File: Ghost Rabbit.swf-(9.68 MB, 640x480, Other)
[_] req inside Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)00:29 No.2409578
I can't find a hentai flash I saw recently. It was a boy watching a girl bathe and then gets
caught, only for her to fuck him instead. I think it was set to music the whole way through? Help
a /b/rother out please
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)00:52 No.2409594
were /f/rends here pal
but bump because touch me harder
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)01:14 No.2409612
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)01:15 No.2409613
You dont bump in /f/ baka >>2409594
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)01:50 No.2409655
This dub was actually really funny.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)01:56 No.2409662
Wait is this a real dub? I though it was a comedy routine that was put up on video sites.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)02:06 No.2409679
I think the flash you are talking about is named: The Full Shorta-. I ve seen it a while ago, and
it was a black and white short animation.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)02:20 No.2409691
I forget who specifically did the dub but basically they realized the anime was so shit that a
straight dub wouldn't sell any copies so they did a parody dub.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)02:41 No.2409715
Real dub, they actually released it like this.
Pretty much >>2409691
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)03:32 No.2409766
Aniplex got some pretty decent voice actors like Monica Rial and Greg Ayers together and
basically turned them loose with the script. The show is called Ghost Stories and it's more or
less a professional abridged series. Funniest damn thing I've seen in a while.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)03:35 No.2409771
not because you're a rabbit, because you're black