File: uiharu_and_the_slut.swf-(1.22 MB, 512x288, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 05/17/14(Sat)17:41 No.2386883
>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/14(Sat)18:13 No.2386915
love the polyphonic version of clocks
unless that was the polyphonic version of destroy everything you touch, in which case i liked that
> these two songs are surprisingly similar whoa
>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/14(Sat)18:40 No.2386957
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/14(Sat)19:49 No.2387017
How dare the file name insult my perfect waifu Saten-san. Jimmies rustled.
>> [_] bestgirl !fDTtXetqEU 05/17/14(Sat)20:03 No.2387031
If by "perfect waifu" you mean "worstgirl", sure.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/14(Sat)20:20 No.2387051
Can anyone tell me the name of this remix?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/14(Sat)20:24 No.2387054
whats the name of the song? sounds a bit like a remix of a song i heard like 12 years ago