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This is resource ADQ369Y, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/5 -2014 19:25:26

Ended:26/5 -2014 22:48:16

Checked:26/5 -2014 23:22:20

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 40.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: RIP IN PEACE, FAGLORD.swf-(9.96 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Some boys are just scared of girls jim lahey is a drunk bastard 05/26/14(Mon)12:21 No.2396299

  but not scared of murder

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)12:23 No.2396302

  0/10 would bang

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)12:25 No.2396304

  >kills 4 asian betas and 2 uggos
  I thought you were The Supreme Gentleman, Elliot.
  What happened to getting revenge on all the Chad Thundercocks and Brittany Lightningclits?
  You failed us.
  You failed us all.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)12:34 No.2396315

  dieb a virgin

  gob bless ameria

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)12:37 No.2396319

  damn, he sounded scared out of his nutsack through the whole video, what kind of a queerbunny is

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)12:38 No.2396320

  >Brittany Lightningclits


>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)12:42 No.2396324

  poor guy

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)12:42 No.2396325

  Don't put your vag on crazy.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)12:53 No.2396333

  hahahahhaha, branded a faggot when all he wanted was some poontang

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)13:00 No.2396346

  Wow, what a fucking faggot

  Comes from money, has the easy life and a free ride, but still manages to be a little bitch

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)13:02 No.2396349

  You failed us Elliot..

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)13:03 No.2396351

  Was expecting knish....
  I was made disappointed.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)13:08 No.2396354

  I once wanted to kill my school. I then took a nap and got over it.

>> [_] All Hail the fagKing hah 05/26/14(Mon)13:11 No.2396356

  hahahhahahahahah! The only Good American is a dead American! Such an alpha-female. Faglord freak.

>> [_] Arctica 05/26/14(Mon)13:13 No.2396357

  This shit. Like, really, Elliot? Fucking shit. Buy a fleshlight or buy a hooker if you're so
  fucking lonely.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)13:33 No.2396371

  >A BLOO BLOO BLOO I'm so sad that I'm still a virgin
  >Now I'm gonna go make sure I die a virgin
  Faggot logic

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)13:42 No.2396376

  You know, I don't think he was mentally ill, I think he was just a complete asshole.

  We all meet partial assholes from time to time, and think, "Wow, what a complete asshole!" but
  generally there is enough non-asshole in them that they don't go out and see how many people than
  they kill.

  This is what asshole right down to the bone looks like.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)13:53 No.2396382


>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)13:55 No.2396385

  Nah. Asshole's still retain self-preservation instinct, for the most part. They aren't going to
  go into something that they know they won't come out of.

>> [_] Better_ending! Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:05 No.2396397


  He should atleast raped one of them.

  we will see if anyone will make a movie about him soon.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:08 No.2396398

  He seems like the sort of person to be rich enough to have a different prostitute every day of
  the week.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:20 No.2396412

  I've been trying to figure out whether he was actually deep in debt, with no prospects for paying
  it off, but I haven't been able to find anything on his real financial situation.

  People who make such an extravagant show of spending money often don't really have that much.

  He was looking to the internet for advice in getting a girlfriend. Just about the first thing
  you'll hear is cynical talk about how women only care about money.

  So he spends every dollar he can get his hands on making a show of being rich, he still can't get
  a girl, and now he's looking at bankruptcy and no prospects for anything but poverty and unending

  There are some signs that he was worried about money, that his family didn't have what he thought
  was enough. I wonder what the real situation was.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:32 No.2396422

  i guess.. thats the best troll that ever went for highscore. i mean, how can you POSSIBLY top
  that shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:36 No.2396423

  >not Stacy Innielips

>> [_] jim lahey is a drunk bastard 05/26/14(Mon)14:36 No.2396424

  read the manifesto

  his mom paid his 900/month rent and bought his bmw
  his dad gave him 500/month expenses
  he wanted to look cool so he made his mom get him a skateboard and cool clothes. then when his
  parents divorced at age 7 he made his dad buy him a skateboard too so he could have one at both

  he throws tantrums until age 20, and gets the shit kicked out of him for throwing one at age 21
  at a party.

  he's been to england, france, morocco, malaysia and other places just cause he's rich.

  his mom is close personal friends with george lucas and he went to all red carpet premiers of
  star wars 1-3.

  nobody had a better life.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:38 No.2396426

  How about Floyd Corkins, who bought a bunch of Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and set out to murder as
  many people opposed to gay marriage as possible, and then stuff sandwiches in their corpses'

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:40 No.2396428

  I'm not saying he hasn't had an extravagant lifestyle, I'm saying I'm wondering if he thought it
  was going to have to end.

  It's just a wild guess. There are a few things to indicate he thought what he had wasn't enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:42 No.2396429

  he didnt believe in prostitution. As /pol/ would say, he was 100% blue pilled. That is to say, he
  believed so highly in the sanctity of women that he found the idea of forcing a woman to have sex
  with him in exchange for money to be extremely disgusting. More disgusting than actually
  murdering them. He was wealthy and good looking but since women didnt volunteer to hop on his
  dick like his cultural marxists professors had been pounding into his brain all his life, he
  thought women hated him and didnt want to be with him.

>> [_] jim lahey is a drunk bastard 05/26/14(Mon)14:43 No.2396430

  its never enough.

  believe me, once you have no problems the problem becomes whatever problem you can think of.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:48 No.2396433

  continued. He's not just from a rich family, but from a liberal family in hollywood for fuck's
  sakes. Think about it. All propaganda we get exposed to on the tv or in class, he had it 100x

  He calls himself the perfect gentlemen and he was, to a fault. He was the bizarre caricature of
  what feminists always claim to want. A man who never talks unless spoken to. A man who never
  makes the first move (otherwise it's rape!).

  He put the pussy on a pedestal that reached the moon. The ironic thing about feminists claiming
  he was a woman hater or was targeting women is that this is the end result for their ideology. It
  create neurotic men who disregard the natural order who eventually go insane and either kill
  themselves or those around them.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)14:58 No.2396440

  >Let men rape or they will kill

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)15:00 No.2396445

  Chatting girls up aggressively enough that you occasionally annoy some isn't rape.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)15:07 No.2396451

  Nice email address. What kind of scat porn would you like?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)15:07 No.2396452

  I think we need the an_hero 2014 edition. This nigga belongs there.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)15:08 No.2396453


>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)15:10 No.2396456

  Music is making me cry.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)15:25 No.2396465

  I think it's because he imagine all the people on youtube seeing this video and he was feeling

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)15:30 No.2396467

  this shit pisses me off

  kid was set for life and he does this shit

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)15:40 No.2396480

  fucking women psychologists and their bullshit

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/26/14(Mon)15:43 No.2396481

Created: 26/5 -2014 19:25:26 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:42:02 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:20:05