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This is resource TVJE9L8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/6 -2014 11:43:46

Ended:12/6 -2014 15:49:37

Checked:12/6 -2014 16:32:27

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Paradise Lost.swf-(9.3 MB, 640x480, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)04:39 No.2413761

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)04:44 No.2413766

  >you will never parade down the streets of a victorious Berlin with the rest of the hiterjugend

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)04:50 No.2413769

  >Oh cool, some alt history
  >implying if d-day had gone badly 'mmurica wouldn't have just nuked the Nazis
  >seriously the only thing that could have even given them a chance were if they hadn't attacked
  Russia and if Nippon hadn't accidentally Pearl Harbor then MAYBE
  >gay music video
  Thoroughly dissapointed

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)05:16 No.2413778

  >Implying war with Russia wasn't inevitible

  They were already building their war infrastructure whilst talking about staying out of the war.
  The plan always was to jump Germany whilst it had its back turned. No-one hated the commies more
  than the Nazis and the commies returned that hatred right back. It was a campaign against the
  communists in Germany that finally tilted the scales and put Hitler into power.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)05:19 No.2413780

  >Implying America didn't invent the nuke purely due to Operation Paperclip

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)05:28 No.2413788

  b-but muh murricans made da nooks

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)05:44 No.2413793

  By now, things would still be the god damn same as they are now, except we wouldn't have to read
  The Diary of Ann Bitch. Besides, who wants to raise a bunch of smelly ass chickens and cut grass
  by hand? You wanna live like that, go to Africa. And take your stupid ass Enya tapes with you,

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)06:35 No.2413812

  Officially, yes. The Germans were made American citizens.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)07:10 No.2413827

  This is just Wolfenstein

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)07:21 No.2413836

  /r/ing the name of the song that plays

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)07:25 No.2413840

  >you will never be born into a junker family and become an SS officer on family ranking instead
  of talent

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)08:44 No.2413870

  pretty much this.. I know it's really famous 'n shit but me and remembering names of songs are a

>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/14(Thu)08:48 No.2413876

  >And take your stupid ass Enya tapes with you, too
  that should give you somewhere to start looking
Created: 12/6 -2014 11:43:46 Last modified: 12/6 -2014 16:32:32 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:17:29