File: hockey.swf-(1.42 MB, 840x600, Game)
[_] Best Sport Anonymous 05/18/14(Sun)14:44 No.2387987
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/14(Sun)14:58 No.2388007
I found this game on /f/ a while ago and started playing it a lot more than I should have. The
ref mode is fun, of course, but the actual game presents a specific challenge.
Scoring is tough and nearly impossible for the beginning player. I recommend drawing the goalie
up with a clear shot, as a shot puck will always go toward the center of the goal.
The game is hardest when played as America because of how hitting works. As America, Canadian
players will demolish you if you have the puck. With Canada, Americans trying to hit you will
fall down themselves, making the game easier to play. With both sides, the goalie is
invulnerable. This makes for interesting yet risky play in which bringing the goalie out
guarantees a good shot but makes defense nearly impossible.
Try it yourself, the depth of play here far exceeds anything I have ever seen on /f/. Also, the
screen when you win as ref is priceless.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/14(Sun)15:33 No.2388053
i just like running the other people over
>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/14(Sun)18:35 No.2388219
picks ref, wins game, yes