File: Cuisine with Frog and Toad.swf-(7.08 MB, 524x296, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:01 No.2427431
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:09 No.2427436
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:09 No.2427438
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:13 No.2427440
I understand that different cultures will be different cultures. But for fuck's sake, isn't
eating the animal enough? Does it really have to be ALIVE AS YOU FUCKING EAT IT. Doesn't that
just make your skin crawl?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:15 No.2427443
That was hilarious and depressing at the same time.
>Doesn't that just make your skin crawl?
I'm hoping it's just death twitches ;_;
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:16 No.2427444
Creepiest FUCKING THING I've seen today.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:19 No.2427446
Japan so cray
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:20 No.2427449
I actually thought it was kinda cool the way it struggled after being eviscerated. Not even edgy
just found it fascinating
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:21 No.2427451
the feels...
the fucking feeels
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:22 No.2427452
Japan is a country that only JUST banned position of child pornography. Can we stop with the "Oh
Japan, you so crazy" and start calling bullshit on this sort of thing?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:23 No.2427453
It is. The heart has been removed, its dead.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:24 No.2427454
I don't like multiculturalism and jews infecting nip land so no.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:25 No.2427455
because the nervous system shuts down the exact instant blood stops circulating. amirite?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:28 No.2427458
Americans use frogs for education, other countries eat them.
So what.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:29 No.2427460
American's dissect living frogs?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:30 No.2427461
it's a chemical reaction in the muscles when you add salt, it's long dead
also frog meat is actualy very delicate and delicious
highly recommended
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:30 No.2427462
>ripping the still beating heart out of a creature and letting it bleed out in a bowl of soup
japan is pretty fucking metal
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:34 No.2427465
If it isn't braindead after five minutes with no blood circulation, that's its own damn fault and
it should have taken a cue from the mammals
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:36 No.2427467
There's not really any other way to say "its dead" than by the heart and blood circulation.
And yeah, I can believe the eye blinking might be muscle spasms but muscle spasms don't make both
arms flail trying to get away. That was it still being conscious
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:38 No.2427470
You can chop a frog's head off and it will do the same thing
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:39 No.2427473
I know I did, so much anal probing.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:40 No.2427474
Not living though*
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:42 No.2427478
"Still Alive!"
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:42 No.2427480
That's disturbing. At least when people use Frogs for education, they make sure they're dead. I
don't mean to play the protesting wildlife conservation role, but does the animal really need to
watch as you eat it?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:45 No.2427483
Well at least his final sight was a qt
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:48 No.2427485
what is that gorgeous guitar piece? resizing and swfchan failed me
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:52 No.2427486
frog is delicious, that doesn't warrant cruelty. the musculature required for blinking does not
appear to be exposed, that kinda shoots down the postmortem chemical stimulation hypothesis.
evolution doesn't work that way
multicellular life doesn't die the moment one system stops functioning. nervous tissue can last
several minutes before the lack of oxygen reduces it to complete non-function. This is why we
don't use guillotines anymore.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:52 No.2427487
As long as there are brain cells alive, there is still chance of awareness. Simpler creatures
brains don't turn off like human, there is no unconscious state in many cases.
TL;DR The last thing it ever watches is you eating it alive, befire it fades to nothing.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:53 No.2427488
Bach, Air
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:53 No.2427489
It was dead as a doornail. You can take just their legs, put salt on them, and they'll start
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:55 No.2427492
that's the one. thanks anon
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:57 No.2427496
that's salt on exposed tissue, and it's causing random twitching, not synchronized movement like
the multiple muscle groups needed to operate the triple eyelids.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)21:58 No.2427498
>5 minutes
That's standard time for humans to lose consciousness. Smaller creatures lack or have lesser
unconscious states.
A bug will stay 'awake', after beheading, in best conditions, until it dehydrates, and it's body
would run autonomously lacking coordination the head provided.
>> [_] Arachnomancer Bob 06/23/14(Mon)22:02 No.2427503
>Finish meal
>Kiss frog
>A guy's disembodied upper torso, arms and head staring at you for about five seconds before his
newly mammalian nervous system loses the ability to see.
>You see the light in his eyes fade.
>Brain cheese time!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:03 No.2427505
Dafuck is wrong with Asians? If I was presented that at an Asian restaurant, I would ask for a
knife and stab it in the head so I can eat with at least something of a clean conscience.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:06 No.2427509
I would just ask for a to-go box and hope it had stopped wiggling by the time I got to the hotel
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:15 No.2427518
Pretty much this. You're not dead if blood isn't circulating, you're dead when you no longer have
brain functionality. Clearly this frog still has brain functionality since it's performing
complex muscle movements, not the random twitching the frog legs do in the video.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:21 No.2427527
I believe the issue here lies in the Japanese perspective of art. To them art is not in the
making, but the consuming. The aesthetic experience lies not in craftsmanship or prowess, but in
the subjective experience of the audience, as consumer. To this end, all manners of depravity can
be justified as an artistic experience, as long as the experience can be spun as "unique",
"perfect", or otherwise "quintessential". Torture, cruelty, destruction; all can be aesthetic
experiences justified by those who commit them as an attempt at a pure, platonicly perfect,
experience. With this mindset cannibals become televised celebrities, endangered species become
luxury foods, and pedophiles become connoisseurs of "the unspoiled feminine figure". Live
creatures are eaten while praising their "supreme freshness." all without any regard for the
methodology, and therefore no consideration of morality.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:25 No.2427536
I hope aliens are watching us, because we're one hell of a reality show.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:27 No.2427537
Israel already does. Stupid goy.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:37 No.2427550
feels bad man
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:38 No.2427552
Best post I've seen on /f/ in months.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:39 No.2427557
I'm pretty sure it's not still alive because IIRC it's muscle spasms from the soy sauce
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:42 No.2427561
People only live to see shocking things like death if they aren't self-absorbed into their own
identity. Is that an epiphany for people or something?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:46 No.2427563
death isn't shocking. Anyone who eats meat and knows where it comes from out to have an
understanding of how death works. We don't eat our cows and pigs while their brains are still
firing though; there is a difference between death and cruelty. eating an animal prior to
dispatching it is unnecessarily cruel and, quite reasonably, shocking.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:49 No.2427568
Have fun newfriend!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:53 No.2427573
Nigga you ever watched those safari tv shows when lion cubs eat the shit out of a still breathing
>> [_] Arachnomancer Bob 06/23/14(Mon)22:54 No.2427574
you dont seem to understand that a person can be aware of somethings moral decrepitude without
being a newfag.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:56 No.2427579
No shit retard.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:56 No.2427580
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:58 No.2427584
Do I need to find some slaughter house footage and post it...
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:59 No.2427585
What would be an example of valuing art "in the making?"
From what I understand, that would mean appreciating the many hours of artistry that was placed
into a work rather than the product itself, but I have thought that there there is always a
greater emphasis on the production, hence the idea of a masterpiece as a validation of skill.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)22:59 No.2427586
is right, just google "cuttlefish soy sauce"
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:04 No.2427588
I worked at a pork plant once, I worked in shipping but walking onto the kill floor was a sight
to behold, we hired temporary foreign workers who seem to get off prodding pigs
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:08 No.2427590
No, because the lioness breaks the zebra's neck first. Lionesses don't allow anything still
living near their cubs.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:08 No.2427591
Well.... at least it wasn't a chicken "storage container"
I can only imagine that those are much more brutal
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:10 No.2427596
Took me 2 seconds on youtube
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:11 No.2427598
Why not just say:
"Humans are intelligent and should therefore be more compassionate of life than a wild beast"
Not that I even think you're right.
Who are you to impose your Western culture onto an Easter civilization.
gtfo with your ethnocentric bullshit
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:11 No.2427600
Please allow me to turn your question around. Is the masterpiece a "masterpiece" because of how
you the consumer experience it, or because there is something intrinsically masterful about it?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:12 No.2427601
Animals are soulless meat-machines which God put on this earth for the sole purpose of us eating
them and using them for manual labor. Die in a fire PETA.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:15 No.2427603
So an immature member of a species, sans supervision, doesn't bother to dispatch it's prey.
Therefore it's okay for adult humans to do it for kicks?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:17 No.2427605
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:19 No.2427607
>This is why we don't use guillotines anymore.
People still believe the "conscious after beheading" thing?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:20 No.2427609
when you use the word ethnocentrism, you are implying I'm judging it based on my own cultural
norms. My cultural doesn't give a shit. I personally give a shit.
Lets take a step back from the animal rights issue, since some idiot invoked PETA despite the
fact that nobody here has expressed any overtly anti-meat sentiments. just anti cruelty..
Lets take the case of Issei Sagawa. Is condemning his actions while he is condoned by his his
home culture an example of ethnocentrism?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:22 No.2427610
We aren't morally superior to other animals as you'd like to think you are.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:26 No.2427615
It's called projecting.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:27 No.2427616
Okay, I think I got your idea. Let's take Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling videos, for example.
To the consumer, they are just stupid bait-and-swap gay porn joke videos. However, I really many
of them because there was an obvious effort placed into finding the right sources and pitch
shifting the audio accordingly, along with creating an original video which is in perfect sync.
It has value because of the effort put into it, moreso than the face value of the product itself.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:35 No.2427628
>This kills the frog
Either way, good fucking riddance.
I hate frogs.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:36 No.2427629
I don't claim moral superiority. We get to choose.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:36 No.2427630
If blood isn't circulating, there is no blood flow to the muscles or the brain, which means the
brain is basically dead after just a while. Beside, I think the chock alone from having the
throat slit open and the intestines removed would kill pretty much anything. The frog is dead, it
feels nothing, and it most certainly does not "see" you eating it "before it fades to nothing".
Would eating it be more "fade inducing" than actually killing it and removing all organs? Just
no. No. Stupid to begin with even.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:37 No.2427634
>or because there is something intrinsically masterful about it?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but yes? Mastery over your ability to paint, carve, tell a
story, etc., translates to the quality of the creation, generally.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:37 No.2427635
I find concentrated autism funny but I don't see much point putting effort into something if you
don't get something out of it in return, like a new experience. People feed on and shit out
culture after all.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:37 No.2427636
Your decisions on what you think are morally just when relating the arts are a result of your
culture. In this case cuisine culture.
Issei was not backed by his culture and his actions were not the result of a cultural upbringing.
If his actions were about necrophilia with dead animals and we were to base his actions off of
our cultural norms it would be ethnocentrism
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:39 No.2427639
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:41 No.2427642
That's a possibility, but we need to take intent into account as well.
Same song, same effort, same amount of homosexuality. One was intended to be beautiful. That's
not to say there isn't beauty to be found in both. . .
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:44 No.2427648
I'd say the former; what if a bucket of paint fell over and accidentally had an intricate design
resembling the complex anatomy of a human, or created some kind of emotionally compelling image,
surely that could be a masterpiece of some sort.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:44 No.2427650
Once while at boy-scouts camp in America we caught Craw-fish, boiled them and ate them.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:45 No.2427653
I respectfully disagree with your assertion that his actions were neither backed by his culture
nor a result of his cultural upbringing. The selective repression endemic to his cultural
upbringing very much resulted in his actions, and the fact that he is not only tolerated but
given a space in the public media, all be it as a freakshow act, demonstrates clear cultural
backing. I picked him specifically because he evangelizes the aesthetic qualities of his crime.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:48 No.2427655
>same effort
We both know that's bullshit. Japan loves Birry.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:49 No.2427656
pareidolia grants recognition, any further meaning you ascribe to it is an creative act of your
own brain. The beauty you find in it becomes your own artistry. Another person may not create
quite as beautiful an association as you, and therefor not see it as art, but that's a failure of
communication, not specifically subjectivity.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:49 No.2427657
Artful or moving, but not a masterpiece. Masterpiece would imply it was intentionally created
through masterful understanding of the media.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:50 No.2427659
Can he even get a job anyways? Sounds like all he was doing was living off book sales.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:54 No.2427666
Sauce on the song?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/14(Mon)23:55 No.2427669
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/14(Tue)00:01 No.2427675
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/14(Tue)00:01 No.2427676
we did fetal pigs but they were dead
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/14(Tue)00:05 No.2427681
and speakers fees
and royalties
and a porn series where he fucks women and then reveals to them after sex that he's that guy who
killed and ate a dutch woman way back when. (1/3rd screen-time old man sex, 2/3rds horrified girl
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/14(Tue)00:13 No.2427690
>and a porn series where he fucks women and then reveals to them after sex that he's that guy who
killed and ate a dutch woman way back when
>(1/3rd screen-time old man sex, 2/3rds horrified girl crying)
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/14(Tue)00:47 No.2427710
6/10 almost got me