaxy angel, as well as other shit, like our 4 part zeitgeist addendum flash >> [_] Anon 1685177 >># can you gladly explain to me what the hell is zeigeist? ive really been ignoring those flashes when they were uploaded (mostly because a majority i looked at were foreign) but what exactly is it about etm. >> [_] A FuckHEad 1685185 Zeitgeist is generally about being agaist government, money, and controlling powers its also about free information anyways, the 4 parts that we made is a re vectored rendition of everything you need to know about money and why it will eventually collapse >> [_] Anon 1685186 ahh i see >> [_] Anon 1685210 how does this one have the most replys?
File[e3974ba46b5ebc86a5a3b4cda0241ab9.sw f] - (153 KB) [_] [?] Fh flash ad Anon 1681271 i honestly dont care if i get banned for advertising, i dont go on here anyways, but this place here is quite awesome, so here, and fuck you all gently with a pineapple >> [_] Anon 1681273 oh cool, shareware >> [_] Anon 1681290 Online storage, huh? What's the catch? >> [_] Anon 1681296 IT'S SO GREAT THE ENTIRE FLASH IS SHIT >> [_] Anonyymi 1681318 >># why sage >> [_] Anon 1681364 >># I agree >> [_] The Fucking Advertiser 1681394 did not expect this to still be up here, well, fucking thanks guys, made me feel better knowing i dont have to do a daily repost of this the online storage may be the only possibility of a catch, ill be honest, even i didnt know we had it, but yom, the admin, said we did, so, i guess you have to ask yom where the fuck that storage is, although i personaly prefer minus for permanant storage, and storage on our site could cause bandwidth issues, so i have no idea where hes going with that, the rest is all true and more, besides, the entire site is free and so fucking compatable, that some people post on it from thier DS, bai, anonymous fucknuts, ill answer any more questions |