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This is resource CX386ZS, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/7 -2014 01:15:11
10.6 years ago.

Ended:7/7 -2014 04:08:18
10.6 years ago.

Checked:7/7 -2014 04:24:10
10.6 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: BreedingSeason5.0.swf-(8.21 MB, 800x600, Hentai)
[_] Newest Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)18:14 No.2443065

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)18:20 No.2443073

  whats changed?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)18:36 No.2443081

  They spelled prerogative correctly. I'm impressed.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)18:41 No.2443082

  Virtually nothing, fun fact: THEY ARE RECEIVING OVER $15,000 A MONTH FOR THIS GAME AND THEY ADD

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)18:42 No.2443084

  Yeah it's pretty laughable, they are just cashing in while they can and will then abandon the

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)18:43 No.2443085

  - Your first peek at the new vanilla stallions. They're not entirely implemented yet (lacking
  mane/head variations).
  - You can now use the ordering system in the guild services menu! Use it to order a higher chance
  of getting certain monstertypes/traits in the store for 5 days. Not entirely balanced yet.
  - The base for the affection system is now in place. After you meet NPCs, you can look under the
  "Contacts" section of the status menu to see how much affection they have for you. Once more
  events are implemented, you'll be able to raise NPC's affection through particular
  choices/completeing particular tasks for them, and doing so will unlock new events with them.
  Right now the only implementation so far is that Kala will like you more the more monsters you
  release (as opposed to donating them). In the future there will also be indicators to tell you
  when you gain or lose affection with NPCs.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)18:45 No.2443089

  - New holstaurus barn.
  - There is now an option to auto-skip dialog, for those who truly hate words. Using the skip
  button during dialog will also now skip through unimportant (non-game-altering) dialog choices
  - There is now a Harvest All button.
  - You can now donate monsters as soon as they're born.
  - You can now see how many guild points you have right on your hud.
  - We've made the accumulation of wealth 85% more satisfying.
  - The Status Menu now tells you when/for how long you're pregnant.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)19:13 No.2443114

  What are the debug codes again? I just want to see whats "new".

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)19:13 No.2443115

  15k so far in the fund, not per month

  but yea, who knows how long it will go on

>> [_] black 07/06/14(Sun)19:24 No.2443132


>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)19:33 No.2443145


  How do you get pregnant in this game? For inquiring minds...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)19:35 No.2443146

  Here's the pasta

  Debug Codes: = add or subtract money

  Example: changestat.Moot.str.1000

  if more than one monster has the same name it will change all monsters with that name's stats at
  the same time.

  ppregrate.1 = increase player pregnancy chance

  mpregrate.1 = increase monster pregnancy chance

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)19:42 No.2443156

  Does anyone have the newest TiTS while we're at it?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)19:46 No.2443162

  on the breeding screen select the same moneter as both partners to breed with it

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)20:22 No.2443187

  fuck you if they paid me 15k a month I could make a better porn game than this.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)20:22 No.2443190

  in addition to these:
  - refreshclients does what the string implies
  - unlocks guild points (xxx being the amount)
  - replaces the face with the one specified (number between 1-6)
  - replaces hair (replace xxx with a number)

  there are several others but I don't believe they have been implemented and/or I have no clue how
  they work atm.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)20:55 No.2443215

  Why is it that theyve animated the Elf Boy getting assfucked by the demon yet the Elf Girl
  getting railed by the Demon isnt in yet?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)20:57 No.2443217

  What animations use the new models? I know of:

  Cat girl x Dickwolf
  Futa cat girl x Dickwolf
  Player x Dickwolf
  Cat girl x Cat girl
  Elf girl x Dickwolf
  Cat girl x Elf boy

  Did I miss any non male/male ones?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/14(Sun)20:57 No.2443218

  take one long hard throbbing guess

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Created: 7/7 -2014 01:15:11 Last modified: 7/7 -2014 04:24:11 Server time: 13/03 -2025 18:21:15