File: hockey.swf-(1.42 MB, 840x600, Game)
[_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)16:10 No.2380816
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)16:17 No.2380826
By sheer luck, I manage one goal and won.
Is hockey supposed to be this hard or do I have to play more sport games?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)16:22 No.2380837
Heh, played as ref. You can suspense every single player and have an empty field.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)16:30 No.2380852
Best player in the game.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)16:55 No.2380895
Ref OP gaijin pls nerf
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)17:02 No.2380910
Imagine if hockey were really like this, would be so much more fun to watch.
Having a neutral ref scoring goals on both sides and suspend anyone that tries to stop him
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)17:13 No.2380930
wish passing was more polished
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)18:01 No.2380988
eject both goalies
lel all the way
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/14(Sun)18:12 No.2380999