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This is resource DG3N47Q, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2420461 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12. Discovered flash files: 1
File: WeeOhWee.swf-(6.41 MB, 479x349, Anime) [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)01:45 No.2420461 >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)01:51 No.2420469 shtfw she isnt a legit voclaoid. better than miku >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)01:55 No.2420472 >>2420469 this was sung by lon not a vocaloid >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)01:57 No.2420475 >>2420469 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eq6rfCjKlw this is the original. >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)02:12 No.2420486 doing my duty of pointing out that she is actually a chibi and her "shoulders" are actually arms >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)02:29 No.2420494 >>2420486 pfft... >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)02:49 No.2420507 >>2420486 cant unsee!! >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)02:55 No.2420511 >>2420486 Joke's on you. I never saw it that way, and I never will. >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)03:16 No.2420527 >>2420486 This is why people don't like you, anon. >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)03:25 No.2420536 >>2420486 is she from Katawa Shoujo? >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)03:34 No.2420545 shaq did it better. >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/14(Wed)04:24 No.2420587 >>2420536 no anon. y u have dumbs? |