File: 0x40 Hues v5.0.swf-(9.39 MB, 1280x720, Loop)
[_] Huehuehuehuehue 5.0 Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)14:32 No.2417463
huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue 5.0
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)14:46 No.2417473
It's so beautiful
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)15:31 No.2417529
Been listening to The Clockmaker compulsively since this came out.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)15:37 No.2417534
I'm glad i'm not the only one.
I heard somewhere in the youtube comments that he was only 15 when he released it.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:09 No.2417580
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:10 No.2417585
Made a resource pack for this. Includes C/Pach by Autechre, Kuolleiden Ystava by Smilecythe, and
LxCxDxT by sHimaU
It's not perfect but I think I did an okay job.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:13 No.2417590
Huh? The Shutters Pack is appearing by default in the resource pack list now? Is it that way for
other people? Cause I'm fine with it I just didn't realize it was that way.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:15 No.2417596
Also someone fucked up the timing on Kuolleiden Ystava. It works fine if I load it from the
mediafire link but the one that's there by default is all jacked up.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:15 No.2417598
To be honest with you, the clockmaker is really tame outside of the lines in 0x40. As well, the
chord progression is pretty generic.
That's not to say it sounds bad; they pretty much just have the only good section in 0x40
already. That said, I really like Savant - <3 and Raise Your Weapon (Madeon Remix).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:26 No.2417609
The technical prowess is impressive however, even if the theory is not.
As with most EDM.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:37 No.2417613
Yeah, perhaps "most" is accurate. In a lot of amateur EDM I tend to hear flawed theory or
unimaginative melodies. I really want to start producing, in all honesty. I've always had a good
ear for music.
Also, why do the couple images from Nichijou look so nice? The art style is fantastic, and the
shading coupled with 0x40 just works so well.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:37 No.2417614
Does only Lain have animation?
>> [_] AMM !AMM.FiWTOc 06/15/14(Sun)16:42 No.2417619
So far yes, but there's also Party Hard slightly hidden in one of the netpacks.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:45 No.2417622
Yeah, she came from another flash that an anon made kind of like this one. That flash had some
really cool songs too, I wonder why Emancipator didn't get ported to this one.
I'll try and post the flash she came from.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:51 No.2417631
yeah, pyure can change the resource list at will
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)16:51 No.2417632
Where's the option for the girls to change after each loop?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)17:06 No.2417643
>still no female ranma
>still shitty
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)17:16 No.2417650
>I'll try and post the flash she came from.
Yes pls. I love Emancipator.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)17:17 No.2417652
Make it yourself.
I already made some furry shit for my own self.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)17:48 No.2417682
Some of the respacks just won't load for me, anyone know what's up?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)17:49 No.2417683
>all this loading
It's fucking shit
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)17:52 No.2417686
Here ya go
We've got a link to it on the blog under the Versions section, for future reference.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/14(Sun)18:00 No.2417691
Warning for anyone making images: extend the canvas a few pixels or blur will cut off the image
pretty noticably.