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Threads (3):
File: Shower Me With Your Love.swf-(9.97 MB, Other) [_] 80's Black People Anon 1768226 >> [_] Anon 1768321 beautiful
File: Shower Me With Your Love.swf-(9.97 MB, Other) [_] Time for Romance Anon 1745731 >that feel when black people will never sing this beautifully again for a long time >> [_] Anon 1745808 Pretty much, most of the good artist have either died, been incarcerated, retired or lost their charm. >> [_] Anon 1745867 expected a hood, good song though >> [_] Anon 1745886 He does this guy remind me of?
File: Shower Me With Your Love.swf-(9.97 MB, Other) [_] You Relax, You Lose Anon 1739885 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1739889 Needs more Hood... >> [_] Anon 1739904 Around blacks... >> [_] Anon 1739906 ;_; >> [_] Anon 1739920 >not a female bukkake video color me disappointed >> [_] Anon 1739937 No hoods, just sayan >> [_] Anon 1739999 >black people will never sing this beautifully ever again >> [_] Anon 1740009 Why is there no more musics like this damn it! >> [_] Anon 1740017 >># >Dat Get >> [_] Anon 1740019 >># They will just that all this dirty rap garbage is all they can appreciate also dem quads >> [_] Anon 1740051 Where the hood at? >> [_] Anon 1740094 Fucker looks like Lister and the Cat's lovechild. >> [_] Anon 1740106 >># I am sad that I can't think of a counterexample. >># > They will just that all this dirty rap garbage is all they can appreciate Trying to understand this has filled my mind with fuck. >> [_] Anon 1740114 >On edge, expecting hood, loud noses, etc. >Nope, just good music >Fuck >># It's true. |