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Threads (1):
File: Zeitgeist.Toronto.Canada.swf-(7.95 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1754972 >> [_] Anon 1755003 To boring to make it through. Someone who saw the whole thing post what you thought of it. >> [_] Anon 1755012 >># It actually sounds like a good idea. Open source designs with 3d printers, making most of the shipping industry obsolete (simple items like coat hangers, spatulas or what have you being synthesizable from home). Doubt it's going to be in our lifetime, though. Sure, the product and system will be feasible, but getting it implemented on any significant scale will be damn near impossible due to corporate interference. God bless the bastards that are trying anyhow. >> [_] Anon 1755045 Open source software doesn't respect your freedom! Posted from my Lemote. >> [_] Anon 1755073 >># Doubtfully. Someone still needs to ship raw material paste across the world. Moreover, "fabricated food" sounds like a "pink slime" debacle all over again, and the food industry is a big part of the shipping industry. At least you acknowledge the fabrication limitations. Not all materials can be safely stored in a malleable paste, or a semi-viscous liquid." Digital circuitry will be an issue for a machine that merely extrudes. Some simple things like regular paper would not be possible even with a wood pulp paste. You can't extrude fabric. Additional manual adjustments during the formation process complicates the machinery. This kind of technology is exciting, don't get me wrong, but there are a lot of complications beyond cost. Additionally, how does this push us closer to the vision of the economy that Zeitgeist promotes? I foresee the same resources allocation tensions that cause anxiety in the current system. |