File: hockey.swf-(1.42 MB, 840x600, Game)
[_] Actual ice punch Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)20:32 No.2414530
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)20:38 No.2414540
Goalie is best team
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)20:53 No.2414554
Why does the fucking goalie never stay in the box? also the puck can go through the net on the
back of the goal because it was blessed by Gandalf.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)21:36 No.2414579
Referee is best team. I ejected both teams entirely.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)22:03 No.2414595
>pick the team you prefer
>become referee
>eject all of the other teams players
>basque in ultimate victory