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This is resource VIEL1G5, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/5 -2014 11:53:06

Ended:26/5 -2014 18:14:45

Checked:26/5 -2014 18:28:00

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 72.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 3 links ending with .swf in this thread (2 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: How Many Bodies.swf-(3.25 MB, 848x480, Other)
[_] >>2395892 friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)04:41 No.2395961

  flashes that have to do with the government, guns or anything else along the lines always seems
  to kick up shit like >>2395892 so here goes nothing.

  (last time this flash was posted it got up to 149 comments before /f/ fucked up)

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:43 No.2395963

  oh boy here we go
  >inb4 100 replies

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:46 No.2395965

  As long as he was shooting kikes I'm ok with this.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:47 No.2395966

  epic, absolutely epic

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:49 No.2395971

  Can't flim flam the zim zam.

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)04:51 No.2395973

  for you my friend im going to post a flash

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:54 No.2395981

  Thanks m8.

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)04:55 No.2395984


>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:56 No.2395985


  virginia tech didn't even use assault rifles, just so you all know

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)04:57 No.2395988

  i didn't know that, thanks for the info
  i can't say im surprised for not all shootings have to involve assault rifles

  captcha: ehnazil enforcement

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:57 No.2395989

  Ignorance is strength
  Freedom is slavery

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:58 No.2395990

  hey /f/, which k-on would you fuck?

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)04:58 No.2395991

  oh yeah i heard there was a shooting today, if i remember only one died

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)04:59 No.2395993

  nice captcha, and yeah no problem

  the biggest and most glaringly obvious thing thats wrong with gun control laws is gun free zones
  really are just fish in a barrel

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:00 No.2395994

  Your mom with a "strap-on".

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)05:02 No.2396000

  look at the ratio

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:02 No.2396001

  If you didn't check the thread thanks again.

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)05:03 No.2396002

  i checked it, i was waiting for a post cooldown.
  thanks man though

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)05:07 No.2396007

  whenever i'm talking with my mates about gun laws, the statement "you could kill someone with a
  rock or any other object" always comes up, and taking away guns would do nothing, considering
  majority of criminals and so on will obtain their firearms illegally this rule just means that
  most of their victims won't be able to defend against them

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:08 No.2396009

  >with just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since 1950 has taken place where
  citizens are banned from carrying guns. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had 3 of the
  worst 6 school shootings
  there it is

  you don't have that stuff where a criminal/excriminal said they love the anti gun laws because
  criminals don't follow them anyway?

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)05:11 No.2396012

  >In 1982, Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one
  firearm in the house. The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw,
  compared to just 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole.
  > Today, the violent crime rate in Kennesaw is still 85% lower than Georgia's or the national

  and again


  This just sums up everything

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)05:17 No.2396018


>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:32 No.2396037

  Fort Hood, Texas had a mass shooting in 2009, and another one this year.

  Fort Hood is a military base, with armed guards, and is located in a state with some of the least
  restrictive gun laws in the U.S.

  Next time at least find some lies that are hard to disprove.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:36 No.2396039


>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)05:38 No.2396043


>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:39 No.2396045

  Although I agree with your opinion, your "fact" is complete bullshit. I can think of several
  shootings where they weren't banned from carrying guns just off the top of my head. I'm sure
  there has been plenty.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:46 No.2396052

  yeah I pretty much agree with you on that, I was just quoting the page which doesn't seem all
  that well researched

  >According to testimony from witnesses, Hasan passed up several opportunities to shoot civilians,
  and instead targeted soldiers in uniform,[30] who were not carrying personal firearms in
  accordance with military policy.

  its an interesting read but yeah the page probably needs some updating

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:46 No.2396053

  Kennesaw had a shooting just a couple weeks ago. Somebody went apeshit at a Fedex.

  .. which is a gun-free zone

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:51 No.2396055

  >military base
  That effectively makes it a gun-free zone. Servicemen aren't allowed to carry on base, only
  military police can. And military bases are HUGE. Fort Hood has 45,000 soldiers, 9,000 civilian
  employees, and covers 214,000 acres.
  Thanks for showing us all how you know absolutely nothing about the situation at hand.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:55 No.2396056

  Wait, servicemen aren't allowed to carry on base? I guess that's a law Idaho doesn't follow.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)05:59 No.2396057


  pls ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:00 No.2396058

  Why is this situation triggering you or something faggot?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:04 No.2396059

  I would allow hundreds of thousands more of these shootings than let some one take away my right
  to bear arms.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:04 No.2396060

  The problem with guns is not guns, is niggers and Burgermerican nonsense. In Canda, elgium and
  Switzerland people have a lot more weapons and they don't shoot the shit out of each other.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:10 No.2396062

  I love how shit like this Rustles everyone's Jimmies to the absolute Max

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:11 No.2396063

  the US has societal problems, thats why there are any shootings at all

  granted our government isn't trying to ban long kitchen knives and men standing to pee

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:11 No.2396065

  Very True, Niggers are Terrible in the US

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:16 No.2396069

  No, they're not. And it's not a law per se, it's DoD policy. You're only allowed to carry if
  you're working in law enforcement or security, OR if you're in a combat zone.

>> [_] The Devastator 05/26/14(Mon)06:26 No.2396071

  Confirmed for spoon fed retard who has never been on any military installation. ALL military
  installations are gun free zones with worse police response times than normal cities.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:29 No.2396072

  Neither is Switzerland, the most based country in Europe.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:30 No.2396074

  all the bullets just could have said Oakland. that shit needs to be taken care of first. thats a
  place we all know for a fact will have another school shooting

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)06:41 No.2396082

  >why i posted it
  always fun to see peoples reactions and comments

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:47 No.2396088

  getting close...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)06:48 No.2396090

  Just for the sake of argument, ignoring the fact that the genie is well and truly out of the
  bottle in the US: would you at least agree that if it was somehow possible to take away ALL the
  guns then that would be a good thing to do?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)07:00 No.2396096


  That AR looks exactly like the one I own, although it seems to be firing fully automatic which
  would make it an m4 or m16 technically.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)07:03 No.2396098


  all the guns in the world? yeah kinda but it wouldn't really make a difference people would just
  go back to killing each other with pointed objects.

  different guy btw

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)07:21 No.2396104

  I was specifically talking about the Swiss for that part actually

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)07:21 No.2396105

  I think it would be better if at the very least some degree of firearms training was mandatory in
  american public schools, it wouldn't even need to be a whole semester thing just like a 3 week
  course starting with gun safety do's and dont's in middle schools, then, proper control and carry
  in high school, and then maybe a field trip to a live range with an ante up of x amount for ammo
  from the parents and then, bang bang bang, at least we all know how to carry one, and then home
  ownership/rental should require minimum one firearm in the household and a minimum of ammunition
  in case of emergency. I don't like the idea of suspiciously eye ballin' every person I come
  across on a daily basis, but, at least they're eye ballin' me back. crime rates would drop hella
  low. what do I think of a world without guns? mostly bludging tools until we work our way to
  lasers and power armor

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)07:22 No.2396106

  paragraphing nigger, do you use it

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)07:24 No.2396107

  its gay

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)07:25 No.2396108

  50 replies get

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)07:27 No.2396110

  Bitch please. This guy doesn't even use correct capitalization and punctuation.

>> [_] Not this fucking song Not this fucking song 05/26/14(Mon)07:46 No.2396124

  Not this fucking song

>> [_] the n-word 05/26/14(Mon)08:03 No.2396135

  I enjoyed the flash and started to consider my views when I saw "Moms Demand Action."

  The issue with disarmament within the US is that unless the state and federal government can take
  care of criminals with guns there is no reason to disarm law abiding citizens.

  While I agree that firearms should be slightly more difficult to obtain, and to appease the
  libruls we can put some licensing and more training required to purchase handguns and assault
  weapons (Because of knee-jerk reactions) mostly backed with some sort of pysch test to route out
  the obvious nuts.
  While Psych tests are easy to BS your way through at least the ones who are truly Nucking Futters.


>> [_] the n-word 05/26/14(Mon)08:05 No.2396136


  Firearms kept in the home where the parents educate their children in what they really are and
  are capable of can be good things for protection and peace of mind.

  In the end before anyone can go try to ban guns from the US as a whole go fix you inner cities
  where the gun laws are the strictest yet have the highest gun deaths and crime rates due to gang

  >Inb4 get rid of niggers

>> [_] Anonyrnous 05/26/14(Mon)08:27 No.2396141


>> [_] Anonyrnous 05/26/14(Mon)08:31 No.2396143

  That's 22 shootings in Europe from 1913 to 2014, about half of the American school shootings in
  2014 only.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)08:58 No.2396154

  Geeezus gomer all millitary personel are required to keep thier guns in a safe area with the
  exception of MP's and people training on marksman courses you R-tard. there was like maybe one
  guy that had a gun that needed to run five minutes just to find the nut

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)09:08 No.2396157

  I Agree with this Anon, we should Get Rid of all the Niggers in the US, ship them back to Africa
  or Just kill 'em

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)09:09 No.2396159


  what this guy said >>2396098

>> [_] friendly-neighbourhood-rapeman 05/26/14(Mon)09:18 No.2396168

>> [_] the n-word 05/26/14(Mon)09:53 No.2396191

  I approve of this


  The biggest issue disarming the US would be, aside from the politics of it all since that is
  another ball all together, would be getting the guns out of the hands of criminals who still have

  For the school shootings that's not a snap of the fingers quick fix by banning gunz because
  they're bad, they are easily available whether it be in people's own homes (such as in the sandy
  hook shootings) or available through a nearby store (I.E. the Aurora shootings).

  Whether the end goal is no gunz or not there is a clear and evident need for more control of some
  sort. The issue isn't the individual owners as much as it is the possibility for a nut job to go
  buy a used handgun from nigger-joe down the street or even go to a nearby store and go through a
  5 day waiting period which can mostly just check criminal records and any obvious mental issues
  that have been legally recorded.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)10:00 No.2396194

  you're not curing the problem, just the symptoms.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)10:22 No.2396206

  Do you retards realize how easy it would be to turn this against the military and government?
  Knock it off.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)10:32 No.2396212

  regulation seems to be working fine for us up here in canada, boys. Now if only we could get that
  retarded faggot leader of ours out of office...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)10:36 No.2396214

  >Whether the end goal is no gunz or not there is a clear and evident need for more control of
  some sort.
  Why the fuck do you think these shootings always happen in places where nobody else has guns?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)10:36 No.2396215

  Moms Demand Action is the biggest group of retards since MADD and RIAA. We have one of these
  dumbfucks in our nice, quiet town who moved here from fucking Chicago and is trying to change the
  local laws to match her home shithole. Their mantra is something about "common sense" and they
  clearly have none.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)10:37 No.2396217

  The only way to cut gun crime right down in those gun nut areas is by forcing every single person
  to carry a gun or go to prison. At all times.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)11:02 No.2396232

  > A) I’m lazy. At any given moment in this world if you ask me if I’d rather be standing up or
  sitting down, I wanna be sitting down. So an extra 30 seconds relaxing on the throne is A-OK by

  What the fuck did I just read?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)11:06 No.2396233

  >feminist outsider tries to change everything in her new group to suit her wants
  You don't say?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)11:08 No.2396236

  le nsa shill

>> [_] Anonymous 05/26/14(Mon)11:12 No.2396238

  >gun nut areas
  I suspect the areas you are thinking of are not the problem.
Created: 26/5 -2014 11:53:06 Last modified: 26/5 -2014 18:28:01 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:07:26