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This is resource HYUSS8M, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/5 -2014 02:26:45

Ended:21/5 -2014 05:15:07

Checked:21/5 -2014 05:29:10

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 105.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Policeman Vs Veteran.swf-(9.18 MB, 448x336, Other)
[_] LEGGO Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:21 No.2390436

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:26 No.2390440

  Listen to that pig squeal

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:27 No.2390441

  Shit got real

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:29 No.2390445

  Is... is this real life?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:34 No.2390452

  seven levels of fucked you are. thats a mans last few moments caught in a police dash cam to a
  trained killer.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:35 No.2390453

  this was staged. the vietnam war never existed. castro was an actor.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:35 No.2390455

  Welcome to 4chons. Enjoy your stay.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:36 No.2390458

  no scope
  hmm whoever makes those autistic mlg videos should be using these vids

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:37 No.2390460

  i get that this is funny. but sit there and realize that 4chan doesn't make you a monster. you
  chose to act that way on your own accord. have a heart before yours is gone

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:37 No.2390461

  le edgy cop hate

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:38 No.2390462

  Cop shouldn't have hesitated. 'Nam vet or not he should have just shot the piece of trash as soon
  as he went for the gun.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:40 No.2390463

  Veteran did nothing wrong.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:40 No.2390464


  Pretty sad how so many people have the, "fuck the police," attitude just because some niggers on
  the radio started chimping out about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:42 No.2390466

  I'm not sure what's more fucked up. The fact that people like that guy exist, or that 'Nam fucked
  people up this bad.

  Reading the comments on the youtube upload of this rustles my jimmies so fucking hard.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:42 No.2390468


  Gr8 b8 m8!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:44 No.2390469

  I've been aware that this was real for years before op posted this here today. I don't care that
  it was this cops last moments I still find the video funny. Mostly because of the vets constant
  "NO!" but also because that cop screamed like a bitch and that's funny.

  Anyway welcome to the internet where some people find fucked up shit funny. Please lurk moar and
  enjoy your stay.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:44 No.2390470

  Eh, suit yourself. Just don't pretend to care about something that is continually happening, but
  wasn't in your mind's eye until now. Some joe you never knew died in the line of duty 15 years
  ago. Died as a nobody, for no cause or reason. Same as everyone else.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:44 No.2390471

  Did the cop die?
  This is hilarious

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:45 No.2390473


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:46 No.2390475

  The story:

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:50 No.2390478

  i know. its not just that im saying remember that death happens, there have been people who
  haven't even experienced the world before dying ( babies, the disabled , the murdered) and shit
  sucks because its not how we die sometimes, but when.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:53 No.2390480


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:55 No.2390484

  fucking depressing

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:55 No.2390485

  His will to live wasn't strong enough, morals got in the way, etc. When no one else is around,
  only the laws of nature apply. Hobbes bless you.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:56 No.2390486

  It goes without saying that he tried to remain peaceful in this situation for far too long. The
  motorist was able to pull out a gun and everything before the policeman ever opened fire.

  That said he probably just didn't want a $75 ticket to turn into a firefight. The escalation in
  this video is ridiculous.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:56 No.2390487

  not even bismuth has this many edges

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:57 No.2390488

  >being this pretentious

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:58 No.2390491

  Just because it happens all the time does not make it any less sacred.
  >and no one dies without cause or reason

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)19:59 No.2390492

  We are no better than animals. Prove me wrong.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:01 No.2390496

  The cop fired first, you dickless self-obsessed retard.
  He missed, which is another problem.
  He did manage to get the guy once in gut though.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:01 No.2390497

  He isn't being pretentious hobbs is a well known name.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:03 No.2390499

  >After being captured, Brannan was asked why he killed Dinkheller. His response was, "Because he
  let me."


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:05 No.2390501

  I accidentally cut myself on the edge here.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:08 No.2390505

  damn, he mad

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:08 No.2390506

  But we are superior to animals. That's a basic fact. You can't look at some obscure philosophy
  and think of it as the one and only truth. We are superior to animals in practically every way.
  We are the most intelligent creatures on Earth, and we have used intellect to surpass basic
  creatures. We have captured and enslaved practically every species on Earth and the ones that we
  haven't captured/enslaved yet are because of morals or that we haven't found them yet.
  Declaring man to be equal to a pig is one of the most retarded things I have ever heard.

  Also did the cop get hurt or something?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:09 No.2390509

  I'm surprised that the cop didn't just aim carefully and shoot him in the heart. But I think he
  actually shot a warning shot, which was when the other guy opened fire. Either way, the veteran
  is a coward.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:11 No.2390511

  He died. Shot in the arms and legs first, then the eye.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:11 No.2390512

  he fucking died. were you even watching?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:14 No.2390516

  >look mom I posted it again

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:16 No.2390519

  Pigs are actually pretty intelligent and friendly. Not nearly as brutal and alienating as us
  humans. :) Still the point remains. Even with all the technology, laws, and social conventions,
  we are inventing new, more efficient means of killing each other, dominating each other, ignoring
  each other's plights. And yet with all our advancements, we still manage to regress at the first
  sign of instability. We live civilly only for as long as we enjoy our material comforts and our
  means of living is secure.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:18 No.2390521

  Over one hundred billion people have lived and died on this earth, what makes this guy special?
  Just because we witnessed it? Life doesn't really have much value on the grand scale.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:21 No.2390522

  how do you get this far in a thread and not realize the guy died??

>> [_] Mr.Pibb 05/20/14(Tue)20:22 No.2390523

  "To kill one is a tragedy, to kill one million now that is a statistic.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:24 No.2390525

  Such is the appeal to emotion. It extends only as far as we can comprehend it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:25 No.2390526

  Reason why he hesitated was because he was previously reprimanded for firing his weapon when he
  didn't have to (I forget how long it was between that and the incident shown, but if I recall
  correctly it was about 2 weeks to a month). The first shots the vet fired were to simply
  immobilize the cop and when the cop, (wielding only a .22) got up and fired again (which he
  shouldn't have done (obviously)) the bullet was caught in the vets thick wool jacket, not harming
  him, only aggravating him more to the point where he finished off the cop.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:30 No.2390530

  The cop should've been wearing a vest

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:31 No.2390531

  The vest doesn't cover your eye.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:31 No.2390533

  Wouldn't have helped, wasn't shot in the chest.

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)20:34 No.2390535

  this again




>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:35 No.2390537

  >a speeding Toyota pickup truck...which he clocked at nearly 100 miles per hour.
  >Dudley, GA

  Dudley PD was a fuckbucket of inbred corrupt pigs. Cars were pulled over all the time and shaken
  down for cash. Officer DickSucker just got more than he bargained for and picked the wrong
  citizen to fuck with. The vet probably got shaken down in the past and decided enough was enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:36 No.2390538

  He should've been wearing bullet-proof goggles then,

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:36 No.2390540

  Do they make those? I want some.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:37 No.2390541


  Except nowadays in most countries of the world, a cop can snap your wife's neck, rape her ass,
  and if you walk in and shoot him, you still go to prison as a "cop killer."

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)20:38 No.2390543

  >in most countries of the world

  Where do you get your information from?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:41 No.2390547


  A little exaggerated but anon's right. Try walking down the street in a long coat of any color
  and fingerless gloves and some 400 pound cop will be on your ass in 20 minutes. And they are
  always belligerent.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:41 No.2390548


  Apparently they do

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:45 No.2390552

  ice cube, probably

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)20:47 No.2390554

  Anyway, have you ever watched Braveheart? There's stupid people everywhere, every point in history

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:48 No.2390557

  Cop didn't die. You can hear him coughing near the end.

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)20:49 No.2390560

  Op, stop trying to defib the thread

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:51 No.2390562

  No he definitely died.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:54 No.2390567

  But you're focusing only on the moral side of humanity. The domesticated pig cannot harm because
  it is not sentient, and therefore cannot contemplate anything above basic instinct. A wild pig
  would definitely kill and has killed many times, and there's nothing beautiful about that.
  Humanity is a species drenched in blood. Our kind has slaughtered, murdered, betrayed, and
  tortured each other for thousands of years, and yet that is our beauty. It's horrible and I hate
  it, yet it is the defining quality of humanity. If humanity was a bunch of peace loving hippies
  from the start then we would have never proven ourselves superior to animals.
  Also, you are focusing on the bad side of humanity. The fact that you are able to feel guilty
  over humanity's bloodshed has proved that you are superior to an animal. Animals do not feel
  emotion. We do. We have proven ourselves superior to animals because of the most basic fact. We
  are concerned with more than survival.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)20:54 No.2390568

  ok if he was in my house raping my wife, he's not gonna be worried about me shooting him. i hope
  he likes dark rooms and an IV line.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:00 No.2390574

  >But you're focusing only on the moral side of humanity.
  That is all we are discussing here. Try and keep up.
  >The domesticated pig cannot harm because it is not sentient
  All mammals are sentient, doofus. You meant sapient. There is a difference.
  >If humanity was a bunch of peace loving hippies from the start then we would have never proven
  ourselves superior to animals
  Superior, how?
  >Animals do not feel emotion.
  Hah, that's funny. You mean they cannot /express/ emotion. At least not in a way we understand.

>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 05/20/14(Tue)21:03 No.2390576

  >Hah, that's funny. You mean they cannot /express/ emotion. At least not in a way we understand.

  Depends on the evolution of the brain.

  Reptiles and older families don't have emotions or feelings, while the most advanced mammals and
  birds can. mammals are capable of bonding in various forms, though most you can think of have
  some deegree of feelings.

  And of course primates are like retarded children.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:05 No.2390578

  Holy fuck you're pretentious.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:07 No.2390582

  >walks toward cop with a gun, engaging him.
  Insane, yes.. coward, no.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:07 No.2390583

  Far more preferable than being stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:07 No.2390584

  It's a proven fact that animals do not and can not feel complex emotions. Man is far superior to
  animals, especially morally. Just look at all the charities and donation organizations. Some of
  them are corrupt, but there's also those that genuinely try to help people. We don't have to, but
  we do it to help others. Just look at all the small things people do with no expectation for
  reward daily. People hold doors for others that they'll never meet again. People have donated
  organs. People have sacrificed their very lives for others. If you consider that to be on the
  same moral level of a rat or a hyena then you need to take a second look at your beliefs.

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)21:09 No.2390587

  You forgot to adress
  >Also, you are focusing on the bad side of humanity.

  You forget you are creating a strawman by only pointing the things you find repulsive.

  Yeah, but you could as well suicide if you're both

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:09 No.2390589

  You're proving my point.

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)21:10 No.2390590

  >point proving

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:11 No.2390591

  Is it shitposting season already?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:14 No.2390593

  lol acting like you wouldn't whine like a bitch after being shot like he did

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:18 No.2390597

  Being honest, I would probably scream like a bitch and piss myself in that situation. I'm a pussy
  in real life.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:20 No.2390598

  The examples you give are first world amenities. When we are secure in our high castles and not
  wanting, we give what is comfortable to us, but never enough to jeopardize our standing. It is
  different elsewhere. In other parts of the world, you have families who cripple their children
  -by either burning their eyes out or breaking their limbs- so they can become better beggars. Or
  subjectively less worse, selling them off as brides. In another, you have warlords harassing
  villages, raping and killing women and children for amusement. And in another women and
  minorities get stoned to death from mere superstitious accusation. Still, in another you have
  organ and sex trafficking from those they've kidnapped or mugged.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:20 No.2390599

  Ok. I will give my full perspective on humanity, and in return I hope that you will give me your
  full perspective on humanity.

  Humans are sinful creatures who have committed an innumerable amount of horrible deeds, but that
  is not to say that we have not done good things as well. We are selfish creatures who would kill
  or enslave for personal gain, but there are also people who surrender those very luxuries for
  others. The more power a man is given, the more selfish he is. That's naivety mixed with a scent
  of cruelty and selfishness. People grow into what you mold them to be. Raise a man to murder, he
  will murder. Raise a man to save others, he will save others. Every individual can be a wildly
  different person. Granted, there are those who are as low as an animal, but there are also those
  who have proven themselves superior to animals. I guess there are other aspects that I can't
  think about right now because I feel I'm missing a couple things.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:21 No.2390601

  You do realize "emotion" is just a concept created by humanity, right?

  Also, great job OP, you got your guaranteed replies.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:26 No.2390606

  You raise a good point.

  I can't think of any retort. All that I'm trying to say is that the fact that we feel emotions
  and have an understanding of morals alone is enough to prove ourselves better than animals,
  because humans have a moral base to begin with while animals and mammals have none (or nothing
  above extremely basic emotions that a gorilla might feel.)

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)21:29 No.2390609

  I believe there's no point in proving what humans are able to do since this is the very trait
  that defines us: the possibility of achievement and growth

  I also believe it's not fair to define humanity as "a sinful species who have committed an
  innumerable amount of horrible deeds"
  since we also "have done good things as well". To begin with you're assessing good and bad from
  your human perspective. But that's a whole different topic.

  I'd define humanity as "potential"

  And that's what sets us apart from other animals

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:30 No.2390613

  Emotion is more like a word put to the concept of whatever you'd call emotion. I personally
  believe that emotions are hardwired into your brain. That's why you don't think "Oh. I should
  feel sad for looking at this.", or "Oh. It's my birthday. I am supposed to be happy". You can
  actually feel emotions on a deeper level, even with people who have not been taught anything
  their whole lives.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:31 No.2390616


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:31 No.2390617

  What moral base is that? Animals and humans alike operate in both our own selfish interests, and
  for the good of the group. Nearly every aspect of our behavior is an inventive means to survive.
  No matter how good or evil it is.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:33 No.2390620

  still on prison

  GDC ID: 0001041320

  living of uncle sam, free food,and keep appealing.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:34 No.2390624

  STILL? Christ, it says he was sentenced to die in 2000.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:38 No.2390628

  >Guaranteed Replies.swf
  Every time

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:39 No.2390633

  >samefagging cont'd
  To either concede or prove a point, I recall hearing about how our altruism as a species is
  hardwired in the brain, not learned as a social construct. Turns out it's all thanks to
  evolution, survival of the species and all that.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:41 No.2390636

  >This is my personal opinion
  Then stop trying to push it onto everyone as a fact.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:41 No.2390638

  Most are just meant for survival, but there are also those done out of the kindness of someone's
  heart. Whether they were taught to do it or if they personally enjoy helping others factors in as
  well, but you still have to realize that we have superior morals to animals. People that donate
  organs don't do it to help the whole of their group or nation, they do it to help an individual
  who would otherwise die or suffer without it. They donate without any benefits in mind other than
  the ways it will benefit that person.
  Also, guilt is another characteristic that shows humanity's superiority. A psychopath is an
  animal, for he can not feel remorse. That's why he is considered different. Because he is
  different. The fact that a psychopath is different from a person and his lack of sympathy for
  others proves that people have a moral founding that they were not just taught.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:44 No.2390642

  worse yet the shooting happenend way beofre that, at some points the death sentence was taken
  from the table, or he claimed he had PTSD, or depression, or bipolar, making a petition to how
  they didn`t consider his mental conditions etc etc

  so just sent liberals gagging, instead of putting this damaged little snowflake out for good wee
  keep feeding him with obongo taxes.

  >why people are talking hurr
  because the edgy over the top anarchist piss some people off.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:44 No.2390643


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:46 No.2390650

  I'm not trying to. I'm stating my perspective on humanity just like everyone else in this thread.
  You need multiple perspectives to get a full picture, and just ignoring everyone else's opinion
  because of the fact that it's an opinion is stupid, especially in philosophy or whatever the fuck
  we're discussing right now.
  Honestly, I've learned a couple things from this thread myself, and it has changed my perspective
  on humanity quite a bit. I'm just trying to do the same.

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)21:48 No.2390655


>> [_] That guy on the other side of the argument 05/20/14(Tue)21:49 No.2390656

  He wasn't samefagging. The original post was me.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:50 No.2390657

  Probably just nitpicking at this point, that all those traits have been adapted over generations
  of survival instinct, and have since become sophisticated behavioral outlets of one's
  personality. Although, I guess it doesn't really matter if one's morality is inherited or learned.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:51 No.2390662

  No, I meant that I was adding onto my earlier post. The person I was quoting was myself.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:51 No.2390663

  The policeman just wanted to solve things peacefully. Asshole thought the policeman was giving
  him attitude. They're just doing their jobs.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:56 No.2390671

  Your posts are written in a very matter-of-fact way. Including the one I'm replying to.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:57 No.2390672

  >The policeman just wanted to solve things peacefully.

  Literally the entire job of a police officer is to enforce the law by implicitly or explicitly
  threatening violence against people. Fucker deserved what he got, even if the veteran was fucked
  up and overreacting too.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:57 No.2390673

  >the bullet got caught in the thick wool jacket


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)21:59 No.2390675

  Well thank you. I just don't want the argument to devolve into whoever can say 'fuck you' the

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/20/14(Tue)22:03 No.2390680

  You assholes are gonna break /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)22:03 No.2390681

  To elaborate more on my point, look at all of your previous posts. There's a significant absence
  of personal pronouns. Compare your posts to the tripfag's posts

  This for example. See the difference?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)22:09 No.2390686

  Haterz gunna hate

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/14(Tue)22:13 No.2390691

  Don't forget that you helped break it.
Created: 21/5 -2014 02:26:45 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:39:58 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:55:12