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This is resource FGAYTE1, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/7 -2014 23:48:00

Ended:4/7 -2014 01:19:34

Checked:4/7 -2014 01:54:14

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: A Song About Bronies.swf-(8.11 MB, 480x272, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)16:40 No.2439550

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] sage 07/03/14(Thu)16:49 No.2439569


>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:28 No.2439614

  bronies confirmed for faggots

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:30 No.2439617

  gays? maybe...
  but from what i saw they had partys filled with smoken hot... dame
  like 4:1 ratio
  if you are little charizmatic and care a little less about those ponys you got lady sworm to fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:32 No.2439618

  please post the youtube original

  i want to read the quality comments that it surely has

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:37 No.2439622

  kek. I used to know a "brony" back in high school. He was one of the weird kids who was a little
  socially awkward. He never did anything bad to anyone, but everyone would avoid him anyways. I
  always made sure to say hi to him in the hallways though just in case he decided to shoot up the

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:45 No.2439636

  >implying it wouldn't have been FANTASTIC if he shot up the school

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:49 No.2439642


>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:53 No.2439652

  You know what else are a fucking faggots?
  People who make these videos.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:53 No.2439653

  And this is where we have fallen, so disaffected that the only way to define ourselves is through
  the things we enjoy, no longer is it simply 'I like this show', it has become 'I'm a brony, a
  whovian, a whogivesafuckian?' so, look at who you all are, bronies, gamers, whovians or whatever,
  the real statement should be 'I am myself, I like what I like and the rest of you can return to
  buggering your inbred back-alley offspring while you eat your Mcdonalds, it doesn't matter,
  because deep down you're faggots with different interests to someone so just get on with it and
  define yourselves by something meaningful'.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/14(Thu)17:56 No.2439657

  original got taken down apparently, Re-uploaded version is here.

>> [_] John Moses Browning 07/03/14(Thu)18:19 No.2439676

  This guy is obvioulsy a brony
  Or at least a butthurt furry
Created: 3/7 -2014 23:48:00 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:48:19 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:56:15