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This is resource A14DTUW, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/5 -2014 19:00:59

Ended:25/5 -2014 23:38:36

Checked:25/5 -2014 23:47:10

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 55.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: wat.swf-(8.9 MB, 640x368, Other)
[_] wat wat 05/25/14(Sun)12:00 No.2395093

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:04 No.2395097

  What the fuck is this?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:08 No.2395102

  I'm really anxious to find out what the fuck is actually going on here

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:08 No.2395104

  suicide exit bag?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:10 No.2395106

  cluster headache

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:11 No.2395107

  So a helium tank suicide? But then why are there two people, head pounding and "my" right eye?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:15 No.2395110

  this is right
  They says it's way more painful than giving birth

>> [_] wat 05/25/14(Sun)12:15 No.2395111

  cluster headache, also known as suicide headache

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:21 No.2395113


  Damn man. Looked that up. I feel bad for the poor girl. I couldn't imagine living my live with
  something like that happening every week/month

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:22 No.2395115

  yep, cluster headache makes sense. Oxygen has been found to reduce symptoms for some people, and
  the sleep mask would prevent light reaching her eyes and causing more pain.

  I guess the slapping ritual they have going on is a way of distracting her from the pain? Cluster
  headaches are unilateral which is why they only slap one side.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)12:31 No.2395119
  >The term "headache" does not adequately convey the severity of the condition; the disease may be
  the most painful condition known to medical science.


>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:00 No.2395134

  Man, even regular headaches are fucking destroying me, getting this must be something else.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:09 No.2395141

  >cluster headache
  That sucks, and here I thought she was just being stupid on nitrous oxide, but shit thats
  horrible, now I feel bad.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:30 No.2395162

  Should I feel bad for starting to grin and feeling like a hunter that is playing with his
  Makes me wonder am I really a brutal predator or is this just too much for me and my mind buzzes

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:34 No.2395165

  Sometimes a grin is a grimace, you may still be far from sinister.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:34 No.2395167


  Nah... You're just a little faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:37 No.2395170

  How exactly is pain measured? How is a headache determined to be more painful than giving birth
  or getting kicked in the balls or testicular torsion?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:40 No.2395175


>> [_] WKZworks 05/25/14(Sun)13:40 No.2395176


  >The duration of a typical CH attack ranges from about 15 to 180 minutes

  >If left untreated, attack frequency will range from one attack every two days to eight attacks a

  >In episodic cluster headaches, attacks occur once or more daily, often at the same time each
  day, for a period of several weeks, followed by a headache-free period lasting weeks, months, or
  years. Approximately 10–15% of cluster headaches chronic, with multiple headaches occurring every
  day for years, sometimes without any remission


>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:44 No.2395177

  Your underage is showing.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)13:53 No.2395192

  I've seen some propain and propain accessories.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:09 No.2395212

  Cluster headaches. The most horrible, excruciating pain I've ever had the mispleasure of
  enduring. This shit will literally make you want to end your life after having it affect your
  life for a week. Had one when I moved and didn't get it treated fast enough so I had to take a
  shit ton of steroids and meds for a month and a half. It doesn't go away, either. Least amount of
  sleep I've had in my life.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:10 No.2395214

  Pasty-skinned, scrawny middle-schoolers are not brutal predators. You just have unfulfilled power
  fantasies, is all.
  Don't worry about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:25 No.2395224


>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:31 No.2395228

  Why the fuck is he hitting her head.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:36 No.2395230

  You've never been in pain, have you?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:37 No.2395232

  Someone who has experienced both would say one is more painful than the other.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:39 No.2395236

  Oh right, sorry.
  The worst headache I ever had to suffer was one of those you get when you're standing in the wind
  a lot. Intense pain that makes you want to split your brain apart, and sight on one of your eyes
  becomes blurry, mostly the left eye.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:45 No.2395241

  I guess brain is more active the worse the pain. And behavior is different.

>> [_] kek 05/25/14(Sun)14:50 No.2395243

  top kek

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)14:51 No.2395244

  Hello. I'm a normal human being and what is this?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:14 No.2395265

  I think he's trying to kill himself (by breathing in helium or something). But I don't wanna
  watch this – I feel bad for him; life is kinda cool though.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:22 No.2395272

  I had a girlfriend in college that suddenly got cluster headaches on a regular basis.

  After the first one we went to a doctor and he told her that those things would continue for an
  indefinite period of time.
  After about a month of this happening every other day she could no longer concentrate on her
  studies because she was afraid of the headaches coming back at any time.
  She dropped out of college and killed herself after 6 months, she didn't even speak to me the
  last few weeks.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:31 No.2395279

  you seem to really care

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:32 No.2395281


  holy shit this is the worst thing that can happen to someone

  >eight 3 hour attacks a day

  i think this more than justifies suicide/euthanasia

  thats... thats just too horrible

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:33 No.2395282


  i was happier living in ignorance

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:33 No.2395283

  It was a fling, I felt bad so I kept in contact with her.
  We were more or less friends up until' the last weeks.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:34 No.2395284

  The red pill sure hurts

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:34 No.2395285

  Poor girl. Fuck... damn.

  Why does this shit even exist...?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:34 No.2395286

  Only feel bad if you dress up as a full-body cheetah and make strange poses while watching the

  Also cluster headache, god damn...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:35 No.2395287

  god is a huge asshole

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:38 No.2395288

  Because God is real and He is all about pain.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:41 No.2395291

  He's not all about pain, ice creams taste good.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:44 No.2395297

  The fact that this exists and that there's a chance, no matter how small that I or someone I know
  might contract it one day is fucking terrifying. I'd rather just die.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:49 No.2395299

  >All these white knight beta faggots trying not to laugh at the autistic gril.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)15:54 No.2395304

  >>All these white knight beta faggots trying not to laugh at the autistic gril.

  >Implying you are not a neckbeard yourself
  >Implying you are a Red Piller alpha male who goes to pol and talks about how much you hate women
  and advise people on how to lift

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:01 No.2395310

  >Dat proyecting
  Doh ho ho.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:10 No.2395313

  >its white knighting to feel any sympathy whatsoever for a woman
  you wizards and robots grow more and more pathetic every day

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:12 No.2395315

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:15 No.2395318

  i knew it, this thread is filled with leddit manginas. That's the only explanation for the
  uncontrolled amounts of faggotry.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:23 No.2395327

  I think everyone is afraid if they insult this grill. Karma will slap them in the head. With a
  Cluster headache. I ain't taking any chances either

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:27 No.2395331

  2edgy4me, so ice cold, so brutal, I bet you you have a forced evil laugh, maybe a vlog and a 140
  page manifesto too?

  Damn son, everybody better steer clear of you, you are the danger.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:33 No.2395334

  Nice edgy meem buttblasted homofag.
  i also know how to use epic maymays:

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:34 No.2395335

  dennis hopper impression

>> [_] Anonymous 05/25/14(Sun)16:37 No.2395337

  Wow so many insults in one sentence. You're dangerous, a bonafide thrill killer. I bet you carve
  smiley faces into your arms so they scare over. You're so sinister. You might get a movie
  eventually. Just like Dahmer, maybe for same reasons, who knows?
Created: 25/5 -2014 19:00:59 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:41:13 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:24:48