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Discovered:13/6 -2014 20:06:41

Ended:13/6 -2014 23:43:44

Checked:13/6 -2014 23:58:19

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
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File: Socialist_World_Republic.swf-(853 KB, 550x400, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)13:03 No.2415183

  Socialist World Revolution 2014

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)13:42 No.2415212

  i am german and i think its so retarded that its funny, very entertaining

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)14:18 No.2415247

  Sozialismus ist die einzige funktionierende Regierungsform. Leider nicht durchsetzbar weil es zu
  viele korrupte Juden gibt.

  Von den Arbeitern für die Arbeiter.
  Wer arbeitet bekommt Gegenleistung.
  Wer faulenzt wird abgeschoben.

  Kraft durch Freude, Arbeit macht Frei.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)14:42 No.2415257

  Wow, did you just call the struggle of the proletariat retarded? FUCK you.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)15:24 No.2415294

  >so retarded that its funny, very entertaining

  Remeber this was written during the Weimar Republic, but before WW2, in 1929.

  >A whisper goes around the world:
  >Worker, don't you hear it?
  >these are the voices of war ministers:
  There were a lot of people that wanted to start a war again in the WW1-WW2 interwar period.
  >Worker, don't you hear them?
  >Coal and steel producers are whispering,
  >Chemical warfare production is whispering too,
  German heavy industry (Krupp, etc.) profited a lot from war preparations.
  >The whispering comes from all continents:
  >Mobilization against the Soviet union!
  Turned out to be true, Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, and later the Allies broke up and became
  enemies too.


>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)15:26 No.2415297

  >Workers, peasants, Arm yourselves,
  >Arm yourselves with guns.
  >Annihilate the fascist bandit armies,
  >set all Hearts on Fire!
  >Plant your Red banners of Labor
  >On every ramp, on every factory.
  >Rising from the ruins
  >of the old society
  >The socialist World Republic!
  That part is clearly propaganda though.
  >Workers hear, they gather for battle,
  >And shout for nation and race.
  You can't tell me the Nazis were not "shouting for nation and race".
  >This is a war of World leaders
  >Against the working class.
  Socioeconmic status negatively correlated with the chance to die in a war due to having less
  options to avoid a draft, not being able to have a "safer" rank like officers in the army, etc.


>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)15:27 No.2415301

  >Because the assault against the Soviet Union
  >Is a strike in the heart of the Revolution.
  The Sovient Union was the only large country in which a socialist or communist revolution had
  occured, so that's also true.
  >And the War, which sweeps through countries now,
  "Sweeps through the countries" also turned out to be true, the new war became another world war.
  >Is a war against you Proletarian-!
  >Workers, peasants, Arm yourselves,
  >Arm yourselves with guns.
  >Annihilate the fascist bandit armies,
  >set all Hearts on Fire!
  >Plant your Red banners of Labor
  >On every ramp, on every factory.
  >Rising from the ruins
  >of the old society
  >The socialist World Republic!
  That rest is propaganda again.

  All in all, the poem is almost prophetic.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)15:28 No.2415302


  Am mindestens klingt es geil, oder?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)15:37 No.2415309

  >Take your rifles to hand
  >"Arm yourselves with guns"

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)15:43 No.2415317

  stay prole, pleb

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)16:40 No.2415379

  I'm confused as to why a song pro-CCCP is being sung in german

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)16:42 No.2415381

  Apparently it was written during the Weimar Republic days.

  There were a lot of USSR supporters all across Europe back then.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/14(Fri)16:43 No.2415384

  Do you know how stupid you sound? Especially when a huge part of the explanation is in the rest
  of the thread?
Created: 13/6 -2014 20:06:41 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:46:31 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:33:41