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Threads (15):
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Other) [_] Anon 3184312 >># >> [_] Anon 3184408 Best Daytona remix ever
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Loop) [_] wait for it Anon 2956610 >> [_] Anon 2956673 sauce? >> [_] Anon 2956690 >># GAYYYY BONAAAAAAAH >> [_] Anon 2956703 not as good as ROOOOORRRRRIIIIINNGG STTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR RRTT >> [_] Anon 2956706 >># >/o/ >> [_] Anon 2956739 >># Negaren, I don't remember the exact title but it's Daytona Bastardcar something or other.
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Other) [_] sauce ? PinkSteel 2834760 anybody got it ? >> [_] Anon 2834770 sure do, Daytona USA for the Sega Saturn. It's the theme song. followed by the song rolling start. >> [_] Anon 2834771 >># im back, here you go. Xdk >> [_] PinkSteel 2834789 >># >># I'm looking for the remixed version in an mp3, rather than the original . Apologies I should've specified >> [_] Anon 2834796 what's with the /r/ vibe in this thread >> [_] Anon 2834814 >># I forget the exact name of it but I recall it's by Lapfox Trax, might wanna start off looking there >> [_] PinkSteel 2834827 >># thanks for the lead; I'll take a peak and see what's what >> [_] Anon 2834834 is that what you were after OP? CCI >> [_] PinkSteel 2834841 >># oh lawdy; you're too kind indeed it was, danke >> [_] Anon 2834857 Renard
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Loop) [_] DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Anon 2680105 TOOOOOONNNNNAAAAAAAAA DOOTADOOTARUU >> [_] Anon 2680161 GAY BONNNAAAAHHHH >> [_] Anon 2680197 >># First time I've ever heard some Renard on here...
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Other) [_] Anon 2508301 >> [_] Anon 2508305 don't get the reference but liking this tune. theres suppose to be no animation, yea? >> [_] Anon 2508308 >># It's a song from an old Sega Saturn game Daytona USA. you may still find it in some arcades. ZAM >> [_] Anon 2508313 >># forgot to add this version CCI >> [_] Anon 2508371 7jo&list=UUNge2cjJd5ivGMvQTT7XiKw >> [_] Anon 2508394 >># DAYTONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA It's on Xbox Live Arcade if there isn't an actual arcade near your home. Fucking LOVE Daytona USA. >> [_] Anon 2508438 Fuck yeah. >> [_] Anon 2508444 >># HOLY SHIT ALL THE TIME I SPENT IN FUCKING DAVE AND BUSTERS DIDNT GO TO WASTE >> [_] Anon 2508523 I took a tour 2 weeks ago of the track there. It's fucking crazy how high the banking is there, turns 3 and 4 are like a wall. I can only imagine how high Bristol's banking is.
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Loop) [_] Rolling Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aart! Anon 2216172 >> [_] Anon 2216199 Source: -usa-bastardcar Some furfag that makes music or something. >> [_] Anon 2216229 Sounds like if Teddyloid made a song for JSRF >> [_] Anon 2216232 Is the Renard? >> [_] Anon 2216279 >># Fuck yeah it is! >> [_] Anon 2216363 wow.....a Renard Queenston track on /f/...
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Loop) [_] Anon 2127178 Roooooolliiiiing staaaaaaaaaaart! >> [_] Anon 2127183 GAY BONER JUST GO AWAY >> [_] Anon 2127184 You're gay for the daytona stock car? >> [_] Anon 2127191 yeah but, who is this remix by? >> [_] Anon 2127195 Unfortunately, I don't have sauce. >> [_] Anon 2127204 >># hint: Lapfox Traxx warning: furrfags >> [_] To the rescue! Cpt. Swfchan 2127208 CI >> [_] Anon 2127283 Oh hey it renard's furry music
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Other) [_] Anon 2098646
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, 1x1, Other) [_] Anon 2002085 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2002153 /r/equesting the accompanying youtube video for later use. >> [_] Anon 2002175 Daytona Bastardcar - Renard >> [_] Anon 2002195 What the fuck, I thought this was going to be good old Daytona >> [_] Anon 2002197 >># For a second, i wondered did you have it on the Saturn?? >> [_] Anon 2002276 >># k4
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1954085 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1954090 Why is this a flash? Its just a music file... >> [_] Anon 1954146 This is pretty awesome. I'd love a intro screen to a game to be this with a floating head freaking out to the song. >> [_] Anon 1954152 >> [_] Digger Nick 1954215 MADE BY A FURRY >> [_] Anon 1954226 oh my. the intro made me nostalgia at when i was a kid in the arcades... good times >> [_] Anon 1954281 DAYTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >> [_] Anon 1954314 4.html I'll just leave this here... >> [_] Anon 1954327 GAY BONEEEEEEEEEER JUST GO AWAY >> [_] Anon 1954330 Lol, DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYTOOOOONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA-AAA_AA_A_A_A_A_A_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >> [_] Anon 1954336 game ovahhh >> [_] Anon 1954365 all renard music sounds the same shitty
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1946322 >> [_] Anon 1946381 HAIRY BONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA LET'S GO AWAY >> [_] Anon 1946384 Oh My God. It really is Renard. I thought I recognized those drums. I recently discovered Renard/Lapfox. I had no idea furries still existed, let alone made cool music. >> [_] Anon 1946389 >># >> [_] Anon 1946442 >># It really is a shame he's a furry, otherwise I might consider respecting his works. >> [_] Anon 1946478 Nice sample from the original arcade cabinet. I worked in an arcade for years and had to hear that sample 1000 times a day. Better with some beats behind it. >> [_] Anon 1946480 >># I doesn't matter if he's a furry.
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, Other) [_] DAYTONAAAAAAAAA Anon 1911969 No porn >> [_] Anon 1912026 k4 >> [_] Anon 1912028 Is it a little ironic that when I opened this, Shockwave crashed? >> [_] Anon 1912045 >># no >> [_] Anon 1912047 Totally missing the best part, the dootdadootdootdootdootDOOTDOO! >> [_] Anon 1912063 F24%^@ YES >> [_] Anon 1912099 <3 Fucking love NegaRen
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, Loop) [_] Do you know what today is?! NASCAR 1895795 >> [_] Anon 1895796 Yes, Yes I do >> [_] Anon 1895805 >># Someone should have combined with: _s >> [_] Anon 1895814 >># gold >> [_] Anon 1895850 Today is Christian Love Day. >> [_] Anon 1895962 >># >># k4 >> [_] Anon 1895975 >># Congratulations, you win +4 internets >> [_] Anon 1895976 >># Can I fellate you?
File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, Loop) [_] Anonymous06/20/12(Wed)21:33No.1703298 ROLLING START Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous06/21/12(Thu)00:31No.1703379 Sause? >> [_] Anonymous06/21/12(Thu)00:37No.1703381 Damn, now I wanna break out my Saturn and play some Datona USA! >> [_] Anonymous06/21/12(Thu)00:40No.1703383 I'd suck a dick for an MP3 of this >> [_] Anonymous06/21/12(Thu)00:43No.1703387 Here's your MP3. >> [_] Anonymous06/21/12(Thu)05:35No.1703478 Try to go easy on the car
DAYTONA ROLLING STAAAAAAAART 1694758 File: DAYTONA.swf-(4.57 MB, Loop) [_] ROLLING STAAAAAAAART DAYTONA 1694758 Marked for deletion (old). >> Akira Fudo 1694771 [_]AkiraFudoNo.169477106/09/12(Sat)03:52 1694771 Cool , you know how to use the Amen Break . Good for you >> Anon 1694787 [_]AnonymousNo.169478706/09/12(Sat)04:13 1694787 >># >implying there is anything wrong with that >> Anon 1694814 [_]AnonymousNo.169481406/09/12(Sat)04:49 1694814 Do the same thing with GAME OVER YEAAAAAAAHH nao >> Anon 1694815 [_]AnonymousNo.169481506/09/12(Sat)04:49 1694815 Source just btw CI |