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Robotic Waltz » Rideback.swf
9,73 MiB, 02:29 | [W] [I]

Threads (3):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 21/10 -2012 19:51:06 Ended: 21/10 -2012 23:35:05Flashes: 1 Posts: 19
File: Robotic Waltz » Rideback.swf-(9.73 MB, Anime)
[_] AMV for you Anon 1790109
>> [_] Anon 1790117 where is this from? sauce?
>> [_] Anon 1790119 >># The anime is rideback No sauce on the music, sorry, the original youtube video didn't have the sauce either.
>> [_] Anon 1790121 >># have you tried searching for, you know, THE FUCKING NAME OF THE FLASH?
>> [_] Anon 1790127 >># I just looked it up again, turns out the song is "65 Days Of Static - Aren't We All Running"
>> [_] Anon 1790129 I set up a download link for the music. The name of the song is wrong but you can change that later. -_Robotic_Waltz__Rideback.html
>> [_] Anon 1790132 >># thanks fucktard, you uploaded the song to a host that doesnt allow you to DL without an account. fuck you.
>> [_] Anon 1790136 >># And you paid how much for the song?
>> [_] Anon 1790137 >># the accounts are free you lazy fuck. way to be a whiny little bitch.
>> [_] Anon 1790141 >># that's not the point, nigger. 4shared is d/l faggottry, /f/ wants one-click-no-hassle access.
>> [_] Anon 1790146 >># if you want one click no hassle access then go get it yourself. op has been nice enough to find it for you and now you're whining like a cunt.
>> [_] Anon 1790161 >># Nyan nyan nyan. I'm simply explaining what your pious ass can't grasp, and that is that one shouldn't need to attach themselves to a d/l kabal to click through to a download. Personally, I don't give a rats ass because: 1: don't want teh fuggin content, 2: already a member of that phail repository, cuz mp3skull pulled a fuck-u move and joined with them to access the links. 3: double niggers on the dime.
>> [_] Anon 1790165 >># How about this, go fuck yourself.
>> [_] Anon 1790172 >># Hmmm... No, not an option. But thanks for playing, and enjoy your Rice-A-Roni!
>> [_] Anon 1790175 >># I hope that you die you little neckbeard inbred cunt dick face. Op has been a massively cool guy in this thread, and you have not only not contributed in any way, you have also been a dickwad. Fuck you prick.
>> [_] Anon 1790199 Ugh, you're all faggots. Here. kU Just covert it.
>> [_] Anon 1790201 >># see: >>#
>> [_] Anon 1790202 cool anime, song was kind of generic :(
>> [_] Anon 1790244 2deep5me

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 18/9 -2012 10:23:23 Ended: 25/9 -2012 06:17:43Flashes: 1 Posts: 8
File: Robotic Waltz » Rideback.swf-(9.73 MB, Loop)
[_] Anon 1767356
>> [_] Anon 1767370 I fucking cried mang
>> [_] Anon 1767437 This robotic bicycle thingy looks like illegitimate child of Demolishor and Motorcycle.
>> [_] Anon 1767469 Fucking amazing.
>> [_] Anon 1767478 I forgot how feels this show was.
>> [_] Anon 1767496 /r/ the music and the anime.
>> [_] Anon 1767508 Anime is Rideback
>> [_] Anon 1767527 >># 65DaysOfStatic - Aren't We All Running

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/8 -2012 01:34:26 Ended: 7/8 -2012 04:48:26Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File: Robotic Waltz » Rideback.swf-(9.73 MB, Anime)
[_] Is it time? null !!3lIxD8oFumJ 1737622 side note... youtube is incredibly fucking slow today! I blame curiosity.
>> [_] Anon 1737626 wow, just wow...
>> [_] Anon 1737628 Is Robotic Waltz the name of the anime, cause I need to watch this now.
>> [_] null !!3lIxD8oFumJ 1737631 swap it. rideback is the anime, and a great one at that.
>> [_] Anon 1737646 wait the guy playing piano is not on this anime its from a movie called EVE no jikan a cool anime too
>> [_] Anon 1737658 can someone upload extreme rice?
>> [_] Anon 1737660 rideback was awesome
>> [_] Karai Pantsu 1737745 The concept of Rideback was pretty awesome, but the plot was a godawful mess, and the ending was ridiculous.
>> [_] Anon 1737788 song is "Aren't we all Running" by "65 Days of static" for those that don't know.
>> [_] Anon 1737812 After reading about the downward slope ahead after episode 4, I dropped this. Now after watching this I think I'll make my own opinion.
Created: 7/8 -2012 03:26:50 Last modified: 13/3 -2019 12:08:00 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:46:29