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The ejaculation part is probably the next post simply because I'm just being fucking lazy right now. I'm going to go take a nap but feel free to comment. Once I get up I'll respond if this thread doesn't 404. Impalications abound. Marked for deletion (old). >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)09:16 No.2402090 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)09:16 No.2402090 I remember you. Are you still going to do the Link rape scenes where he gets ass fucked also? I remember all the shit you promised a bunch of people when you had your blog up. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)09:26 No.2402098 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)09:26 No.2402098 Why not just have her sitting down, it's odd the way she's positioned. She's effectively bending her torso the right for no apparent reason, looks uncomfortable. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)09:57 No.2402109 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)09:57 No.2402109 >>2402088 the cum's too grey. make it more white. alternatively, make it very light yellow. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)09:58 No.2402110 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)09:58 No.2402110 >>2402109 Light yellow? I don't know what's wrong with your jizz, but that shit's not healthy. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:01 No.2402114 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:01 No.2402114 >>2402088 sup bro, just make the jizz a tone below white, should work pretty much alright also i'm not sure if you can change it at this stage (i'm a drawfag, never worked with flash), but i think that you should change her lips after she moves her tongue up since she looks like magicarp for a second or so. keep up the good work >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:04 No.2402116 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:04 No.2402116 >>2402088 Oh shit, it's /f/dude. Are you still finishing up that Deku scrub scene that you were going to finish like two years ago? >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:08 No.2402121 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:08 No.2402121 I seem to remember an LoZ porn comic with a very similar plot to your game >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:11 No.2402122 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:11 No.2402122 >>2402121 I'm pretty sure he's said time and time again that it's based off of this comic, or rather is "inspired" by it. >> 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)10:52 No.2402144 [_] 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)10:52 No.2402144 I'm back, but I'll be gone for a while also. >>2402090 Yes, there will be rape scenes for Link. It's even said on the what I plan to do in scne02 in the swf file. >>2402098 I'm not sure I see it, but it's probably an issue on how the bottom is presented. Again, it's something that I can fix easily. Might look into it some more now that the issue's been presented. >>2402109 I forgot to mention that the cum is not actually a solid color. It's somewhat transparent. Might explain why it's greyish. >>2402114 Don't worry about it, it's something that can be easily fixed. Didn't notice before. >>2402116 Nope. Probably a whole new scene to something similar. >>2402121 what >>2402122 said Hopefully this can stay alive for a bit more. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:55 No.2402147 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:55 No.2402147 >>2402144 Are you going to make a new blog? >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:59 No.2402150 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)10:59 No.2402150 >>2402088 >>2402144 Eh... I'm more interested in the Link scenes you're doing/have done. It seems like you just keep rehashing either Zelda blowjobs or a little Ruto here and there every time I see you post. It's too bad you won't be finishing the Scrub/Link scene, that looked much more interesting to me than any of the other stuff you've ever done. Especially since I hung around your blog and voted on that back whenever the fuck you still had it up. >> 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)11:06 No.2402154 [_] 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)11:06 No.2402154 >>2402147 Maybe. I want to actually make something demo-like before firing one up. Besides, I have forgotten the password for the email and others. >>2402150 I'm actually trying to just go chronologically. From beginning to end, no dilly-dally. Once this part is completed, the first rape scene with link is on the board on the to-do list. This is because the combat is something I'm going to be toying for a while. I have some idea on how I want it to work, but the coding is going to be a bitch and I might get stuck for a long time. The sex parts are the drive for the game so I think I'd rather work on those before the battles. To give you a hint for what's to come in that scene, it's 2 vs 1. I've actually have a model on the soldier in the works. Fucking chain-mail effect is hard to pull off. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:11 No.2402157 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:11 No.2402157 >>2402154 Well that's good that you seem to have a plan going on this time. Speaking of which, do you have a layout for all the sex/rape scenes in the game? Like what's going to make it in and what won't? That's pretty sweet though, I'm looking forward to the next scene then with the soldiers on Link. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:14 No.2402162 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:14 No.2402162 >>2402154 You should just prioritize the sex scenes, I think that's all people are really interested in. If you plan on turning this into a game, I would save the actual gameplay stuff for later, especially if you're not that familiar with coding, or don't have a friend you can have code. Speaking from experience, flash is not that great for games in general. >> Scarra !!vhUdXljB5vX 06/01/14(Sun)11:15 No.2402163 [_] Scarra !!vhUdXljB5vX 06/01/14(Sun)11:15 No.2402163 >>2402088 I honestly don't see a problem with the movement in part 2 & 3, it looks fine to me. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:20 No.2402166 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:20 No.2402166 >>2402154 fuck yeah. are you still doing the monster rape scenes for link later? i am maximum hyped for the link parts tho. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:44 No.2402182 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:44 No.2402182 pretty damn excited for this. Keep up the great work OP! >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:45 No.2402183 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)11:45 No.2402183 >>2402088 You should probably get a trip, so there's no impersonators. I vaguely remember you having one before. >> 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)12:44 No.2402210 [_] 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)12:44 No.2402210 >>2402157 A specific layout? No. I'm still trying to figure out what to do overall. >>2402162 I'm still in the pool of ideas for the combat so it makes sense if I pushed for the sex scenes. I'll have to do it at some point though. Don't know when. >>2402166 Yes. >>2402183 I did, but I'm not going to use one until actual impostors appear. I think I remember the old trip actually. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)12:52 No.2402215 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)12:52 No.2402215 >>2402210 When are you going to release the next update or scene? >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)12:53 No.2402217 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)12:53 No.2402217 -Lips -Buttprofile >> 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)12:57 No.2402221 [_] 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)12:57 No.2402221 >>2402215 I don't know really. I haven't started on anything beyond what I have right now. Safe guess is 10 days. I'm going to be taking it slow for a while for reasons I can't control. I might be able to find some time to work, but this week's a bitch. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)13:00 No.2402225 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)13:00 No.2402225 >>2402221 You should set up a cohesive schedule. Like release what you have finished every two weeks or something. That way people who want to help with feedback or are interested in your game, will know when to check back or such. In the long run, you should just open up a blog and do that. It makes it easier for people to track progress on whatever you release and if you want critique like on here, more people will know when to be on to give it. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)13:01 No.2402226 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)13:01 No.2402226 >>2402088 I think there needs to be another scene before ejaculation. Have you ever thought about making a deepthroat scene? >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)13:04 No.2402231 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)13:04 No.2402231 Sorry, this project is not happening. FBI is already on the case. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)13:10 No.2402234 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)13:10 No.2402234 >>2402088 The shading and smaller details such as the blinking, mouth and head movement are fantastic compared to your earlier animations. The only thing I would suggest is background details such as a glassy reflection on the window or dust particles floating through the air to give it a sense of depth. It's nice to see how much you've improved from your previous works. Glad to see you're still around making these great animations! Keep up the good work. >> 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)13:40 No.2402260 [_] 4chan/f/dude 06/01/14(Sun)13:40 No.2402260 >>2402225 I might make weekly updates on /f/ on Sunday, but only if there's something to show. I don't want to make a blog unless I made a chunk of this game. >>2402226 I'm thinking about it. >>2402234 I'm not too big on the background's quality compared to the rest of the project. But what you see now is a place holder if that clears things up. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)14:11 No.2402277 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)14:11 No.2402277 >>2402260 Just saying you should organize releases better and try to be consistent. >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)14:48 No.2402307 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)14:48 No.2402307 Hey good jorb do more plz thx in advance >> Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)14:54 No.2402315 [_] Anonymous 06/01/14(Sun)14:54 No.2402315 Quite the journey you made /f/dude, glad to see you returning to, hopefully, finish what you started. Good luck to you and the rest who participates ________________________________________________________________________________ [Return] [Top] ________________________________________________________________________________ Post a Reply Return Top Refresh ________________________________________________________________________________ [Advertise on 4chan] ________________________________________________________________________________ Delete Post: [ [_] File Only] Delete [BUTTON] Style: [Yotsuba..] [a/b/c/d/e/f/g/gif/h/ hr/k/m/o/p/r/s/t/u/v/ vg/vr/w/wg][i/ic][r9k][s4s][cm/ hm/lgbt/y][3/adv/an/asp/biz/cgl/ ck/co/diy/fa/fit/gd/hc/int/jp/ lit/mlp/mu/n/out/po/pol/sci/soc/ sp/tg/toy/trv/tv/vp/wsg/x] [Settings] [Home] [Disable Mobile View / Use Desktop Site] [Enable Mobile View / Use Mobile Site] All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. |