File: Touhou.swf-(590 KB, 500x500, Game)
[_] Touhou Tuesday! Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)00:05 No.2418063
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)00:07 No.2418067
Too bad nobody appreciates Touhou.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)02:46 No.2418201
Bring out your 2hu guise!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:03 No.2418215
Its like the fuckin Toy Story game where you're Buzzed and run from Zergs
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:13 No.2418228
Shiet I haven't played mappy for years!
This is good.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)03:18 No.2418230
>posting the untranslated one