File: blue.swf-(2.09 MB, 923x554, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)22:41 No.2443311
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)22:53 No.2443322
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)22:56 No.2443326
Man, I used to listen to this like 5 years ago.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)22:57 No.2443327
Wish I knew. I picked this up on /f/ years ago.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)22:59 No.2443331
Pretty sure swfchan has all the answers, but haven't seen this reposted in a bit so I'll say it's
something like broken glass by flashbulb
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)23:04 No.2443341
>>2443331 heres the link to guys amazing i jizzed
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)23:13 No.2443349
This was one of the first flashes I ever saved here.
Been awhile, the song is somehow fitting.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/14(Mon)00:43 No.2443430
after a massive amount of being pissed off from lag and such, this was nice.
inconsistent connection sucks.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/14(Mon)02:07 No.2443506
was hoping for yoko kanno