File: Japanese Voyeur.swf-(6.92 MB, 320x240, Japanese)
[_] apanese adult video WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)20:02 No.2392519
Train on a train!
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)20:09 No.2392528
But it's like, the exact opposite
>> [_] WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)20:20 No.2392541
You're right; Exhibitionist; sorry about that.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)20:23 No.2392546
is this real????
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)20:30 No.2392554
Why is it that nobody gives a fuck?
(except the men giving to her.)
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)20:32 No.2392555
>> [_] WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)20:43 No.2392568
Because it's Japan. It's a cultural thing of non confrontation/leave it alone. Same reason that
so many of them live closely to one another without ever socially interacting much....which is
part of what led to the birth decline.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)20:46 No.2392570
Do you actually believe she likes it, or that she just need some Yens ?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)20:50 No.2392573
>> [_] WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)21:00 No.2392583
Maybe both. I have had hookers that have actually enjoyed the time they spent with me so....dunno.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)21:03 No.2392585
The real question for me is why the fuck no one stop them in public transport, or why the owner
of the store does not do anything. For some people, it would be funny, but for a vast majority of
them, it would be just sick. Because Japan ?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)21:05 No.2392588
Sorry did not see you already answered this one. Anyway, time to fap on japanese teens. Night
>> [_] WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)21:06 No.2392589
Original file name was ""
It was circling the internet forums a few years back (probably before 4chan), you can pick up the
trail for the file from here:
I got it from one of my car forums several years ago...I think 04' or so...?
>> [_] WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)21:09 No.2392592
Maybe just because Kanto, I think if it was Kansai or somewhere south of there something would
more likely have been said. Japan is more than just one culture, dialect, and race. Kanto people
are usually more reserved.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)21:59 No.2392633
This is the hottest thing I have ever seen. for the love of god more
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 05/22/14(Thu)22:25 No.2392654
The mere act of being there to see it is shameful to them.
That's why victims of abuse in trains don't report their crimes and let themselves be abused.
You are from before 4chan?
Have any interesting old stuff?
>> [_] WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)22:51 No.2392675
This and that...I used to save videos like this to CD-R's so as not to be on the hard drive. But
I was also on 56K back then, so the videos I have are either small or few. I mean I have vids,
but most of the NWS stuff is small video clips. Vast majority are car stuff and viewable from
Youtube now.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)22:55 No.2392678
shamefur dispray
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 05/22/14(Thu)23:00 No.2392682
I c.
Do you have /f/ stuff and old internet things or those weren't you hobbies back then?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)23:22 No.2392698
Japanese bitches are ugly as fuck. Who is she suppose to be? Lilo all grown up?
>> [_] WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)23:28 No.2392708
Yeah, and I've posted some of it here.
I used to enjoy flash vids a lot as most of them were quite small compared to videos like
wmv/avi/mpeg/ et cetera, which were the standards back then (most nowadays are .flv and .mp4).
Most of the old good stuff can be found on newgrounds, but some of it were made by authors that
have dropped off the face of the internet. Things like "512 productions" and such. I posted a few
of his old videos on here like "Ugly Girl" "Windows 95" and such.
My hobbies are first and foremost cars, but just like anyone else that's hung around the
internet, you enjoy the other things to look at.
As far as old flash stuff, check out artists like Legendary Frog if you want to see what the net
was like. Before 4chan, the internet addicts hung around placed like Ebaum's World and Something
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 05/22/14(Thu)23:31 No.2392711
Ebaum's World? It had OC? I thoug it was all stolen.
I got into the net by the time I was 12, but I was too yuong to udnerstand anything. Loved
watching stick figure flashes on Newgrounds
>> [_] WKZworks 05/22/14(Thu)23:42 No.2392716
It did, but it was mostly submissions of people being silly in front of their computers.
Oh yeah, another website that was popular around my late teens and early 20's was consumption
junction and Especially the "Fuck of the month" section.
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 05/22/14(Thu)23:48 No.2392719
What was Rotten, exacly?
Never heard of consumption junction.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/14(Thu)23:50 No.2392720
rotten is where your innocence dies fully and completely.
>> [_] WKZworks 05/23/14(Fri)00:00 No.2392730
Basically shock stuff/gore before we were so desensitized we all didn't care anymore.