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This is resource MUS3YFJ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/5 -2014 10:01:06

Ended:19/5 -2014 16:32:00

Checked:19/5 -2014 17:12:47

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 106.
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File: to_build_a_better_mousetrap.swf-(2.2 MB, 960x640, Other)
[_] CAPITALISM Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:00 No.2388605

  >classes wwwwla

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:17 No.2388612


  Fucking animals.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:29 No.2388620

  So I ran out of money somehow, because for whatever reason your mice build stuff and then it
  doesn't get converted to money. So instead I decided to automate and all the mice rebelled. Can
  you actually win this?

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/19/14(Mon)03:32 No.2388623

  if your mice want more food and get pissed they delibretly ruin the product, same goes for

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:33 No.2388625

  Fuck you and your Communism, it bankrupts the company and then ends with everyone miserable.


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:37 No.2388628

  >not using 4chan X

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:37 No.2388629


  The thing is that everyone is miserable but there is some faggets that bring the illusion of
  happiness to the rats but it still an illusion and when the rats realize it they blame the "cat"
  for all their suffering but the thing is that there was never a cat and neither was the
  progress...all just was an illusion... a dream.

  You have lost the game.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:38 No.2388630

  Yeah I got that, I'm giving them max food, but it feeds them so infrequently that they still get
  mad and ruin the research.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:39 No.2388632

  Congratulations, you are now Britain in the 1970s.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:39 No.2388633

  Yes because everyone is so incredibly happy with capitalism right?

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/19/14(Mon)03:40 No.2388634


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:40 No.2388635

  The game should just have an option to feed them more frequently. As the leader of the company I
  don't understand why I don't get to choose what I do with my money. If I want to feed my poor as
  well as the jobless mice at the bottom and I have enough robots producing good to be able to do
  it I don't see why I can't.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:41 No.2388636


  Hoho, let me guess you are that kind of fucker who thing everyone can be "happy"?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:42 No.2388637

  no, but I'm also not someone who is blindly indoctrinated to think communism is bad and that
  capitalism is good.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:44 No.2388641

  Pretty sure most companies don't just go "well, we've got ten employees, no point expanding
  beyond that, let's just sit back and wait for the inevitable communist revolution" either.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:45 No.2388643


  >Believing any kind of -ism

  No wonder why oafs overthrow they hate and impotence towards the ones who dare to do.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:46 No.2388644

  bad game is bad.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:47 No.2388646

  Communism isn't bad just because it's bad. It's bad because it stifles progress. Countries
  running under a communist system progress much slower than countries running under a capitalist
  system, which is why the United States is a business giant while Russia is barely getting by

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:47 No.2388647

  >No wonder why oafs overthrow they hate and impotence towards the ones who dare to do.

  Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:48 No.2388649


  Everybody who gets pissed off at this game is actually mad at the logic of capital.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:49 No.2388650

  The idea that creating more technology and wealth is progress is part of the problem.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:50 No.2388651

  No what we are mad at is how retarded it is that you can't feed your employees or the poor with
  your wealth. You just kind of sit on it doing nothing like an idiot.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:51 No.2388653

  The problem with COMMUNISM is that we still live in a scarcity-based world. Bottom line is that
  there does not exist enough stuff for everyone. Period. That is a hard fact you cannot change
  without murdering a good 25-50% of the global population outright. If we all had molecular
  printers and could create new resources out of raw materials at will using them, then Communism
  (or some form of it) could work. Emphasis could.

  The problem with CAPITALISM is the snowball effect. We're seeing the result of the snowball
  effect these days especially, where people either hit a 'critical mass' point with their money
  that means they will never be without that ludicrous amount of money again, or they never hit
  that point and are subject to the boom-bust cycle of the economy, potentially meeting financial
  ruin every nth year just because the world said so.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:51 No.2388654


  I had to reformat my hard drive about an hour ago and haven't gotten around to it yet

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:51 No.2388655

  Welcome to the world of the 1%.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:51 No.2388656



>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:56 No.2388658

  Again you look at it the wrong way. It's not that the US is making technology and wealth; it's
  that during the whole communism vs. capitalism era, the US just made shit to make life easier
  and/or more enjoyable. If other people were willing to generate "wealth" to give it to us in
  trade for these fun things that we were making, then who are we to stop them? We can always make
  more for ourselves, and what they give us in trade can be traded for other things we want.

  Other parties could have just made the things they wanted as well instead of buying shit from the
  one party that did take the time.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:57 No.2388659

  Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Communism is a fantastic system for small groups of
  people dedicated to it, as they CAN have enough for all of them. True it can't work on a mass
  scale but that doesn't make it badwrongevil the way capitalists seem to think it is.
  Capitalism on the other hand produces ultra wealthy assholes who horde their wealth instead of
  putting it to use while others get trampled underfoot barely able to get by each day until they
  eventually die of exhaustion of starvation.
  It's not like a system has to be applicable to the entire fucking planet right now to be worth

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:58 No.2388661

  >Other parties could have just made the things they wanted as well instead of buying shit from
  the one party that did take the time.

  Right, those other places that the US and other western powers sucked dry during the colonial
  age, yeah they totally could have just made the things they wanted. Definitely.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)03:59 No.2388662


  Now your economic/political system is fighting against the spoiled generation that gave birth and
  dealing with the results of "spending what you don't have" also that the US empire is collapsing.
  US it is already in the transition btw being the whore of babylon to the downfall of the empire.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:02 No.2388666

  Maybe not Africa or Mexico, but certainly Russia or China could have. The option was on the table
  for them, but they both chose the option that drove them into the ground.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:04 No.2388670


  Worst get.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:10 No.2388675

  The option was never on the table for China. Empress Cixi had anyone who was in favor of
  industrialization and modernization exiled or executed while the western powers exploited China
  for all it was worth. Immediately following was WW1 in which China was exploited some more, then
  WW2 in which Japan jumped in on the exploitation train. Eventually Mao was able to win their
  civil war, but only by beating Chang who was a brutal fascist. So no, China never really had the
  option of becoming a productive capitalistic country until very recently

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:14 No.2388679

  China could have adopted capitalism; they chose to act arrogantly and try to boss the West
  around, and got fucking wrecked because the world had moved on from gunpowder and rockets. They
  then half-heartedly and retardedly tried to adopt capitalism without destroying their shitty
  social structure and risking the people at the top losing out, and continued getting fucking
  wrecked. Then they adopted communism, and starved 45 million people to death in 4 years.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:14 No.2388680

  Just finish the game, in the end everyone is happy

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:17 No.2388682

  What part of psychotic dictator murders reformers leaves you still thinking they had a choice?
  One loony cunt saw what they wanted and murdered them for it because it didn't involve her at the
  top anymore.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:20 No.2388684

  Even if Cixi took the option of capitalism off the table, that doesn't mean it wasn't there. She
  could have chosen to embrace the idea.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:23 No.2388686

  > heavy research
  >research computerization
  >replace researchers one by one
  >research automation (yellow machinery)
  >replace workers one by one
  drag vandal ex-employees to jail, where they belong (left of police cat)

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:27 No.2388692

  One person does not an entire country making a choice make. Empress Cixi decided to be a selfish
  cunt, that doesn't mean China chose not to embrace capitalism, it means one dictator chose not to
  and slaughtered anyone who tried to.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:28 No.2388693

  What part of "Empress Cixi comes to power in the fucking 1860s, by which time Britain had already
  tried twice to bludgeon China into the global world trade network instead of shutting itself off
  from the rest of civilisation, and supported reforms until the 1890s" are you not clear on?
  Plenty of opportunity there.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:29 No.2388694

  By tried to bludgeon china into the global world trade network I hope you mean tried to turn them
  into a colony so as to drain them of all their resources.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:33 No.2388695

  You guys realize, that when they hit the ceiling when they are on the bottom floor, you can drag
  them to the left of that same floor to suspend them, making them incapable of causing a riot?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:35 No.2388697

  i was going to tell them the same shit but they have their heads crammed to far up their own
  asses to remember its just a fuckin game by a guy with an opinion.

  btw the goal is to make it to retirement

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:38 No.2388698

  We realize that, we just have a different idea of fun that people like you who can't fathom the
  enjoyment of a good discussion of history, politics, and economics.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:40 No.2388700

  >only achievable by sending all of the poorfags to jail

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:41 No.2388701


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:42 No.2388702

  No, I mean "being allowed to go into China and see if the people want to buy any British goods".
  If the British are trying to turn China into a colony it seems odd that the peace treaties after
  two successive military humiliations of China all focus on the right to trade and travel rather
  than, say, annexing territory.

>> [_] wow wise man 05/19/14(Mon)04:43 No.2388703

  so much ignorance in this post; do some of you occasionally switch to the business channel and
  memorise all the crap you hear? although the economy is artificial, man does not have control
  over it. many of the things you guys state as fact with no basis are just theories. for example,
  that there is a poorest percentile is almost certain, but that this percentile must be deprived
  is not.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:44 No.2388704

  > people like you who can't fathom the enjoyment of a good discussion of history, politics, and

  your on 4chan you want a real honest dicussion go somewhere else thats not populated by people
  who jerk off to mlp, cripples and have moved out of their mothers basement.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:48 No.2388707

  not as fun without those exact people. And to be fair, saying those people won't know about
  history, politics, and economics because they jerk off to X or Y or because they are cripples or
  because they still live in their parent's basements has no basis in reality and is a pathetic ad
  hominem attack.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:49 No.2388709

  the hell. i had NO machines working, paying 4 pieces per employee, and the faggots i had no room
  to hire staged an insurrection? the fuck is that about?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:53 No.2388711

  It's about the creator of the game making a very poor attempt to make capitalism look bad by
  artificially limiting the actions you can take.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)04:57 No.2388713

  im not going to get into this with you. i know you read that logical fallacy poster so you think
  your a master debater but i never said because they are cripples i said they beat off to cripples
  2nd certain sexual deveations are a product of social isolation as is the basement part and
  social isolation is kinda detrimental to politics isnt it. granted you could get your political
  dick wet via the internet but lets be honest most of everyone here wouldnt spend more than 1
  minute on a news site unless it had some violent shit on it. 4chan isnt known to breed or house
  scholars and for good reason dont bullshit yourself into thinking otherwise with 1st year college
  bullshit philsophy and film/book quotes that any asshole could read at their local library.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:03 No.2388716

  For starters, thank you for the laugh. Secondly, learn your English grammar, you did indeed say
  they were cripples. Third, social isolation is not detrimental to politics, it is detrimental to
  social skills. Someone who reads a lot of political theory will be well versed in politics
  regardless of whether they are capable of communicating with another living creature without
  being hidden behind a screen or not. Fourth, no one said 4chan breeds or houses scholars, except
  you, but at this point I'm doubting you are really even aware of what is spewing out of your
  mouth at (or really your fingers, as we are on computers here.) and finally, I don't recall ever
  taking any "first year college bullshit philsophy" classes, but I can assure you if a college
  near me ever did offer "bullshit philsophy" as a class, I would be right there to take it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:09 No.2388719

  trying to save face is a bitch aint it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:12 No.2388721

  I've actually beat it, in two different ways

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:13 No.2388722

  save face? what would anyone need to save face for on an anonymous message board? No one here has
  a face to save. Are you really that retarded?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:16 No.2388723

  name calling is a sign of anger. if your feelings are hurt we can talk about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:16 No.2388724

  So theres bankruptcy, insurrection and retirement. Anything else? I can't get retirement without
  getting machines because the boxes just don't want to get processed for no reason.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:18 No.2388726

  I thought we were talking about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:24 No.2388729

  sometimes i play with my dick in public

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:27 No.2388733

  >people actually believe this

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:27 No.2388734

  seems like max wages are able to support 3 mice comfortably, I instantly blasted anyone who
  bitched too much and eventually maxed out the jail which stopped new workers, had a 50/50 split
  of machines, achieved retirements

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:30 No.2388735

  ok hold on. why all of a sudden do i HAVE to keep hiring workers as if im in charge of feeding
  the whole human race? when a businessman has enough people he just stops hiring. why does this
  have to lead to riots?? its not like it ever gave me the option to buy a bigger warehouse.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:30 No.2388736

  absolutely euphoric

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:31 No.2388737

  because the game is bad

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:32 No.2388738


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:32 No.2388739

  Game is skewed as fuck.
  Even when you have all workforce working correctly, you can't win.
  Income is enought to maintain everything until for no reason the chain stops selling shit and
  stock is piling up. Then they get sold but you don't get the income.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:33 No.2388740

  its the idea that consumers eventually get "bored" of the product or something.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:33 No.2388741

  Like this?
  Fuckers complain to you not hiring them.

  Go fuck yourself and be a street cleaner instead.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:35 No.2388742

  >tried to upload picture on /f/

  here it is

  But then you have to make research faster and use a computer, which implies firing a mouse who
  will fuck shit up.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:36 No.2388744

  shit i never got this effect

  arent your mice sad? they fuck up the product on purpose when they are sad

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:37 No.2388745

  The grey part on histogram are demand previsions. You have to get a new product before the old
  one stops selling.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:37 No.2388746

  it's not the production being messed up, it's perfectly salable goods just piling up on your
  production line.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:39 No.2388747

  well actually, i managed to finally beat the game with a full reaserch team of humans. 100%
  research and production, 50% wages to be paid. and hell, i paid them the max.

>> [_] Lockwert !nnIgGerRZ. 05/19/14(Mon)05:43 No.2388748

  There you go. State regulations over companies.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:50 No.2388752

  Oh yeah, anyone else get to retirement?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)05:58 No.2388755

  120 units sold, with fully automated factory and full prison

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:00 No.2388756

  It's trivially easy once you get the hang of it. Done it with around 75 units sold once. Could
  probably manage with less.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:13 No.2388763



>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:13 No.2388764

  I don't get this game.

  You auto-win almost no matter how bad you might run shit. How the fuck do you people actually

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:16 No.2388767

  Most people don't twig to the fact that you can whack the rioting mice in jail by dragging them
  to the left of the police cat when they cause trouble. Like this guy:

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:23 No.2388769

  I didn't even know you could do that.

  I just build machines, and basically autowin before the bottom row even has a chance of filling

  I've tried now, and aside from overpaying/researching nothing but blocks, you can't lose.

  Hell, someone complaining about wages? Throw him out of the job, and chances are he'll be
  offering to work for 1 or 2 within SECONDS.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:25 No.2388771

  >This many replies
  INB4 marked for deletion

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:34 No.2388775

  wats the difference between this and the mac donalds game??

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:36 No.2388776

  I just won with 26 units sold.
  Put both mice on research, research a computer.
  Put third mouse on research, until computer finished.
  Fire them before paying a second paycheck.
  Use single computer to research additional computers.
  Use max computers to research new boxes until you hit maximum worth on each box (6 value per box).
  Build a single auto-assembly crane.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)06:36 No.2388777

  Best thing I managed to pull off: put everyone on researching and research servers. Once I have 6
  servers I research cubes. While doing so I try to fill up my prison, so no additional workers
  show up. I keep enjoying cubes changing colors, while I'm neither gaining nor losing money, thus
  never going for retirement or bankrupt. And because there are no workers or unemployed on screen,
  I don't need to worry about insurrection.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)07:08 No.2388786

  >86 replies
  Fucking guaranteed replies.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)07:11 No.2388788

  i wanna say that the replies came from the holes in the game. not the ensuing political debate.
  but hey...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)07:55 No.2388799

  You cannot; I never automated production, fired workers who stopped working (without even
  demanding anything; I did actually keep my workers well paid enough to keep even the
  most...fussy? volatile? 1/2 happiness), promoted good workers, demoted or fired bad R&D
  guys, made sure to do worker placement for people imprisoned after they decided to stop trying to
  break shit. I was even making a good bit of profit (though it got dicey about halfway through).

  but at some point the game arbitrarily decided there was absolute insurrection!

  I appreciate the concept, but this game is very much flawed, both as a game and as a political

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:12 No.2388805

  Ah, okay, I just realized what the deal is; there's inherently a 'kill-screen' because there's
  not 100% employment, because there's 0 operations growth by the company while there's basically
  infinite population growth over time. I neglected to notice that the fractures are also caused by
  unemployment, so you're destined to lose regardless of how ethical or fairly you operate your

  Basically if you play the game well enough, the ending is then 5 unemployed guys killing the
  research and work forces, automating their positions, imprisoning a small business owner, and
  dancing in the streets. I'm going to assume that that's not really what was supposed to happen,
  what with the whole 'better mousetrap', cat and mouse angle.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:14 No.2388807

  I inevitably ended up automating, I would like to keep man power as I enjoy handcrafted products.
  But due to machines we don't need people to devote their lives to building a product, what I got
  out of it was the eventual mechanization of everything to minimize problems and maximize profits.
  Its kind of sadly true.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:23 No.2388812

  If we could make the entire thing automated then we'd have a way to produce and sell, while the
  firm will pay taxes to keep the unemployed not working.

  Humanity would be able to focus on something else, more productive like research and improving
  but nope, the unemployed will just fuck around while 1-5% will still conduct research.

  This would be startrek, too bad it'll never happen.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:31 No.2388819

  Interesting point. Also you would have to take into account of a population explosion perhaps and
  quality of life as well. I just want to see man make a moon base, even if its temporary before i

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:39 No.2388822

  who made this game? chavez?

  its definitely made by some butthurt communist

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:40 No.2388823

  Yeah. Heard somewhere that the star trek system wouldn't be able to hold itself because of
  currency not being existent or devalued.

  Now that i think about it, it would mean pretty much ideal communism. Still, the amounts of
  factors (like you said, quality of life etc) would still tip things over. They tried that in
  Romania and it kinda got to bankruptcy and then revolution.

  Moonbases would be nice. I hope we'll get to see another lunar landing first with current day

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:43 No.2388825

  trips and dubs
  truth has spoken

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:54 No.2388829

  aaand today's lesson is: fuck mice, embrace machines.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)08:55 No.2388830

  Holy shit this is going to break 100 replys

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)09:00 No.2388832

  never saw a 300 replies post here didn't you?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)09:05 No.2388833

  100 get

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)09:07 No.2388834


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)09:09 No.2388836

  What's the goal?

  Get many units sold until retirement?
  Get few units sold until retirement?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)09:13 No.2388839


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)09:19 No.2388842

  toasting in epic bread

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/14(Mon)09:30 No.2388851

  >doesnt know how to read a subtraction sign
  >doesnt reread something he thinks might be wrong
  >posting in a capitalist thread
  and there's the representative for the 95-99% of people who'd be fucking around
Created: 19/5 -2014 10:01:06 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:39:35 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:26:06