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This is resource CLVC690, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/7 -2014 16:54:12
10.7 years ago.

Ended:15/8 -2014 15:13:26
10.5 years ago.

Checked:15/8 -2014 15:21:46
10.5 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 5764

Age: 43.92d   Health: 1%   Posters: 14   Posts: 21   Replies: 18   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 2jul2014(we)16:52 No.13481 OP P1

[G] Breeding Season v5


- Your first peek at the new vanilla stallions. They're not entirely implemented yet (lacking
mane/head variations).
- You can now use the ordering system in the guild services menu! Use it to order a higher chance
of getting certain monstertypes/traits in the store for 5 days. Not entirely balanced yet.
- The base for the affection system is now in place. After you meet NPCs, you can look under the
"Contacts" section of the status menu to see how much affection they have for you. Once more events
are implemented, you'll be able to raise NPC's affection through particular choices/completeing
particular tasks for them, and doing so will unlock new events with them. Right now the only
implementation so far is that Kala will like you more the more monsters you release (as opposed to
donating them). In the future there will also be indicators to tell you when you gain or lose
affection with NPCs.
- New holstaurus barn.
- There is now an option to auto-skip dialog, for those who truly hate words. Using the skip button
during dialog will also now skip through unimportant (non-game-altering) dialog choices
- There is now a Harvest All button.
- You can now donate monsters as soon as they're born.
- You can now see how many guild points you have right on your hud.
- We've made the accumulation of wealth 85% more satisfying.
- The Status Menu now tells you when/for how long you're pregnant.

[IMG] BreedingSeason5.0.swf (8.22 MiB)
800x600, Compressed. 4 frames, 28 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>

>> Anonymous 2jul2014(we)18:13 No.13482 A P2R1

Anyone have the new debug codes? The old ones still work but the blog post said there was one for
adding guild points and manually picking appearance traits for your monsters.

>> Anonymous 4jul2014(fr)18:27 No.13533 B P3R2

more money = moneybags.#

where # is the amount you wish to gain

>> Anonymous 4jul2014(fr)21:23 No.13537 C P4R3

Just plaing a bit and now I'm wondering: What happend to the albino trait? It seems like it's no
longer in the game.

>> Anonymous 5jul2014(sa)07:53 No.13552 D P5R4

They're probably going to wait until all the new graphics are in and the kinks with appearance
generation are worked out.

>> Anonymous 5jul2014(sa)22:59 No.13564 E P6R5

The moneybags code maxes out at moneybags.999999999. Anybody learn how the set codes work yet?
Finding that perfect look randomly can be quite an undertaking.

>> Anonymous 5jul2014(sa)23:12 No.13565 F P7R6

set codes? what set codes?

And regarding looks... I never paid attention to that at all and somehow ended up with 5 red haired
pitch black skinned futa elves...
So much for the kinks with appearance generation.

>> Anonymous 6jul2014(su)08:54 No.13575 E P8R7

The set codes are setskintone, setface,sethair,setcolorscheme. I would guess you would use the
character name and a number combination or description....Also guildhero.9999 gives you more than
enough guild points to max out your upgrades at the guild. I have not had time to figure the set
codes out, and since it is supposed to be patron only debug codes, you can't ask the game builder
how it works....

>> Anonymous 6jul2014(su)09:57 No.13576 G P9R8

since you are able to edit stats with Monstername.statname.number
I guess it would be Monstername.setcode.number

>> Anonymous 6jul2014(su)17:46 No.13579 A P10R9

Just tried it, sadly doesn't work that way.

>> Anonymous 6jul2014(su)22:08 No.13582 D P11R10


Its (Set code).(Monster Name).(Number), actually, just tested it out.
The code seems to hold capacity/tolerance for multiple numbers, too - likely for the setcolorscheme

I'll test it some more and see what I can come up with.

>> Anonymous 6jul2014(su)23:25 No.13583 A P12R11

So playing around with it a bit, there seems to be caps on the input between 1 and 6 despite some
values having more options than just 6.

>> Anonymous 8jul2014(tu)05:52 No.13592 E P13R12

To the person that got the set codes to work, could you type one of the codes you got to work
exactly? I tries with three of the codes and nothing happened. ;^^; Is it cap
sensitive? Is the number just one digit? I'll try again..o.O

>> Anonymous 8jul2014(tu)06:03 No.13593 E P14

Never mind I figured it out is cap sensitive).number (which works both as a single
digit(1-6) or 3 zeroes with a digit or maybe 2 numbers/ 2 zeroes 2 numbers for the few codes
greater that 6)There is no difference between 0001 and 1. Just have to test how high which code

>> Anonymous 11jul2014(fr)16:45 No.13613 H P15R13

Anyone have the new pinups that the patrons got?

>> Anonymous 20jul2014(su)07:07 No.13862 I P16R14

health pack

>> Anonymous 20jul2014(su)12:46 No.13863 J P17

Thread picked up tiny healthpack, 1hp restored.

>> Anonymous 28jul2014(mo)21:59 No.14022 A P18R15

5.1 is out now

Non-comprehensive list of additions:
- Map System and new places to visit: Beach, Forest, Kala's Camp, Marquis' Chateau (nothing in
those places yet, though)
- Lily has a volunteering option open to you if you come back to the guild later on. It'll allow
you to get GP by spending time and breed/harvests from your monsters.
- Futanari Holstaurus
- New Stallion Stables
- Female Elf/Stallion and Female Elf/Demon hot-dogging animations (WIP and no penetration yet, but
they'll have some later)
- Futa Elf/Catgirl Animation
- Futa Holstaurus/Male Elf Animation

>> Anonymous 28jul2014(mo)22:24 No.14023 K P19R16

When next update posted

>> Anonymous 29jul2014(tu)06:20 No.14027 L P20R17

What exactly is suppose to be so good about this game? The artwork is nice, the animations are a
joke... Thats about it...

>> Anonymous 29jul2014(tu)19:10 No.14031 M P21R18

"What exactly is suppose to be so good about this game? The artwork is nice, the animations are a
joke... Thats about it..."

It's hard to answer what's so good about it when you've made it obvious that you already have solid
opinions on it. It's all highly subjective, ya know? It's still being worked on, too, so if it's
sucking it big time try taking another look at it in a few months. Maybe the animations will look a
little better by then.

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Created: 2/7 -2014 16:54:12 Last modified: 24/3 -2016 01:06:30 Server time: 13/03 -2025 18:21:10