File: Ghost Rabbit.swf-(9.68 MB, 640x480, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)05:16 No.2399053
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] AdamB15 05/29/14(Thu)05:39 No.2399060
This and the "sextra credit" dubs, I love them both, holy shit!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)06:28 No.2399074
Whats the anime/dub?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)06:34 No.2399077
boku no ghost stories
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)07:15 No.2399092
This has no right to be as funny as it is.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)07:50 No.2399113
Is this the Show where the Rabbits are eating everyone?
>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/29/14(Thu)07:54 No.2399116
>i know now it will never work between us
>not because you're a rabbit
>but because your black
haven't seen this in ages, still good
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)08:04 No.2399120
I forget the name of the anime, but this is the official dub. The Dubbing company took a fairly
standard kid's ghost-hunting show and turned it into South Park.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)08:24 No.2399133
You Son of a bitch!
These three to four carboard boxes won't hold him for long!
good god almighty, i lolled
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)08:28 No.2399137
That would be Blood-C.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)10:02 No.2399186
found the whole series for Ghost Stories on youtube.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)10:49 No.2399210
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)11:28 No.2399223
holy fucking lel
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)11:30 No.2399224
Man I find South Park annoying but they did a good job on this shit
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/14(Thu)12:10 No.2399242
>chinese cartoons