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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 24. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Fast Food Ads vs. REALITY Experiment.swf-(9.86 MB, 640x352, Other) [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)02:56 No.2418207 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:00 No.2418212 So it's basically some guy going around being a massive piece of shit. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:01 No.2418213 Fucking Greg, great job. I have respect for the employees for taking him seriously >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:04 No.2418217 >>2418212 Pretty much. I've watched documentaries on this shit, they have "food makeup artists" to make the food as pretty as possible and professional photographers to shoot it in a lightbox. The use the actual ingredients, but gussy it up as much as possible. I used to work for Taco Bell in particular, and whenever someone would complain about there not being as much filling as in the photo, I got to explain, "It does, but all the filling is pushed to the side versus spread along the bottom, so you can see it in the photo." This is T-Bell's official policy regarding the matter, btw. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:04 No.2418218 >>2418207 You can clearly see that the employees are annoyed but atleast they do what they're suposed to do and aren't massive dicks. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:05 No.2418219 Douche bothering minimum wage workers for shit they had nothing to do with.swf >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:08 No.2418222 A lot of annoyed people in here... Maybe it's because I was never a burger man that I'll never understand. Keep on slaving, slackasses. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:41 No.2418239 >>2418222 I was working at T-Bell in high school when most of my friends would spend their time at parties smoking pot or getting drunk. That said, I don't understand people who spend their entire LIVES working in fast food. I knew a couple old (50+) folks who still worked cashier and line and it was like, "What the fuck did you DO with your life?" >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)04:27 No.2418269 >>2418239 My first job was a tour guide for the city at a local historical society. >TFW I will never know whats its like to work hard for minimum wage. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)05:47 No.2418320 >shit everyone already knew.swf >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)05:55 No.2418323 >>2418217 Sometimes it's something completely different, they use mashed potatoes for ice cream photos for example. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)07:00 No.2418350 the mcd's in my citys stuff looks exactly like the ads every time, tastes better than most other mcd's as well. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)07:47 No.2418366 I should try this. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)07:51 No.2418368 >>2418323 Motor oil on pancakes, dishsoap in milk, shoe polish on burgers for grill marks, cardboard and toothpicks to hold it in place, and glue or shampoo on cereal! >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)08:28 No.2418402 That fucker musta eaten' so much spit! >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)09:01 No.2418423 >>2418213 Especially when he says to the Taco Bell manager in such a fucking condescending voice >Aw, look what YOU did! You made it look like the picture! Like he was talking to a child. Holy fuck what a douche. Did this air on TV? >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)09:13 No.2418437 >>2418212 you get offended when someone criticize fast food? [Ultimate fatass achievement unlocked] >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)09:17 No.2418439 If you're the kind of person to buy and eat fast-food I don't think you really care that it looks pathetic compared to the pictures, nor do I think people are prepared to wait longer whilst they pretty up the food. And I don't think the company is going to lose any customers over this issue. Why waste the manpower and disrupt the flow for a touch that won't last a minute once it's in the customers hands? >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)09:47 No.2418453 >eating slave food >complaining about it Make your own damn food. It's cheaper that way. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)10:05 No.2418459 guy buys two tacos for $1.08 and complains that $1.08 worth of tacos isn't filling.swf >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)10:16 No.2418464 >>2418459 Well, maybe if the tacos looked like the ad that made him want tacos, it would be fine. I've done this myself a couple of times when I've unwrapped my burger and been incredibly disappointed in the dry looking piece of shit I was served, and they'll happily make you a new burger and make it look like the ad. Granted, in my country they'd risk getting sued for false advertising if they didn't. I'm not sure how it is in America, though. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)10:25 No.2418469 Holy shit I love fastfood. Fuck Burger King though. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)10:32 No.2418477 What a piece of shit this guy. But I used to get a lot of compliments when I used to work at Subway, about making sandwiches like the pictures. I shouldnt be proud of that though. >> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)11:01 No.2418499 >>2418464 Here in mmmurica 2/3 of people don't care what poison they shovel in their face. That's why almost all of us are fat. |