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Threads (1):

[XL0MB7B]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 17/6 -2012 04:16:03 Ended: 17/6 -2012 10:38:59Flashes: 1 Posts: 14
File: Cooking_popcorn.swf-(4.96 MB, Loop)
[_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)21:08No.1700477 IS IT FOR REAL? Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)21:21No.1700485 No, they're speaking in Tongues.
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)21:33No.1700491 No, if your phone could produce that much heat, you would have 3rd degree burns on a daily basis.
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)21:37No.1700495 >># >Seriously? >Bro I learned this shit in like 10th grade, Radio waves cook your food. Not heat.
>> [_] correctionAnonymous06/16/12(Sat)21:37No. 1700496 >># ** I meant for microwaves, you can cook your shit with fire, don't get me wrong, but this would work in real life.
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)22:08No.1700516 >># Right that's why things put in microwaves don't get hot and the air inside the heating chamber and emitting from the device isn't warm at all! No, microwaves cook your food via Dielectric heating. heating Basically, the waves operate at a high frequency and cause atoms to move, movement makes heat, microwaves heat things up. 1000 phones can't produce enough heat to do that. Now go make a bag of popcorn with your phone!
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)22:26No.1700522 >># You are right, what you learned in tenth grade was shit.
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)22:37No.1700526 Are you all fucking stupid? First off, if you bought this at face value, you're full retard. Secondly, Mythbusters already debunked it. Fake shit is fake.
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)23:09No.1700538 put old microwave's emitter under a table put popcorn and cell phones on table Call cell phones and turn on emitter ????? Profit!
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)23:40No.1700558 >># with the exception of ones with earlier lithium batteries
>> [_] 06/16/12(Sat)23:54No.1700567 10/cell-phone-popcorn.htm
>> [_] Anonymous06/16/12(Sat)23:54No.1700568 This is real. Everyone is jealous. I win. GG
>> [_] 06/16/12(Sat)23:55No.1700571 >># 08/07/09/carroll.cellphone.popcorn.cnn
>> [_] Anonymous06/17/12(Sun)03:28No.1700669 >># >put old microwave's emitter under a table >turn on emitter WORLD OF PAIN WORLD OF PAIN WORLD OF PAIN
Created: 17/6 -2012 04:17:53 Last modified: 16/3 -2019 14:06:45 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:12:43